
Federal Security Service. How to get to the FSB?

The Federal Security Service of Russia ensures the security of the Russian state and all its inhabitants. Certification of this structure opens many doors better than grenades, introduces people into a stupor and reverent awe, because they don’t tell much about the FSB and what they do, what they do, what people work, is unclear. The memory of the Cheka, the NKVD and the KGB, the formidable predecessors that helped the state to exist in particularly difficult times, also affects.

The dream to be in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland is visited by many young minds. Everyone knows how to be at a factory or a technical university, but how to get to the FSB?

how to get to the FSB

Selection system

There is a strict selection system for special structures. It includes a thorough health check, compliance with the parameters of height, weight, vision. Within a month, an examination of the candidate, his relatives can go. Indeed, for service in the FSB of Russia it is necessary to have only Russian citizenship, and the presence of relatives abroad can become an insurmountable obstacle.

After all the checks, psychological tests and the delivery of physical standards follow. Each department has its own standards, but from the average, the candidate in any case needs to monitor his health, run a hundred-meter race for 14 seconds and a kilometer in 4 minutes 25 seconds.

FSB officers are an elite among civil servants, both in terms of intelligence and power. Therefore, the presence of titles, awards in sports competitions, major Olympiads will be your plus. It is also advisable not to have serious injuries and illnesses in the past, for example, concussions or large scars. During a medical examination, they study everything down to moles and tattoos.

FSB Academy

Tests and recommendations

There are two types of candidates for the FSB: those who have recommendations from current employees or veterans, and those who do not. If you are from the second type, then they will look at you more closely and, if a candidate with a characteristic will apply for one place with you, then most likely they will choose him.

Before you think about how to get into the FSB, you should decide for yourself that further life will be connected with serving the state. This means certain restrictions on life, restrictions on movement, on trips abroad. In exchange there will be a package of privileges, state security and much more, depending on the position and merit.

If you agree with this, then in the tests you need to be honest. By order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2011, each candidate must pass tests for toxic, drug, alcohol addiction. It is also required to undergo a psychological examination, including a polygraph.

Required documents

Started thinking how to get into the FSB? Collect documents. Here is an example package of documents that a candidate needs to collect:

  • An application for consideration of the candidate with the consent to the restrictions imposed on the FSB officer and with the consent that the personal data will be carefully examined.
  • Autobiography. Everything is simple here: you do not need to compose essays, you must correctly paint in which family grew up, who are the parents, in which school he studied, in which university, and marital status.
  • Application form number 4.
  • Personal documents in the form of a passport, military ID, driver’s license, educational documents, passport (if any).
  • Documents of direct relatives.
  • Certificate of income, property and material liabilities (for example, credit).
  • The kit also needs photographs, as in a passport, since for each candidate, a few copies are filed.

FSB structure

The FSB of Russia has several departments. Each of them requires qualified personnel.You can choose according to your abilities and preferences and strive for the goal. The most famous department is the service border control. All border guards are tested and belong to this structure. The second-known department is counterintelligence, that’s where the guys’s dream is, that’s where the special forces are, operational work.

FSB of Russia

One of the main opponents of the world order is terrorism. The FSB has a counter-terrorism department, interstate and within the country. Extremists, rioters and other unstable elements are identified and processed here.

The remaining departments are no less important, but not so well known. There is a scientific and technical center that is responsible for communication, information protection, and is engaged in scientific development. There is a support center economic security a country that is responsible for order in the structure of transport, industry, and the financial sector. There is also a department for international contacts, a personnel department and a department that synchronizes the work of the entire structure.

Service in the FSB is an honorable occupation, but not always simple. Not many people choose this path.

FSB service

FSB Special Forces

One cannot fail to mention the famous Alpha group. This is a legendary military unit created in the Soviet Union. Many boys dream of getting there, and when they become military, they realize how difficult it is. The requirements for candidates are very high, both physical and intellectual. The question of how to get into the FSB is difficult, and how to get into Alpha is a question with many unknowns for an ordinary resident of our country, but not insoluble. The road will be overpowered by a walker.

FSB Academy

FSB officers

This is an institution where only the best young people are willing to serve their state. Many people know only about the academy in Moscow, but there are also regional branches in which the passing score is slightly lower. The FSB Academy is not an ordinary institution of higher education; there are also requirements for the physical preparation of an applicant. At the end, people get a prestigious job that is worthy of being paid.

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Khavazh Hatuev
I am 23 years old I want to get a job the FSB: smirk:
Alexander Razin
me25 I can help my side, Es
I am 11 years old when I grow up, I will go to the FSB for sure
Sergey Stepanov, look at the matter yourself


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