
Business plan for the production of socks: costing and necessary equipment

automatic knitting machines

Socks are the subject of our wardrobe. The material used for their manufacture, allows to provide the foot with a comfortable condition in any position. It is no secret that all people use similar products. In this regard, consumer demand for these products is constant.

Organization of own business

In the event that you are allowed to organize your own business and produce socks, first of all, you should draw up a business plan. It will determine the type of products and the equipment that will have to be purchased.

The main difficulty that awaits you in this matter is overcoming the competition that exists in the market. Many products are currently imported into our country. The largest suppliers are China and Turkey. In order to introduce your own products into the domestic market, you will need the undeniable advantage of your product. It should be the high quality of products sold.

State registration of mini-production will not cause difficulties. First of all, a suitable legal form of the enterprise is selected. After this, permission should be obtained from firefighters and other authorities.

Business plan socks manufacturing must contain the product range that will be produced by your company. Many of those who are just starting their business cannot immediately appreciate the full scope of this kind of activity. They are limited to the release of only one standard socks.

But it is worth remembering that the equipment purchased for the production line is capable of knitting leggings and knee-high socks, dressings and many other types of products. According to statistics, such a business should pay off in one to two years. However, a lot is up to you. Make an effective business plan for the production of socks, and your business will soon become financially independent.

Market Review

Today, Russia is a supplier of from fifty to sixty percent of the total volume of socks that are sold on its domestic market. Many believe that it makes no sense to produce goods that are produced in large quantities by China, India and other Asian countries. However, it is not.

Yes, it is difficult to compete with foreign manufacturers, but only you can know what properties of the goods the Russian buyer wants to see. As a result of this, it is possible to respond sensitively to the changing season and fashion, as well as to set lower prices in the absence of import customs duties.

The business plan for the production of socks should describe the segment of the market in which you will build your business. It is worth remembering that the climatic conditions in Russia are quite severe in comparison with other countries. In this regard, we can start the production of woolen socks, because warm clothes are in high demand among our consumers.

With a well-organized business, it is quite possible to become a leader in your region, and if you wish, there is a chance to rise to an international level. In addition, a business with socks is highly profitable, which will allow you to get a good income.

Equipment purchase

The business plan for the production of socks should contain a section describing the necessary machine tools for knitting products. Currently, there are a variety of automatic and semi-automatic equipment. However, for a serious volume of output, it is worth considering only the first option.

production of woolen socks

Automatic knitting machines, in addition to productivity (power), differ in some specific parameters. Among them is the number of yarn feeders. First of all, the color of products depends on them. So, for example, when knitting, four-, eight- or sixteen-color patterns can be reproduced. Automatic machines for socks also differ in the number of needles, cylinder rotation speed, etc. The productivity of such equipment and the quality of related products to a large extent depend on the manufacturer.

For example: an automatic machine for knitting socks, with average technical parameters (SKM-1-6P, China), will cost two hundred sixty thousand rubles. The Italian manufacturer will ask for about three hundred twenty seven thousand rubles for similar equipment. The impressive difference in price is due to higher build quality and low probability of breakage.

Kettel equipment

In addition to the machine for knitting, you will need to purchase machines for socks. Such a machine is needed to sew the toe. The cost of a kettel machine is approximately one hundred twenty nine thousand rubles. The number of machines for sewing toes should be equal to the number used in the manufacture of knitting machines.

Preparation of goods for sale

For molding, marking and packaging of socks you will need a specialized molding semiautomatic device. Such equipment, having a productivity of three hundred socks per hour, will cost about three hundred thousand rubles.

A separate device is engaged in marking and placing labels. Such a machine will cost thirty-eight thousand rubles.

Product selection

Socks that you plan to produce can be divided according to the manufacturing method into knitted and knitted. Depending on the machines used, the products are manufactured seamlessly (in this case, round-hosiery equipment is used). It is possible to arrange the production of socks on kotonny (flat-bed) machines and on flanking flat machines.

When establishing the assortment list of your products, you will need to determine the raw materials used in its production. It can be natural fabrics (linen or cotton). Natural raw materials of animal origin (wool, silk) or synthetic threads (nylon, polypropylene, polyester, spandex, elastic, etc.) are excellently used as raw materials. Often, combined fabrics are used to knit socks.

When determining the assortment of manufactured goods, it should be remembered that the most popular products are men's socks from twenty-fifth to thirty-first size. At the same time, buyers prefer products made from natural cotton yarn.

Sales channels

Knitted socks are a commodity in widespread consumer demand. The implementation of your products is possible through a network of retail stores and other points. Socks are well sold in bulk.

sock knitting machine

Both hypermarkets and knitwear stores will buy such products. You will be interested in similar goods and wholesale warehouses that will carry out its further resale.

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