
How to choose equipment for the production of Eurodroves

Fuel wood briquettes are a new, but already quite common type of fuel. For the production of briquettes, woodworking waste is used: slab, sawdust, shavings, cuttings and so on. Also, in the manufacture of eurodrods, products of processing logging waste are used: wood and fine wood, branches, tops and so on. The production of eurowood includes the following stages: harvesting of raw materials, drying, grinding, technological transport, briquetting, packaging and warehousing.

Equipment for the production of Eurodroves

Eurodrova as an alternative to non-renewable energy sources

For the past 150 years, mankind has been intensively developing and burning coal and oil to produce electric and thermal energy, as a result of which experts have thought that at some point the deposits of these natural resources will simply run out.

For this reason, the need arose to find an alternative replacement for these sources. This problem was partially, but quite successfully solved, by the invention of eurodrods, which replaced coal. For the manufacture of fuel briquettes, you must purchase a special production line.

Description and characteristics of equipment

For the manufacture of fuel briquettes, a press is used for the production of BP 6500 Eurodrives. This equipment has many indisputable advantages, such as the constancy and duration of the combustion temperature. For example, the burning time of Eurodrods will reach at least two hours in the open air and at least four hours in furnaces with controlled air supply. In fireplaces, the burning time will be at least one hour.

Machine tools for the production of Eurodroves

From the period of combustion of Eurodroves, their efficiency depends. For example, loading with this material heating boilers is performed four times less than with conventional firewood, and do not forget that it takes eight times less space to store briquettes.

What is the advantage of fuel briquettes

The burning of eurodrods is carried out practically without smoke, which is achieved thanks to the hole inside the briquette. This hole stimulates reactive combustion and eliminates the release of volatile substances and unpleasant odors.

After the combustion of Eurodrods, ash remains, which is a high-calorie and highly effective fertilizer. Ash can be used in a vegetable garden or garden. In addition, wood briquettes do not emit burning coals and practically do not spark, which makes their use in open fireplaces as safe as possible.

Press for the production of Eurodroves

Application area

The production of euro-woods at home is a great idea for business, as this type of fuel has a wide scope. It can be used for furnaces and boilers of any type, using wood fuel, central heating boilers, fireplaces, stoves, grills and barbecues. This is due to the fact that eurowoods provide excellent indicators of high temperature, burning time and a stable flame with virtually no smoke.

Production of fuel briquettes

For the briquetting process, the breed of wood used does not play a big role, but nevertheless, for the most effective setup of the process, it is desirable to choose wood of the same species. In addition, it is worth noting that the machines for the production of eurodrives achieve the greatest productivity when using sawdust of hardwood, with a fraction not exceeding three millimeters. It is also best not to mix sawdust with shavings.

The manufacture of wood briquettes can be considered as a promising type of business, the organization of which does not require large investments at the start. It is necessary to purchase or lease equipment for the production of euro-woods, namely: a machine for chopping wood waste, a press and a drying unit for briquettes.

If we talk about the approximate costs required to establish a line for the production of these products, then the minimum cost of the main set will cost about three hundred thousand rubles.

Production of Eurodroves at home

True, the equipment for the production of Eurodrives of this level does not provide high productivity and has a low degree of automation, therefore, a significant human participation is required in the process.

Industrial production of wood briquettes

To organize large-scale briquette manufacturing activities, it is necessary to choose equipment for the production of eurodrakes, which has serious power and fully automated control. The cost of such a line can reach ten million rubles, taking into account delivery and installation, but at the same time you will receive a productivity of 500 kg of fuel briquettes per hour.

Equipment of this class provides significant volumes of production of quality products that meet European standards. Consequently, you can arrange sales of briquettes on European markets and thereby reduce the payback period of initial investments.

Eurowood production

There is an option that will save starting investment by about 25-30%. You can order equipment for the production of eurodrods from China, but at the same time you need to understand and calculate all the possible risks that may arise with the transportation of expensive equipment from Asia.

Small production of eurodroves

If wood briquettes are required for personal use or small production, then you can purchase mini-equipment for the production of Eurodroves. Such inexpensive and simple systems are characterized by low efficiency, low level of automation. But at the same time, your expenses at the start will be minimal.

Thus, we can conclude that the choice of equipment for the production of fuel briquettes largely depends on the tasks and financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. There is an opportunity to establish production activities of any capacity. At the same time, the invested funds with the skillful management of this kind of business will pay off in a short time.

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Good afternoon, can I find out the data of the company manufacturing the equipment that works in the clip on YouTube?
Interested in a line for the production of fuel briquettes of medium power


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