
Charcoal production business plan. Technology and necessary equipment for the manufacture of charcoal

A person daily uses various types of energy, and its consumption increases exponentially, so the need for fuel is growing, thanks to which it is generated and which is usually referred to as renewable resources, because trees grow.

In addition, this type of fuel is biological, which means that it is environmentally friendly and safe for the atmosphere. That is why many may be interested in a business plan for the production of charcoal.

Charcoal Business Plan

Features and Features

We have been producing charcoal in Russia since very ancient times - it was used in forges for furnaces. Therefore, having drawn up a business plan for the production of charcoal and engaged in its implementation, you will not just open your own business, but continue the centuries-old tradition.

Before you decide to open your own production in this area, you need to understand its main nuances. Charcoal is a substance with a high carbon content, which is obtained by pyrolysis of wood in a vacuum environment, that is, without any access of oxygen.

This means that you will need special furnaces for burning coal, where the primary combustion of raw materials will be carried out. The flame in this case is created through the use of gases, that is, volatile pyrolysis products, and not due to the process of decay of wood.

In simple terms, carbonization of the raw material is carried out at a temperature of 450-500 degrees Celsius. As a result of pyrolysis, not only the main product is obtained, but also acetone, acetic acid, resins, methanol and other products.

Therefore, a business plan for the production of charcoal should include the possibility of producing additional products. However, if the production of liquid components is carried out in small quantities, which are completely disadvantageous to process, it is better to use them to generate heat, which will significantly reduce costs in this area.

Overall picture

The world produces nine million tons of coal annually. Brazil holds the first place on the planet for the production of this type of fuel. In Russia, despite the fact that there is an abundance of forests, only 100 thousand tons of coal is produced annually, therefore, there is a strong shortage of coal in the country.

That is why coal produced in Belarus, Ukraine and China is constantly imported. Any entrepreneur may well take his place in this niche, since a domestic product of proper quality is in great demand among consumers.

Charcoal production technology

Before starting your business, you need to decide on a number of very important points. First of all, you should decide which technology of charcoal production will be used, as well as what structure the raw materials will have. If you are interested in the production of “white” coal, you can export it to Japan, where it is in great demand.

Owners of private homes that have fireplaces usually get "red" coal. Its production is carried out with soft charcoal and at a low temperature. And now we have come close to the question of what charcoal is made of. For this, wood or its waste is used.Hardwood should be preferred. Recently, waste from coniferous, shrubby tree species, as well as aspen, are increasingly being used as raw materials.

The essence of the production process

So, if you made a business plan for the production of charcoal, then, making preliminary calculations of payback, take into account the fact that in reality it may turn out that the yield of coal will be much less than you expected.

This is due to the fact that oxygen enters the apparatus, due to which the direct burning of wood occurs. That is why you should start organizing a clear production structure and technology that allows you to reduce losses, as well as prevent marriage in the form of an unburnt product with cracks and the smell of resins.

The working process

To get started, you will need special equipment for the production of charcoal. It exists a lot, but you should choose one that can be used on an industrial scale for the active processing of forest waste. The factory should be located in the immediate vicinity of wood production, and its equipment should correspond to the scale of the waste.

You can build your production near the sawmill. If the raw material will be as close as possible, then you can reduce the costs associated with its transportation. Therefore, equipment for the production of charcoal should be transportable - this will allow to follow the logging production.

It is important that the manufacturing process is environmentally friendly, which will reduce emissions that cause considerable harm to the environment. If charcoal burning furnaces have a simple design, then using them and repairing them in case of any malfunctions will not be difficult.

Charcoal sale

Manufacturing process

All production includes three stages. At the first, wood is dried, with which subsequent work will be carried out. Everyone knows that moist raw materials will not smolder. At the second stage, the pyrolysis process begins. Throughout production, this step is the most important. At the third stage, calcination is carried out, during which excess gases and resins will be separated from the prepared coal.

The furnace, designed for the production of oxygen-free pyrolysis, is equipped with a retort, which is a closed vessel, heated externally. The combustion process is carried out first in a chamber from which air is previously pumped out.

Through the pipe, steam and gas are separated, separated from the liquid in the condensation device. Charcoal stoves have a fairly simple design, but they are very effective. The production process itself is manual and very laborious, so special physical training is required.

Charcoal business

Different production options

Coal production can be carried out using one of two technologies: pit or heap. Heap burning requires only firewood, water and turf, and the heaps are made lying or standing. The main thing is one: the wood must be processed in a heap having the same density.

In addition to the place for production, equipment and raw materials, it also requires highly qualified personnel who are able, by the appearance of the processed products, to determine at what stage the production process is, when it should be completed, because there are no specific devices and parameters that can be used to determine the readiness of coal. For this, a person is hired who has a good eye on this matter and who will comply with all the rules prescribed by safety precautions.

Sales Issues

The sale of charcoal in Russia for you will not be profitable, since its consumption is extremely small, so you should consider the possibility of exporting it abroad, for example, to Europe or Japan.But despite the fact that its consumption in our country is small, do not forget about the possibility of implementation on the spot, because it is still not enough. The search for buyers should be carried out among individuals and energy companies.

What charcoal is made of

Express yourself

In an advertising campaign, it is necessary to focus specifically on the environmental indicators of this type of fuel, because in the world this problem is very acute. Charcoal in this case corresponds to the characteristics of known types of fuel, such as peat and coal.

The combustion of this type of coal is smokeless, but it gives the corresponding temperature. In addition, this fuel meets all safety requirements, because it is incapable of spontaneous combustion. There is almost no waste from its burning, since there are no harmful impurities in it.

With the right approach, the charcoal production business can be promoted very well in a fairly short time, which will allow you to make a profit quickly enough. The main thing is to take into account all the requirements that are imposed in its production.

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