
Bar business: how to open a fresh bar. Fresh bar business plan: equipment and necessary documents

business plan fresh bar

As you know, today a healthy lifestyle has become one of the most relevant fashion trends. More and more people begin to engage in fitness and refuse fast food and other products that are of little use and even harmful to the body. In this regard, freshly squeezed juices, or fresh juices, became very popular.

So, people who monitor their health are already cautiously glancing at packaged drinks sold in stores. Given this trend, it is possible to build a very profitable business selling freshly squeezed juices. Moreover, the competition in this segment is still not so great, and the profitability of such a business is quite high. We’ll talk about how to draw up a business plan for the fresh bar and bring it to life today.

Fresh Juice Business History

The idea of ​​fresh bars came to us from America, where the first institutions of this kind appeared in the 90s of the last century as opposed to the numerous fast food invented there. Thus, entrepreneurs contrasted tasty and healthy juices with harmful and obesity-based drinks and food. Fresh bars came to us at the beginning of the 2000s and immediately began to rapidly gain popularity.

Registration of necessary documentation

If you decide to open a bar business on the basis of freshly squeezed juices, it will be easiest to register as an individual entrepreneur. If the business will develop rapidly or if you plan to open a business together with a partner and co-founder, it makes sense to choose a form of limited liability partnership. Get ready for the registration to take some time (usually about a month).

bar business

The business plan of the fresh bar should also include obtaining permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service. The complexity of this procedure will depend on the location of your point.

So, if you organize a bar in a large shopping and entertainment center, you will most likely be able to complete all the formalities in a short time. Indeed, when putting such an object into operation, as a rule, it is immediately provided for the possibility of opening points for the sale of drinks, for which the administration must have appropriate permissions.

How to open a fresh bar: business features

The main question posed by the beginning “social supporters” is the need to find out: does it make sense to open a separate outlet or is it more optimal to organize an entire network at once? Opinions of experts on this subject differ. So, some believe that if you are lucky with the deployment of a fresh bar, then it is quite possible to get by with one point.

Others are convinced that it is necessary to start exclusively with a network of at least three locations selling freshly squeezed juices. In this regard, when preparing a business plan for a fresh bar, a future entrepreneur must independently make this decision, which, by the way, will be largely determined by the size of its starting capital.

Choosing a location for the location of the outlet

Due to the fact that products of this kind do not belong to the category of cheap ones, and not everyone can afford freshly squeezed juices and cocktails, the fresh bar should ideally be located near expensive shops and fitness clubs. In addition, we recommend that you look at large supermarkets and shopping centers, as well as water parks.

Of course, renting retail space in such establishments is expensive. But due to the fact that your point will consist of only one bar, you will need no more than 5-6 square meters near the wall. Moreover, experts recommend organizing a point of a square rather than elongated shape. On such an area, it will be much more convenient for the seller to work.

Fresh bar decoration

After you decide on the location, you should pay increased attention to the design of your outlet. Indeed, in order for a potential client to pay attention to it, it is necessary to arrange it in an attractive, bright and original style. In this regard, the development of a creative idea for a bar should become an integral part of your business plan.


Specialists in this case claim that grapefruit, pineapple, orange and carrot juices are best sold. In this case, the undisputed leader is the orange fresh. In general, at the initial stage it is recommended to include at least seven items in the assortment of your bar: three citrus juices (orange, tangerine and grapefruit), as well as apple, pear, carrot and beetroot.

bar ideas

It should be borne in mind that when you include drinks from root vegetables in your menu, you will need to equip a vegetable workshop to clean them. Therefore, the best option would be to select a supplier who will deliver to you already refined products, from which it remains only to make juice.

Fresh Bar Equipment

The main unit for the production of fresh juices is a juicer. They will need a few: for citrus fruits and pomegranates, as well as centrifugal and screw. One juicer will not work because it is impossible to squeeze juice from various raw materials equally well on a device of the same type.

For example, small berry bones are capable of very quickly clogging the cells of a centrifugal unit, as a result of which the personnel have to constantly be distracted by its cleaning.

Due to the fact that orange juice is most popular, for its production you must immediately select a separate device. Today on the market there are units for making fresh oranges, which require minimal human intervention. However, they are not cheap, and at the initial stage of the business it does not make sense to buy them.

If your plans include making smoothies, you will also need to buy blenders, a refrigerator for storing ingredients, a freezer for ice and ice cream. It will also be very good if you can bring water to the point. After all, there is always a need to wash your hands or rinse again with fruits, vegetables and measuring glasses.


If you plan to start a family bar business, then at the initial stage you can do without hired employees. However, keep in mind that the entrepreneur himself should not stand behind the counter, as he will already have enough worries: contracts with suppliers, establishing relations with inspection and controlling bodies, the landlord, etc.

The business plan of a fresh bar should ideally include two sellers for one point. It is advisable that they work, replacing each other in a week. Such a scheme is very convenient for both the owner and employees. At the same time, the seller submits the cash desk and report once a week, without being distracted by this procedure daily.

Also, one should not forget about accounting services. It can be organized in two ways: hire a specialist or use the services of a company that provides such services. You will need a full-time accountant if you organize a large network of points selling freshly squeezed juices.

The opening of the fresh bar: the financial side of the issue

To begin with, we suggest considering the amount of investment needed to start such a business. The main expenses will be on the purchase of equipment and will amount to about 9-10 thousand US dollars.At the same time, juicers for pomegranates and citrus fruits will cost 3-4 thousand dollars, and universal units - 1.5 thousand. The remaining amount falls on the purchase of refrigeration equipment, a counter and various small things.

how to open fresh bar

Another 2-3 thousand dollars will have to be spent on the design of the outlet and installation of equipment. Do not forget about the monthly rental. In places with good traffic it will average 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

For salaries, sellers need to lay an amount of 350-400 dollars. Another 200-250 dollars a month you will spend on accounting services.

Thus, the initial cost of organizing the work of the fresh bar in the first two months will be about 15-16 thousand dollars. Moreover, this amount does not include the costs of the purchase and transportation of raw materials.

However, according to experts, the profitability of the fresh bar reaches 300%. Provided that the work is organized correctly, this will make it possible to recoup the initial investment within 6-8 months. In the future, an entrepreneur can rely on a profit of $ 2-3 thousand dollars from each outlet.

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