
Business plan sausage shop. Mini sausage workshop at home

Sausage is a product that needs no introduction. In Soviet times, her presence on the table was almost a mandatory requirement for the organization of a more or less significant holiday or celebration.

mini sausage workshop at homeAccordingly, the demand for sausages has always been. Today a lot has changed.

On the shelves of shops you can see hundreds of varieties of sausages, the price of which varies in a very wide range.

But consumers have long noticed that the quality of these products has fallen dramatically in recent years.

Only the most expensive sausages, whose price sometimes greatly exceeds the cost of a similar amount of normal meat, maintain a normal taste.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a mini-sausage workshop at home, which will provide consumers with tasty and relatively inexpensive products, then you definitely won’t have to worry about lack of profit.

Just note that even a small sausage business is expensive.

What requirements should the premises meet?

Having decided to make food products at home for sale, the closest attention should be paid to all sanitary requirements and standards. If you take this issue without due seriousness, the very first visit of the SES representatives will present you with many unpleasant surprises.

Firstly, your workshop must be equipped with a normal sewage system. Immediately take care of a convenient driveway, as a lot of waste will have to be taken out. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to immediately conclude a contract with a local pig farm, the owners of which probably will not mind getting additional animal feed.

In the room that you plan to adapt to a mini sausage workshop at home, there must be a fully functional wiring. Of course, you also need to install a fire alarm.

In no case should a production building be residential. Contact with living rooms is not allowed. Contrary to popular belief, it is strictly forbidden to place production in the former premises of bathhouses and other outbuildings.

Thus, a mini-sausage workshop at home should be placed in a room with water supply, a sewer system and good wiring. A forced supply and exhaust ventilation system and fire alarm are required.

A simple solution

As you can see, it will be difficult to find in your backyard a building that would meet all these requirements. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on building such a workshop from scratch, we suggest you pay attention to monoblocks. These are ready-made production lines for which you only need to fill the foundation. This is an extremely convenient solution for rural areas, where it is simply impossible to find a ready-made option.

Making production cost-effective

Please note that in order to get a reasonable profit you will need to produce at least 200 kg of sausage in one day. To develop such a mini sausage workshop at home, you will need to allocate at least 50 square meters for it.

  • For a weekly supply of raw materials, you need a 6 cubic meter cold store. It takes at least 4 "squares".
  • To store finished products, you need a refrigerator for two cubic meters. It takes approximately two square meters.
  • The equipment of the workshop is placed on 15 square meters.
  • The rest of the area will be needed to accommodate all kinds of utility rooms.


As you yourself can understand, one person simply cannot physically produce such an amount of sausage. So you need to hire outside staff.

You will need a professional technologist who will be responsible for product quality control. In addition, it is he who is responsible for sausage recipes. It is necessary to hire at least two butchers who will be engaged in the deboning of carcasses, one forwarder and accountant (with such volumes of production, he is obligatory), as well as a mechanic and a couple of auxiliary workers.

Since the above-mentioned monoblock workshop is almost completely automated, so many workers will be enough for you. By the way, where can I get them?

By registering as an individual entrepreneur, you can receive funds both for organizing a workshop (up to 60 thousand rubles) and find workers for your production by contacting the local Employment Center.

If you hire an unemployed person and arrange him for an official position in the workshop, then you will also be given 60 thousand for him. Thus, even four auxiliary workers will be able to give up to 240 thousand rubles for the organization of production. With this money you can seriously improve your mini-sausage production workshop.

According to the agreement, you can purchase additional equipment and expand production. The only negative is that it will take enough time to overcome all stages of bureaucratic red tape.

Equipment required

You will need to buy the following equipment for the production of sausages: a table for boning carcasses, a set of knives (do not save on their quality) and garbage, two cold rooms for raw materials and finished products, an electric meat grinder and a mixer for stuffing, syringes for stuffing stuffing into the shell. Installations for cooking sausages and a furnace for their smoking are required.

Of course, in the latter case, it all depends on what kind of sausage recipes you will use in your production.

A bit about stoves

By the way, do not save on stoves, as their modern models are extremely versatile. They can be dried, cooked, smoked and roasted. Foreign manufacturers have proven themselves particularly well, but in recent years, domestic industry has also begun to produce good models.

Whose equipment to buy?

Now about the value of all this "wealth." A domestic fully-functional line for the production of 200-250 kg of cooked sausage per shift costs about 500 thousand rubles. A foreign analogue may well cost from a million or more. However, do not assume that foreign manufacturers take money only for the brand.

Foreign monoblock sausage shop in most cases is fully automated, made of better materials, and it will have a longer service life. If you want to get the same quality for less money, pay attention to the conversion of domestic equipment.

This can be purchased from the Orekhovo-V company. This manufacturer produces compact and functional lines with a capacity of 5-8 kW / h (from other manufacturers - 30 kW / h). The quality of service is also on par.

Raw materials

Meat can be purchased both from domestic producers and abroad. All products (including casings for sausages) must be certified. If you plan to produce large volumes of products, we strongly recommend that you hire a veterinary and sanitary expert. In addition to guaranteeing the quality control of raw materials, SES will have a completely different attitude to you.

monoblock sausage shopIf you buy meat abroad, you will need to obtain a permit to import it. To do this, you need to contact the local veterinary service in 30 days, writing in writing to its representatives about the characteristics of the cargo received, the purpose of the import and the country of origin, the storage location of the products.

Raw materials must necessarily meet the following veterinary requirements: have a certificate of the Russian Federation and the importing country, pass control at the border.

It is better to immediately establish relations with ROSTEST, SES and Vetnadzor. If their specialists do not have any complaints about your company, many problems will be avoided.

production cost

Our business plan for the sausage shop has not yet considered the total cost of the entire production. Well, it's time to fill this gap.

First, we indicate the required costs:

  • Registration will take about 3 thousand rubles.
  • At least 500 thousand will have to be spent on equipment.
  • A refrigerator will cost at least 150-200 thousand.
  • About 300 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of raw materials.
  • For utility bills should be set aside at least 150 thousand.

sausage production business planThus, the minimum equipment costs will be about 1.5 million rubles. Compared with a professional workshop, the organization of which will take at least 30 million, then this is quite a bit.

Considering that in a day you will produce from 200 kilograms of sausage, the cost of which in retail chains will be at least 200 rubles per kilogram, you can get more than a million rubles of profit per month. Thus, in a year all costs can be recaptured almost completely.

Here is a business plan. Sausage production requires considerable costs, but the return on it is very good.

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I will buy equipment for the sausage shop


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