
Business plan of an audit firm. How to open an audit firm?

Every year, a huge number of organizations resort to the services of audit firms. This is primarily due to the fact that the services they offer for an independent assessment of the activities of enterprises significantly reduce the cost of paying a variety of penalties.

Audit firm business plan


All managers of large firms know that it is important for business that accounting and tax accounting work well. In order for the company to develop and become more successful, it is necessary to have as much as possible detailed information about the activities of the company.

That is why managers often resort to audit firms, because in this way it is possible to show the contradictions between the real situation and the documentation of operations. Auditing is an important part of modern business. There are firms that are required by law to conduct such checks annually.

In this case, the head will need either an independent auditor or an audit firm. The services of such an organization involve checking all the documentation and work of the company, after which a result will be issued, both negative and positive, with recommendations on how to eliminate deficiencies, if any. Audit firms sometimes provide services that are far from audit, for example, assistance in taxation, restoration and financial accounting of a company and others.


Such organizations can be formed on the basis of various forms of ownership, except for fully state ownership. The staff of such a company may include employees who are far from audit, but such people should be no more than 28%.

An exclusively certified specialist in this field can be represented as a manager. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, at least five auditors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and reside on its territory must be present in the staff of the audit firm.

How to open an audit firm?

Based on the characteristics of the services provided by such organizations, they can be divided into two categories:

- universal, that is, one that has the right to implement several types of audit and engaging in different types of work;

- specialized, which provides only a separate type of service.

If you decide to draw up a business plan for an audit firm, then you need to consider certain points. How efficiently such an organization will work depends on the organization of its personnel structure. It’s not necessary to involve all specialists in checking firms, it is necessary to form a “think tank” responsible for the prospects of the audit company. The technological equipment of the activity, the availability of information, software and legal support, as well as all the necessary equipment, also matters.

How to open an audit firm

Working moments

When preparing a business plan of an audit firm, it is worthwhile to understand that the company receives the right to provide services in this area only after it is entered in the appropriate register. This is confirmed by the presence of a certain type of certificate that is issued to the organization. The registry is an electronic database into which all auditors and audit firms are eligible to conduct audits.

The first steps in organizing your own business

Opening an audit firm begins with the fact that the organizer must register as a business entity with the subsequent opening of a bank account.When choosing a legal form, it should be understood that it is inappropriate to register as a private entrepreneur. It will be most correct to give preference to a legal entity.

Further, you will need to not only draw up a business plan for the audit firm, but also to find a suitable room, and then conclude a lease. Since the office of such a company has representative functions, it is necessary that it has a respectable appearance and looks solid. It is advisable to give the interior a certain sophistication, for which it is better to use the services of a designer.

Documentary Approach

Planning any business involves the preparation of a professional project. In the future, relying on it, you can begin to search for investors. The business plan of the audit firm should consider certain positions that are very important:

- offer;

- bonuses and price lists;

- the regulation of services to be provided.

The most popular types of services in this area are: audit of insurance companies, off-budget funds, exchanges, investment institutions, as well as banking and general audits.

Auditing is


This business has such a specification that responsibilities must be clearly distributed between partners and other employees. The instructions must prescribe a complete list of the duties of each staff unit. After that, you, as a leader, will only have to control the accuracy of the tasks assigned to employees, and also, if necessary, make certain adjustments.

Employee hierarchy

Even if you have already drawn up a business plan for an energy audit company (for example), you should know that there is a standard scheme that governs the responsibilities of employees. The position of CEO means the need for business negotiations with clients, visits to exhibitions and conferences, and the conclusion of transactions.

It turns out that the functions of secretary, auditor and sales manager can be transferred to this employee by combining them in one position. And if you have some knowledge in the field of outsourcing, namely in the field of tax and accounting, you can fulfill the duties of the chief accountant.

The Deputy General Director can be assigned duties of a lawyer accountant and courier. At first glance, this may seem complicated. But! At the initial stage of activity, you just need to gain knowledge in some areas of activity. And then it will not be so difficult to get used to it, after which you will carry out all current affairs automatically.

When the business will gradually expand, there will be a need to attract new employees. The requirements for the selection of personnel for applicants should be very high. Candidates should have certain qualities, namely: the ability to work in a team, make decisions promptly, adequately and quickly respond in any conditions, that is, with the slightest change in this market of services.

Audit firm services

The target audience

When preparing a business plan for an audit firm, you should first agree on the receipt of orders. Of course, it is possible to form an initial target audience only thanks to the old connections that existed at the time of the company’s opening. But as it develops, there is a need to attract new customers. This can be done through traditional methods of self-promotion:

- advertising in various sources of information;

- advertising in the media;

- “cold” sales using the telephone directory of city firms.


Reputable experts in this field say that for this area you will not need any extra costs. Renting a room will require 70-100 thousand rubles a year, for the purchase of furniture and equipment - 100-200 thousand, for a salary - 100-200 thousand a year, advertising costs - 10 thousand rubles.The profitability of such a business reaches 30-40%, and you can pay back the initial investment in 6 months.

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