
Business plan: production of cabinet furniture. How to organize the production of furniture at home

Business plan for the production of cabinet furniture

Each person tries to make his home cozy, unique and harmonious. This can be achieved, in particular, through the use of original furniture made to order according to an individual drawing.

That is why the business of manufacturing cabinet furniture is an occupation that will always be in high demand, which means it will be profitable. Investments in this case cannot be called too high, but they depend on certain aspects and factors.

Essence of the idea

It turns out, if you carefully think out a business plan, the production of cabinet furniture will become a very profitable enterprise. And here the factor is of no small importance that among the small enterprises in this industry there is minimal competition. Such firms can be considered those with a staff of 4-15 people. Their activities are carried out around the implementation of small orders, which are several types of products.

Choice of premises

If we talk about how to organize the production of furniture, then it is worth starting with the selection of premises where everything will be carried out. It should be as spacious as possible, while the minimum area should be 150 square meters.

The room should be without walls inside, as well as without any partitions. It should be on the same level. Costs for such premises should be included in the business plan. Production of cabinet furniture was quite successfully carried out even in garages. This is achievable due to the simplicity of the process.

Equipment for work

It is worth considering the list of tools necessary for the implementation of the production process:

  • means for drilling;
  • pneumatic equipment;
  • device for cutting;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • pistol.

In the process of business development and its further modernization, it is quite possible to think about automation of processes. For these purposes, there is specialized equipment. However, at low production growth rates, one should not rely on the quick payback of expensive equipment, which should also take into account the business plan being drawn up. Production of cabinet furniture is not necessary to carry out independently from start to finish. You can use the services of contractors to perform any specific tasks.

Business investment

It is clear that, like any business, furniture production must be registered. How you do this is up to you. Most often they resort to the opening of an individual enterprise, since it requires a minimum package of documents, and registration is very fast.

The next step is renting or buying a room. About its size has already been said earlier. You can even start the production of furniture at home, only you need to complete all the necessary documentation. Such a production will be beneficial for any city if you are well acquainted with the products of competitors and its cost.

At the initial stage, do not overcharge. It is important to focus on quality, then you can gradually make an increasing margin. Even if you organized the production of furniture at home, you can immediately identify such an important point as the high cost of your individual projects.

Associated costs

The next element of the consumables will be the purchase of material.It is best to make bulk purchases from manufacturers located closest to your workshop. This will reduce transportation costs. This point is also included in the business plan.

The production of cabinet furniture cannot do without certain equipment. As mentioned earlier, this can be some kind of expensive automated or conventional manual. The latter option is relevant for those entrepreneurs who are guided by the implementation of some one-time orders. Such an enterprise will operate efficiently in a city whose population does not exceed 300-350 thousand people. A DIY tool for making furniture should be like this:

  • plane;
  • jigsaw;
  • lathe;
  • Fraser
  • cutting machine;
  • electric saws.

On average, you will need 50-70 thousand rubles for high-quality equipment. And this amount is relevant only for the production of small sizes. If you decide to organize a large-scale workshop, then an automated line with software will require an investment of about 300-400 thousand rubles.


The production of wood furniture, like any other cabinet furniture, pays for itself, depending on how wide your enterprise is characterized. Large can well pay off in 1-3 years, and sometimes in 6 months. This is determined by the number of orders, as well as the level of sales and product prices. The more original the sketch you use, the higher the cost of the product.

Typical cabinet furniture is quite cheap, although the demand for it is stably high. A small workshop can pay off in a few months. Your work should be of very high quality if you make cabinet furniture with your own hands. Ideally, it is worth considering the wishes of future customers in advance, that is, before they contact you. This can be done by studying the many models on the market.

It is important to understand that you need to invest a little effort and money in advertising, which should also be included in the business plan. The production of cabinet furniture that you open should stand out against similar enterprises. It is worth having an office where orders will be received. All furniture in the office, ideally, should be produced in your workshop, which will be an additional advertisement for you. The company will need a motto, portfolio, as well as customer reviews.

DIY furniture making tool

Profitability and Profitability

Large-scale production is capable of generating net profit of 150-300 thousand rubles per month. It is important that you acquire regular wholesale and large customers who can always provide you with work. A small workshop should be organized for the manufacture of custom-made furniture, so you will not work at a loss.

You can make several orders and put up for sale, which will allow customers to evaluate the level of your work, as well as its quality and originality. So you can earn 10-80 thousand rubles. In this case, you will quickly pay for the tool for the manufacture of furniture with your own hands.

This is not seasonal work, which is very successful. You can produce furniture and sell it at any time of the year. In addition, you can invite a young creative specialist to help you arrange your projects so that they attract buyers.

Customers can be sought in various ways: through advertising on radio, television or the Internet. Business cards can be handed out in places of the greatest passability, for example, in shops, cafes, shopping centers, and also other establishments.

For this project, profitability is 30-70%, which is a fairly high indicator. Demand for products is growing every year, which has a positive effect on sales.

Positive and negative points

Like any other type of business, the production of cabinet furniture has certain advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects include the following:

  • furniture of this type is in demand regardless of the season;
  • starting investments can be called small;
  • business payback is fast enough;
  • due to high profits, you will have a source of stable income.

The disadvantage in this case is the possibility of a collision with high competition. However, it depends on the city in which you decide to organize the production. If this is a metropolis, then be prepared for great competition. In addition, you should figure out how to surprise your potential customers. In smaller cities, competition is weaker, usually there is very little or no competition there. Thanks to this, you can do with a minimum of advertising.


It does not matter how things are in your particular case, but you definitely need to find your "trick". This is the parameter due to which you will be indispensable. For example, you can take up exclusively the production of kitchen furniture. The emphasis should be on one thing, while honing craftsmanship on other types of furniture. When it comes to organizing a business, it is imperative that you carefully study all the important aspects and issues, draw up a detailed business plan, study the local demand market, as well as competitors and their offers.

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