
How to open a design company? Learn How Designers Make Money

More and more people who are ignited by the idea of ​​carrying out repairs in their home do not rely on their knowledge and skills, but turn to design agencies for services. Such organizations deal not only with aesthetic, but also with practical repair issues. People who want to start their own business often get the idea to open a design company. We propose to consider the features of the opening and operation of such an enterprise.

What is interior design?

open a design company

An entrepreneur who has decided to open a design company should understand that interior design should solve issues posed by the customer in the following areas:

1. Satisfy all aesthetic ideas and wishes of the customer. You must be a real psychologist, able to create a pleasant and non-inviting interior that fully meets the tastes of the client.

2. Provide the functionality of the future premises. A person, having received a ready-made version, should not be shackled in his actions, and this freedom should also be provided for by a design specialist.

3. Meet the financial capabilities of the customer. The selection of materials and the scope of work should be consistent with the announced project budget (especially for customers with limited finances).

Thus, a design studio as a business is a direction that requires deep versatile knowledge, ranging from aesthetic and psychological to technical and economic. In addition, this is a highly profitable activity even in the initial stages. Let's look at the issues that you may encounter when opening a design agency.

Business features

It is necessary to understand how designers earn money, how the functioning of an entire studio differs from the work of a private individual. The latter deals exclusively with the development of the project, while almost all studios make turnkey repairs (from the development of a design project to the delivery of the finished interior). That is why the studio should include employees of a very different orientation: designers, sales managers, craftsmen, and a construction team.

design plan business plan

Key points

Interior design is one of the most promising areas. Features of the company’s functioning depend on the region in which it operates, as well as on the size of the settlement. It is easier to open a design company in a megalopolis than in an urban-type settlement, since in large cities there are more prospects for occupying a niche, because the sales market is wider. However, competition will be stronger. In a small village, it is necessary to differentiate their activities and take on almost everything, even multidirectional projects.

The opening of such a business must be approached thoughtfully and responsibly. A successful design studio is built on creativity and quality marketing. For beginners, without experience and understanding of the process, it is almost impossible to achieve tangible results in such activities.

In the process of opening a business, it is necessary to go through a number of stages, which will be discussed later.

Selection of premises

Have you any thoughts on how to open a design agency? First, you should think about its location. The room should be located in the central part of the city and be relatively large. It should be remembered that the office is the face of the company, and since design development is a creative process, everything must be designed creatively.

how to open a design agency

Renting a room in the city center is a tangible cost item, the fee can reach thirty dollars per square meter. As for the private entrepreneur-designer, you can work at home, and a cafe is suitable for meetings and demonstrations (a laptop is used).

What equipment is needed?

At the initial stage, a very expensive article is the purchase of office equipment of the agency. For the full functioning of the studio you will need modern and powerful computers, copy machines, scanners and printers, as well as applied design software. The chosen technique should complement the stylistic design of the room, however, practicality and industrial importance should still be in the first place.


If you decide to open a design company, you must have a wealth of knowledge. Relevant experience can be gained through work in an existing agency. At the initial stage of activity, the company’s personnel should consist of designers, a sales manager and an accountant.

Design studios usually employ no more than ten to twelve people. Dear designers, when starting their own business - this is a luxury, you should hire people with a salary of four hundred dollars, no more. The staff and payroll should not be overblown.

okvad design activities

Customer acquisition channels

At the initial stage, the work of design studios is built through the so-called word of mouth. Orders of acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, etc. are accepted. Work is necessary for high-quality, it is imperative to create a portfolio.

You can attract customers through online advertising or the media. An effective method of promoting services is to create a company website on which it is desirable to place contacts, portfolio and prices. The cost of creating a site is justified by the number of customers who can freely learn about the work of the company.

Initial financial investment in a business

Before starting a design studio, you should determine the form in which it will operate: LLC or IE? For starters, you can work out projects in the status of IP. This will allow you to "probe" the market infrastructure, the number and strength of competitors, as well as calculate development prospects and minimize possible losses. In this case, you have to combine the talent of the designer and managerial skills.

okvad design activities

According to the classification of economic activities OKVED design activity is encoded in a certain way.

okvad design activities

It should also be prescribed in addition:

  • 74.40 (these are advertising services);
  • 74.81 (photo services);
  • 72.10; 72.20 and 72.60 (everything related to computer technology);
  • 92.20 (radio and television, as well as videos).

Approximate primary costs of maintaining a design studio include such items:

  1. Purchase of furniture and office equipment (3-4 thousand dollars).
  2. Office space for rent ($ 1,000 per month).
  3. Repair and design of the premises (5-6 thousand dollars).
  4. Wage Fund (5 thousand dollars per month).
  5. Advertising costs and website promotion studio (4 thousand dollars).

Cost of orders and project payback

In addition to the design of the premises, the company can also engage in the following activities:

  • creation and maintenance of sites;
  • logo and brand book design;
  • creation of corporate styles;
  • issuing business cards;
  • work with industrial design;
  • three-dimensional animation.

design plan business plan

The business plan of a design firm involves setting somewhat lower prices at the initial stage of work (approximately twenty to thirty dollars per square meter).

With a steady stream of orders, the payback of the design business takes one year. Moreover, it will depend on the scale of the company and the qualitative characteristics of the market.

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