
Basic Security

Security refers to the protection of the vital interests of an individual, society or state from various external and internal threats and factors. This is an integral part of any system where a person interacts with the world around him. All types of security are somehow connected with the interaction of people with the environment, the world and humanity as a whole.

What levels?

Life safety is a multifaceted term that implies the safe interaction of a person with the environment as a whole. The habitat, in turn, consists of a combination of various factors: social, technological, natural, which exist around us. Accordingly, the types of security are divided into various structural levels:

  • personal
  • public;
  • state;
  • international.

types of security

Personal and collective security

In this segment, several types of security can be distinguished that are important for a particular person and people in general. It is, first of all, about health safety, when a somatic norm of a person’s state is ensured, which feels the usual functioning of all the systems of his body.

Psychological safety is a person’s internal poise when he adequately responds to external influences and can behave in accordance with the norms and rules established by society. These types of human security are aimed at protecting against criminal or technological impact.

Fire safety requires close attention to the old housing stock, as well as the state of the power grid. Within the framework of natural and environmental safety, the state must provide the necessary protection for the population from various natural factors: floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and so on. It is the state and the society itself, which is represented by the state internal affairs bodies health systems, social development, and so on.

State security

The following types of security are related to state protection. Within the framework of these measures, the security of the constitutional system, the integrity and sovereignty of the country, and the protection of the state from terrorism must be ensured. All this is regulated within the framework of the national economy, because any state should be protected from both internal and external threats. In the country, measures must be developed that protect information and national flows. The entities that provide all these types of security are the Security Council, the Federal Security Service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other government agencies.

types of safety measures

Collective security

Certain types of security belong to international systems that can protect the world community as a whole. So, in the framework of anti-war security, active protection is carried out against various armed conflicts between countries and various blocs. Timely measures are taken for anti-epidemiological safety, effective operations aimed at preventing various epidemics and dangerous diseases. Various countries work together effectively to organize the fight against organized crime.

Some types of security of the Russian Federation are aimed at providing emergency international humanitarian assistance to the population of their own and other countries that are in the zone of emergency situations, disasters, natural disasters.Collective security is provided by the UN, Interpol, various world banks, UNESCO and many other organizations.

Global security

The highest level of security is a global security system that affects the interests of all mankind, and not individual countries or nationalities, as it is of a planetary nature. So, cosmological safety involves the timely study of processes that occur in the Universe and can lead to bad consequences. As part of the events, everything that happens in the Universe is tracked: the activity of the Sun, asteroids, and the parameters of the geographic shell of the planet. Characterization of types of security and assessment of the consequences of global phenomena is carried out by the UN and relevant specialized organizations.

Let's consider some species separately in more detail.


The security of the individual and the state as a whole cannot be guaranteed if environmental processes in the environment are disturbed. Environmental safety is aimed at ensuring that Russian society and humanity as a whole can survive. This process refers to the security of the individual, society, country, and the environment from threats that may be posed to them. The state, in turn, must protect human life, health, living conditions, protect its values, the natural environment.

types of facility security

All types of safety require the presence of a management and legislative base, which is aimed at reducing the possible harmful effects on the environment.


National security is understood as measures that can ensure the development potential of a particular country for the long term, stability and well-being in society. It includes state, public, technological, environmental safety. To ensure national security, various types of security are used, which should protect the state and social system, ensure territorial integrity and sovereignty, political and economic independence of the nation, its health, and fight crime. The army, intelligence services, law enforcement and medical authorities are responsible for the country's national security.

types of human security

Each state is interested in ensuring the safety of its population. And this requires guaranteed support by constitutional, legislative and practical measures. Among the state interests, one can note the independence of the country, its political self-determination, self-government, as well as the well-being of the entire population. Various institutions and organizations, public systems, including those involving ordinary citizens, are responsible for security in the state. In addition, security should be based on several principles:

  1. State interests are always a priority.
  2. Legislation in force in the country must be respected in all situations.
  3. Government agencies are responsible for security in the country.
  4. Society should be informed in a timely manner of state security and threats.


Industrial safety is understood as the protection of the interests of society and the individual in the event of accidents at production facilities. In order to prevent such phenomena, the state and specific companies are developing various types of security measures. As part of safety, each company engaged in hazardous production is required to:

  • comply with laws, norms and regulations of technical documents;
  • Obtain a license to conduct activities in the field of industrial safety
  • ensure the staffing of working personnel in accordance with established norms and rules;
  • Allow only qualified employees to work.

safety features

First of all, the leaders of organizations conducting activities that are dangerous in terms of impact on the human body and the environment are responsible for industrial safety.


Information security is a separate area that protects the interests of subjects of information relations. Its main components are confidentiality, accessibility and integrity. These types of facility security involve the creation of systems that would serve as a guarantee of the security of information transmitted in a variety of ways. To create such a system, you need:

  • identification of information security requirements that have certain specifics;
  • compliance with national and international legislation;
  • use of good practices;
  • distribution of responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of the system between units;
  • definition of general provisions and requirements.

types of security of the Russian Federation


Economic, or financial, types facility security some of the most basic. They suggest a stable income and other resources that could support a person’s standard of living at a particular moment. In the framework of economic security, the entity must maintain solvency, plan future cash flows, and have safe employment.

Within economic security various indicators are taken into account that allow the state to control national resources and protect the country's economic interests at the national and international levels. Among the internal threats can be noted the destruction of scientific and technological potential, a decrease in the number of developments in the scientific field, the outflow of personnel abroad.

External threats to economic security include a high level of dependence on imports, an irrational structure of exports, an increase in external debt, and an outflow of foreign exchange resources. In any of these options, the state should consider measures that will prevent possible serious consequences for its population.


This type of security refers to the security of the individual, society and the state from various military threats. It has external and internal aspects. Within the framework of military security, the state must be ready at any time to protect its interests and independence and to resist military aggression, blackmail from a position of strength, timely suppressing attempts to start a war.

Responsible for these types of security organizations, including intelligence, counterintelligence, border troops, the armed forces. In addition, military security can be ensured by political means, military-political alliances, and participation in contractual processes in order to reduce and limit weapons.

types of security measures

Within the military, external and internal security are highlighted. From the outside, the state should be protected from various terrorist groups that are especially active today. The main types of security within the country are aimed at protecting the population from corruption, bribery, banditry, drug addiction, theft and many other offenses.

In the field of military security, the state may be exposed to the following threats:

  • aggressive aspirations of foreign states and military blocs;
  • the collapse of the armed forces, the military-industrial complex;
  • brain drain from the army and defense industry;
  • insufficient funding of military security entities;
  • espionage in favor of foreign states.

What is safety precautions?

This term refers to a set of measures that are taken to achieve safe working conditions and to prevent accidents at work. Each plant has a special security service, which is engaged in the development of events.

They are summarized as follows:

  • equipment design is improved so that workers are protected from injury;
  • various protective mechanisms are mounted that can protect the machines and the worker;
  • working conditions are improving, and for this it is important that the room is well lit, ventilated, cleaned and disposed of toxic waste in a timely manner;
  • possible causes that can lead to equipment failure are eliminated;
  • workers are provided with personal protective equipment; types of safety measures are selected depending on the specific type of production process.

How is the briefing conducted?

Any briefing is the training of employees, both beginners and experienced workers. Depending on the nature of the information presented and the time of the briefing, it can be introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted.

  • Introductory conducted by an engineer for labor protection for any employee hired.
  • Primary - at the workplace, by the labor safety manager.
  • All persons at the workplace are re-instructed 6 months after the initial one.
  • Unscheduled briefing is carried out if new standards, rules, instructions, or already entered are violated or enforced.
  • The target is carried out if the employee must perform work that is not related to his main activity.

organization security types

Types of safety measures are thought out depending on the characteristics of the enterprise, the characteristic specifics of the production process.

Thus, everyone has the right to live in a protected state, and it, in turn, should provide for appropriate measures, legislative acts that are aimed at protecting the life and health of the population.

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