
Organization of business in the service sector

Part of the economy, including commercial and non-commercial services, is the service sector. It is also a free category that reproduces diverse types of services provided by organizations and enterprises, as well as individuals.

Those who provide services, serving customers - this is the staff.

[caption id = "attachment_4628" align = "alignright" width = "300"]Organization of business in the service sector Organization of business in the service sector [/ caption]

Business can be of two directions - business in the service sector and commercial.

According to many experts, carrying out their activities related to services is simpler and easier. Business on Services organized at the work of one specialist or one specific work.

The influence of any factors is minimized, the risk of such activities is reduced. Business in the service sector does not imply a very large investment, which is a positive moment for novice entrepreneurs.

Having a clear idea of ​​his goal and a certain amount of knowledge, a businessman can earn decent money in his own business, while investing a minimum of money. Let's look at a few examples of a successful service business.

Joiner's shop

The essence of this business is the opening of a carpentry workshop for the manufacture of door and window blocks.

The carpentry workshop is an activity in the business sector in which wood products are produced and manufactured using modern equipment.

The demand for door and window blocks made of natural materials is increasing every year. A small carpentry workshop can produce simple door and window blocks, using at the initial stage more simple and inexpensive technologies. Such products will be in demand among individuals engaged in construction on their own, as well as in stores selling specialized materials for retail.

Necessary equipment and technology

For the quality work of the carpentry workshop, the following tools are needed:

  • moisture meter;
  • calipers;
  • roulette;
  • locksmith tool kit;
  • electric planer;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • Sander;
  • tool applying paint, antiseptic substances;
  • power saws;
  • fan with bags for removing sawdust.

[caption id = "attachment_4629" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]Joiner's shop Joiner's workshop [/ caption]

The technology for producing window and door blocks is divided into the following stages:

  • quality control of lumber and cutting;
  • workpiece processing;
  • assembly of structures;
  • grinding and coating the product.

Necessary area and number of staff

For a small carpentry workshop, an area of ​​60 square meters is enough. Space can be saved by combining equipment in a compact woodworking center.

For business development, two professional-level carpenter joiners can be involved in the work. At the start, the entrepreneur must personally participate in the manufacture of products.

Capital investment

What are the costs a businessman expects when starting this business?

  1. purchase of necessary equipment,
  2. fare,
  3. tool costs
  4. business registration
  5. purchase of raw materials,
  6. rental of premises and other expenses.

Investments pay off after approximately 9 months of permanent work, taking into account the salaries of employees and the entrepreneur.

Opening of the photo salon

Professional photographers have good chances to create a successful business thanks to their experience, a large selection of photographic equipment in the market and the constant demand for these services.

Starting a business: start

[caption id = "attachment_4630" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]Opening of the photo salon Own business: photo studio [/ caption]

To open your own photo salon from scratch, you need to consider all the nuances: what will be the form of ownership, target audience, competitive environment, what goods or services will be provided, where to find a room, what equipment will be and many other questions.

First you need to register a legal entity with the relevant authorities. Can issue Doing Business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

It is necessary to immediately determine the type of services provided: photo shoots, photo on documents, urgent photos, photo montage or restoration of photographs, printing photos from media.

Search and selection of premises

To open a photo store, you need to choose a suitable room. It should ideally be on the ground floor, in those places where there are a lot of people. The financial side greatly affects the choice of premises for a photo salon. Themed design, attractive appearance - all this plays an important role in creating a business at the photo salon.

Capital investment

The main point when creating your business is the profitability of a photo studio, as well as investment in its opening. What expenses will this process incur:

  • rental of premises;
  • design;
  • equipment and lighting;
  • advertising campaign.

With a favorable development of the salon, it can pay off completely in three years. It is important to analyze the market for services in this area, and, using the information collected, draw up a business plan.

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Reason for complaint
Demands for advertising services today are quite strict, but strict adherence to certain rules of this type of business will ultimately help to achieve a good level and find an unoccupied niche in this type of business.
Everything is obvious - if there is demand, knowledge in this area, money to start and the ability to conduct business, then problems should not arise.


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