
Business immigration to Japan. Attitude towards immigrants in Japan

Among the most developed and progressive countries, one cannot fail to mention Japan. The highest level of technology and excellent quality of life attract many foreigners there. How to immigrate to this country?

What are the features business in Japan? All this is worth knowing before a plane ticket is bought.

Features of migration policy

How to get to Japan?It’s quite difficult for a foreigner to get to Japan. The country has a closed migration policy, so obtaining a visa can become a problem.

Immigration to Japan is possible in three ways: marriage with a citizen of the country, study, legal employment. If all the subtleties are observed, then it is quite possible to collect the necessary documents in one of these situations.

To obtain a residence permit you need to have a working, diplomatic, official, indicated or general visa. The first is issued, respectively, to legal employees, the second is intended for diplomats, the third is for officials, the fourth can be received by children or the spouse of a Japanese citizen, and the fifth is most often issued to students.

Each of them can be obtained only if there is a guarantor living in the country with citizenship or resident status, in addition, the organization can act as such. Before you get to Japan, you will have to collect the entire package of documents and wait for its consideration, on the basis of which you can obtain permission, or you may encounter a refusal.

Japanese business

The country leads in many indicators, and economic growth does not stand still. Despite the fact that the Japanese market is full of serious corporations, small business is actively developing. In Japan, small private companies account for 40% of the market. If you do not know in which area it is best to start an activity, check out the statistics.

The most relevant are light industry, the provision of various services and construction. It is easier for locals to open their own business, because one yen is enough to register an enterprise. The tax system is also quite simple, albeit tough. It is necessary to pay local and federal taxes, which make up about 10% of the profits. There are seven organizational forms of enterprises: corporations, partnerships with unlimited or limited liability, joint-stock corporations, branches, joint ventures and representative offices.

The first steps of an entrepreneur

Despite the more convenient conditions for local residents, opening a business is quite realistic for foreigners. So business immigration to Japan is a good solution for a novice entrepreneur. Where to start your own business? First you will need to submit documents for registration.

A package of papers must be certified by a notary with all necessary signatures and seals. After obtaining permission to conduct activities, you can begin work. The development of small business in Japan is not limited to almost any state laws, on the contrary, it is this area that is actively supported by government programs. To rent an office space and find the necessary equipment is quite simple. So if the scope for activity is chosen correctly, success is quite realistic.

How to do business?

To create a successful company, you need to fulfill several specific conditions. First of all, do the research. Such data in Japan are very expensive, but without a well-developed business plan, the activities of the company may be doomed to failure.Always study business publications to understand all the necessary aspects of economics and finance.

Immigration to Japan does not imply a perfect knowledge of the language, many magazines and newspapers are also published in English, so that you can keep abreast of the pulse without any difficulties. Examine the tax system of your prefecture, consult with a consultant on the topic of benefits for foreigners. Information about the opening of the company must be provided to the district inspection within a month.

Useful Tips

Register in the Japanese forums. There you can meet other entrepreneurs and share information about your business. Immigration to Japan is not an easy task, so sometimes you just need an interlocutor with whom you can discuss all the exciting issues. Use the Mixi social network, which can serve as an effective marketing tool.

If you do not have time to work on the web page, hire a special person who will lead it. In addition, advertising can be placed on large posters and billboards. Due to the high population density, this type of information promotion is very effective in Japan. The main thing is to consult with local advertising agents so that your message does not violate the rules of culture and does not offend anyone.

The mentality of local people

Small Business Development in Japan

Immigration to Japan is not possible without careful preparation. It is worth considering not only the economic characteristics of the country, but also its culture. The Japanese mentality is quite different from the European, so doing business will require increased attention to detail and differences.

Citizens of the country of the Rising Sun are very hardworking, they love nature and their own traditions, they always notice the beauty and aesthetics. A Japanese employee must always be very attentive and compliant with his superiors, he is disciplined and accurate, patient and thrifty.

For centuries, self-control and restraint were considered core values; the situation has not changed even now. Therefore, many workers remain in their places until the boss leaves the office, and until that moment they really work, and not just politely wait.

Courtesy is equally important. Communication with the Japanese must necessarily take into account all their standards of decency, otherwise no one wants to do business with you. Moderate and rational behavior, the ability to refuse so as not to offend the interlocutor with the direct word "no" - this is what will allow you to build a successful business in Japan.

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