
Economic security: concept, factors

Any threat, whether external or internal, immediately affects the social and economic system of the state. To protect these areas, you need to ensure security, while taking into account many factors. In order to effectively protect yourself from a critical threat, you should directly understand what economic security is.

What is economic security?

Economic security is the process of defending the needs of life of both the individual and the country in terms of the financial system from factors that come from inside and outside.

The objects of this concept are fixed by law:

  • human rights and freedoms;
  • material and spiritual virtues in society;
  • constitutional order, territorial integrity of the state and its independence.

The subject responsible for security is the country and its specific bodies, which operate through the legislative, executive and judicial powers.


This term must be disassembled as the order of relations between society and the state, and to study this concept it is best to choose a systematic approach. This preference is due to the fact that all processes that are responsible for safety are dependent on each other, and, studying one of them, you can not close your eyes to all the others.economic security


Regional economic security oversees a stable world in a certain territory, which boldly confronts any crisis risks.

International economic security is the stability of order, thanks to which there is a fruitful confrontation with existing warnings of a critical nature. Each power in the world community has the right to:

  1. Freedom of the alternative course of economic development.
  2. Protection from the influence of external enemies, specified in international law.
  3. Resistance to crisis and various external global shocks.

National economic security is responsible for stability and for productively counteracting critical risks from within and without.

Personal security is the stability of the order: international, economic, national and regional, in which there is a counteraction to all existing critical dangers relating to an individual person.

Regions at risk

Economic security in the region is responsible for the stability of the territorial order. It characterizes the order from the point of view of productive functioning in the circumstances of critical situations. This regime should guarantee the provision of living conditions in a destabilizing situation with internal or external influences.economic security of the enterprise

In terms of components, regional security is divided into:

  1. Financial - a system that ensures the socio-economic progress of the region.
  2. Production - a system characterized by the existence of an income basis.
  3. Socio-demographic - a system that indicates the level of development of poverty, the regional market, unemployment, culture, the popularity of education, etc.
  4. Food - a system that reflects the amount of first-class food in the region.
  5. Environmental - a system that determines the level of pollution of adjacent territories and indicators of financial liquidation.

Businesses at Risk

The economic security of the enterprise is a narrow topic and has not yet been widely studied. First of all, there are some developments regarding the elimination of problems, as well as their prevention and protection.The development of the economic security system of an enterprise should be handled by management.

A similar threat can also be called economic management. Sources of its occurrence can be external or internal. External threats mean failures in the strategic zone of the economy, in the zone of strategic resources, in the group of strategic influence. The internal problems should include the strategic potential of the company.

Violation of any of these zones contributes to the further development of the threat and its transition to a global scale. Given this enterprise security scheme, a set of countermeasures should be developed. In case of disasters, crisis or critical state of the company, management will have to take them into account.economic security

Basically, the economic security of the enterprise and its instability have many reasons. Most of them are associated with the mission, strategy of the company, its potential. With a superficial development by the management of the economic and managerial factor of the enterprise, disasters and crises can occur that, accumulating, lead to the destruction of the company.

Strategies and Tactics

The strategy for ensuring the security of the economy involves the formation of plans and missions that will help solve critical threats. It is also necessary to determine the configuration and methods of applying certain forces, the possibility of their regrouping.

Economic security tactics form part of a policy that changes in relation to external and internal threats and the priority of economic interests. Most often, tactical measures are forced forces that are affected by strategic goals.

Economic security is discussed in the legislative documents of the state. Its guarantee is the main function of the country. In total, this is the result of joint efforts.

The state’s strategy, which is aimed at ensuring economic security, should be aimed at supporting the level of industrial enterprises, scientific and technical reserves, stable material well-being of the people, and eliminating conflict situations between layers and groups of the population. For all this, the security system, which consists of certain bodies for the settlement of conflicts and guaranteeing peace, is responsible.

Russia is safe

Economic security - this is the foundation of the national security of the state. Russian law provides for the law "On Security", which dictates the requirements and protection of the economy and defines it as maintaining the interest of Russian citizens.economic security of Russia

As elsewhere, Russia's economic security has risk factors inside and out. The first include:

  1. Stratification of society by property.
  2. The criminalization of society and the economy.
  3. Violation of the stability of the development of scientific and technological potential.

The external danger of Russia include:

  1. Migration of smart people abroad. At the moment, Russia is the main supplier of qualified specialists. Thus, the stratum of society that could ensure the stability of the country in world society now works outside the state.
  2. Illegal export of finances abroad.
  3. Dependence on imported products and neglect of domestic goods.

The following institutions are responsible for providing Russia's national economic security:

  • President - is responsible for leading various institutions to guarantee the peace of the economy;
  • intelligence and counterintelligence system - defines risks, their root and methods of liquidation;
  • The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - develops a legislative framework regarding the guarantee of economic peace;
  • government - coordinates the work of institutions responsible for guaranteeing national security;
  • Security Council - identifies hazards, their origins and directions for elimination.

Threats to the nation and economy

National economic security is the work of the national economy in order to improve and maintain the standard of living of the population. Based on independence, constancy and strength.threats to economic security

National danger is a danger that prevents the satisfaction of national interests. It is the latter that is responsible for the existence of a crisis. The threat to national security is viewed under the prism of various dangers. But without national interest, this threat becomes only a danger in the literal sense of the word.

It is worth distinguishing between these concepts. The threat implies a social factor, but in case of danger, both the dangers of nature and man-made disasters are involved. The threat in one way or another depends on someone else's work aimed at upset stability and causing damage.

A national threat is a direct or side effect that causes damage to many social circumstances.

In the economy, concepts such as “threat to the economy” and “economic threat” should be divided. The first concept is much broader than the second. Threats to economic security are changes in economic approaches in the financial system of a state. The objects of this concept are the economies of not only entire countries, cities, regions, but also the family budget.

As a result of this, the concept of “economic security threat” can be distinguished and defined - these are the phenomena and actions that negatively affect the financial order of the state, and the resolution of all the desires of society and man. But it is also worth remembering that the threat is not the crisis itself, but only the prerequisites for it. Theoretically, a threat can be eliminated by preventing a catastrophe from developing.

Safety system

The economic security system is a combination of subsystems of the state, legal entities and individuals. One of the constituent elements can be considered means for implementing security. The difference in funds is due to the presence of a multi-element configuration of the economy system, which includes technology, research, relationships and various functioning mechanisms.economic security system

Another component of the security system can be considered the functioning of the regulatory framework. She takes care of protecting the rights of the subject, defines the means of maintaining the economic world, standards and forms of responsibility for non-compliance with security.

Department of Russia

In 2011, the General Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption was organized in Russia. This body was formed subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and became an independent organization.

This constituent unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs performs:

  • the production and implementation of public policy and legal regulation;
  • provision of economic security of the country;
  • rebuff to economic and corruption atrocities.

The state is safe

Summing up, it is necessary to consider economic security directly in the context of a power. The country, pursuing a policy of the economy, must carry out targeted actions to achieve the goals and objectives to maintain a stable society. The economic security of the state is included in the system of these goals and is an indicator of effective policy. national economic security

So that it does not lead to a crisis, an effective state policy should be pursued to protect it by improving high productivity and skilled labor, the quality of domestic products, competitiveness in the world market, etc.

Regulating the security system, one cannot unilaterally pay attention only to market mechanisms. Indeed, as it was said at the beginning of the article, economic security is a multi-element structure, the management of which should be multi-level with a systematic approach.

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