
Own business: juice production. Freshly squeezed juices as a business from A to Z

freshly squeezed juices as a business

The popularity of freshly squeezed juices only grows annually. This is largely due to the low quality of juices on store shelves. For the best quality, the buyer is willing to pay more.

Raw materials for production are quite cheap, and the juices themselves are sold with a wrapping rate of 100%. That is why freshly squeezed juices as a business is a very profitable business.

Fresh juice is a source of vitamins in winter, and in summer also a delicious refreshing drink. The consumers of this product are mainly athletes, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, and mothers with children. Many can organize a small production of juices, since it does not require serious initial investments. You will need:

  • come up with an assortment of juices for bottling;
  • purchase the necessary equipment;
  • conduct an advertising campaign;
  • purchase ingredients for juice production;
  • hire a seller;
  • choose a suitable place for the sale of products;
  • register your "business" and get permits.

Product range

The range of juices on offer is one of the most important components on which your business will be built. Fresh juices, in particular citrus fruits, are the most popular. It should be understood that in different cities people are different, and their tastes, respectively, are also different.

But you should not build a business only on citrus juices. A great addition to them can be milkshakes and vegetable juices. They not only diversify the assortment, but also attract additional customers. Some consumers value mobility, so it is advisable to sell juices not only in glasses, but also in bottles.

At the same time, do not make too much assortment of juices, as many products spoil quickly, especially in the summer. This in turn will result in losses. Therefore, unclaimed juices should be removed from the sale, and the best-selling ones should be left. For example, if freshly squeezed carrot juice is rarely bought, and raw materials deteriorate, then it is worth excluding it from the assortment.

Sometimes, especially on hot days, queues may form. To avoid them, you should prepare and bottle the juice in advance. Its quantity should be adjusted so that it does not stagnate on the counter and quickly sells out.


For the effective operation of the outlet for the sale of fresh juices, certain equipment is required, among which:

  • car wash (5,000 - 20,000 rubles);
  • bar counter and chairs (10 000-25 000 rubles);
  • universal juicer (6 000-25 000 rubles);
  • citrus juice squeezer (5,000-20,000 rubles);
  • ice generator (10,000-20,000 rubles);
  • refrigerator compartment (5 000-18 000 rub.);
  • equipment for cleaning raw materials (3,000-7,000 rubles).

Choosing a point of sale

It should be remembered that the right place to sell products is the key to a successful business. Among the most successful places for the sale of juices should be noted:

  • large shopping complexes;
  • entertainment centers;
  • amusement parks;
  • car and railway stations;
  • Wellness complexes.

In the summer, any place with a high concentration of people is suitable, since at this time of the year freshly squeezed juices are in greatest demand. This type of business can bring good profit both in a megalopolis and in a small town.

Freshly squeezed juices (business plan) - initial investment

  • Lease of land in a shopping center (15,000-30,000 rubles).
  • Purchase of equipment (30 000-150 000 rubles)
  • Raw materials purchase (10,000-30,000 rubles).
  • Salary of the seller (10 000-20 000 rubles).
  • Advertising campaign (15 000-30 000 rubles).
  • Other expenses (10,000 rubles).

In total, 100-300 thousand rubles will be required to open a point for selling fresh juices.Net income for the month will be 25-50 thousand. Given these numbers, the business will pay off in no less than 6 months.

Freshly squeezed juices as a business is a very lucrative business. You can organize it in several ways.

Jus bar

Organization of a jus-bar in large shopping and entertainment centers - this option includes a large assortment of not only juice, but also various soft drinks.

business fresh juices

Sometimes in such establishments it is advisable to sell oxygen cocktails. Freshly squeezed juices as a business bring big profits in jus bars. To open one point, starting capital of 600 thousand rubles is required. The bulk of the money will be spent on equipment such as a professional juicer, furniture, and decoration of a retail outlet. Juice bar is at least 10 m2. It requires a minimum of 2 employees to service it.


Serious investments bring big returns. In a large shopping center, an average bar is visited by at least 100 people a day. Revenues from such a flow of customers reaches 15 thousand rubles per day. Profit per month can reach 450 thousand rubles.


The production of fruit juices is most common in stalls that resemble, for example, an orange in their shape. They are visible from afar and work like a magnet for people who want to quench their thirst. Such stalls will bring the greatest profit in resort or tourist-saturated places in the hot season.

This business option requires less investment than organizing a jus-bar. The cost of such a kiosk is up to 300 thousand, which makes up the bulk of the initial investment. A network of several kiosks is much more efficient, but it also requires large investments, which can reach several millions.


We will proceed from the fact that the cost of a wholesale kilogram of oranges is about 40 rubles. One orange in this case costs 10 rubles. To prepare 200 grams of orange juice, it will take 3 oranges, that is, 30 rubles. A portion (200 grams) of freshly squeezed orange juice costs an average of 100 rubles.

Therefore, with each serving, the income is 70 rubles. Sales volume depends on the location of the outlet and averages 40 servings per day. Total daily income will be equal to 2 800 rubles, and monthly - 84 000 rubles. From this amount should be deducted the costs of staff salaries, rent, taxes, etc. Net profit will be about 45,000 per month from one point.

Wing machines

The production of juices and their further sale can be carried out using machines. To accommodate one such device, no more than 1 m is required2Therefore, the rent will be minimal. The advantage of the machine over a regular outlet is that it works offline around the clock and does not require the hiring of sellers. It is advantageous to place such devices at airports, educational institutions, train stations, shopping centers and other places with a lot of traffic.

A network of 10 trading devices can be served by one person. During the day, an average vending machine sells 15-30 servings of juice. Taking into account profit from a portion of 70 rubles, one device can bring up to 2,000 rubles per day. In high-passable places, the income from one machine per month can reach 60,000 rubles, and a network of 10 devices, respectively, will bring about 600,000 rubles without taking into account the employee’s salary, electricity costs and other things.


Given the relatively low investment and quick payback, freshly squeezed juices as a business look very attractive.

fruit juice production

But it should be understood that this type of business is seasonal in nature and largely depends on the location of the outlet. A kiosk or jus-bar located in a small shopping or entertainment complex is unlikely to bring big profits. In winter, such a point for selling fresh juices will probably be unprofitable.

But organizing a business on freshly squeezed juices in the summer is the best option.Better yet, if the outlet is open in a highly walkable place in some resort town. In this case, even with high competition, a business can pay off within the first month.

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