
Own business: the production of frameless furniture. How to open a furniture production workshop: equipment and a list of necessary documents

frameless furniture production

Frameless furniture is gaining more and more popularity every year. And if earlier, mainly young people were interested in such interior items, then today older people are happy to buy bean bags.

This is not surprising, because thanks to the ability to take the form of the human body, such furniture is very convenient and comfortable. In addition, it will be an excellent decoration for a home or even office interior. In this regard, we can confidently say that the production of frameless furniture is a very promising and profitable business. We will talk about the main points of organizing such a case further.

We draw up a business plan for frameless furniture

In order to properly and efficiently build your activities, you need to understand in detail the main stages of this business. For these purposes, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. It should include such aspects as a description of the goods, analysis of competitive activity, registration of a legal entity, purchase of equipment and raw materials, rental of premises, remuneration of employees, methods of selling finished products, as well as calculation of expenses, income and payback periods of investments. We offer a detailed discussion of each of the points.

What is a bag chair?

Since this item, which can also often be found under the name "bin bag", is the most popular type of frameless furniture, we will talk about it. Such a chair is a very bright, original, small in size and lightweight bag, for the sewing of which furniture fabric is used. Inside the bin bag is a loose filler, so that it can take the form of the body of a person sitting in it.

Such furniture will fit perfectly not only in small rooms, but also in spacious rooms where you need to create a comfortable environment using a minimal number of interior items. In addition, bean bags are very convenient for children, because they are very bright, plastic, soft, and your child will never hit the bean bag, which often happens, for example, with chairs or other solid interior items.


In order to start a business, you must first register as an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to open a business not alone, but with a partner, then it makes sense to choose the form of a legal entity LLC. As for the additional documents, the production of frameless furniture does not require certification and licensing.

Competitive Activity Analysis

Despite the fact that frameless furniture has appeared on the domestic market quite recently, the number of its manufacturers is constantly increasing. This is due primarily to the high demand for such products. However, despite the fairly active competition in this niche, opening a bag-chair business is a rather promising idea if you can offer a potential buyer a high-quality, bright and attractive product in a wide assortment at an affordable price.

Raw materials

The production of bean bags involves the use of two main types of material: fabric and filler.The outer shell of the bin bag consists of two covers. The inner cover must be made of strong and dense material. It is not necessary that it has a beautiful appearance.

To sew the outer cover, it is necessary to select not only high-quality and durable, but also an aesthetically attractive material. For example, faux leather is very popular and has excellent characteristics. In addition, do not forget about the presence of a zipper on the outer cover so that it can be easily removed and washed.

As for the filler for frameless furniture, polystyrene foam in the form of balls is most often used for these purposes. You can buy it directly from suppliers or through building materials stores.


In order to organize a workshop for the production of furniture of this type, there is no need to purchase any expensive equipment. All you need is a sewing machine designed to work with a dense fabric, as well as a vacuum cleaner for the convenience of filling bean bags with polystyrene foam balls.

Frameless furniture: patterns

A very important production step is the selection of suitable patterns for your bean bag. Therefore, before hiring staff, you need to learn how to sew a chair bag yourself. This will allow you to accurately calculate the amount of necessary material and thoroughly learn the whole process of work, which will allow in the future better control the work of employees.

A variety of patterns with step-by-step description can be found in specialized publications. However, many entrepreneurs prefer to buy a bean bag, open it and see with their own eyes how and what it is made of.

Premises for rent

This stage is relevant only if you decide to open your own furniture production workshop. Indeed, at the initial stage of work, when there will be few orders, many entrepreneurs prefer to do it on their own and sew bag-chairs in their apartment or to resort to the help of seamstresses working at home. In the first case, you can only service a small number of orders.

And in the second, you may encounter an overstatement of the cost of your work by seamstresses, as well as a gradual deterioration in its quality and violation of the deadlines. In this regard, most entrepreneurs sooner or later still come to the decision to establish their own sewing workshop. However, this is only necessary when you have a sufficient number of regular orders in order to recoup all investments.

As for the premises for the workshop, the production of frameless furniture does not require much space. 30 square meters will be enough. In this room, you can easily place several sewing machines and material. Also keep in mind that the workshop should be well lit and equipped with ventilation.

Hiring staff

When selecting hired workers for your production, it is necessary, first of all, to be guided by their experience. It is advisable that the seamstresses have already dealt with sewing furniture and working with dense fabrics. Indeed, the quality of products and productivity will directly depend on the skill of your employees. So, an experienced seamstress can easily sew two bean bags per day, which you only need to fill with polystyrene foam balls.

Finished Product Sales

At the initial stage, in order to save money on opening a outlet, you can sell your products through an online store. In this case, you do not have to spend money on renting an area and salary to the seller. However, if the initial capital allows, you can immediately open a retail outlet. It is best to do this in a large shopping and entertainment complex with high traffic.


The vast majority of frameless furniture manufacturers promote their products via the Internet.For this, contextual advertising tools are used. Promotion through social networks is also widely used. You can also advertise your store in local print media.

Frameless furniture business: financial side

frameless furniture patternsAccording to experts, 10 thousand US dollars may be enough to start such a business.

However, having such an amount, you are unlikely to be able to organize your own workshop; bag-chairs will have to be made either independently or by resorting to the services of hired seamstresses working at home.

If you plan to start a large business right away, offering your customers a range of models, a wide selection of fabrics and materials, then you need to focus on investments of $ 30 thousand.

For this amount, you can not only rent a room for the workshop, equip it with high-quality equipment and hire professional seamstresses, but also purchase a variety of fabrics and materials for your future products.

As for profitability, as a rule, its level is 30-40%. This figure is quite high. With the proper organization of the business, even large-scale production of frameless furniture can pay back all the initial investments after 6-12 months of operation.

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