
Business plan: growing strawberries. Growing strawberries in a greenhouse as a business

growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Currently, the cultivation of strawberries in household plots has long been a common occurrence. And this is not surprising. After all, strawberries belong to those plants that do not require great knowledge and serious material costs for growing. And the berry itself has such a pleasant aroma and wonderful taste that without it it is impossible to imagine any festive table. But the beneficial properties of strawberries are no less than its palatability. Therefore, it has become one of the most desired berries on the table not only among amateur gardeners, but also among ordinary buyers at any time of the year.

Apparently, this led to the fact that in Russia they began to consume strawberries every year more. This is a reliable fact. According to statistics, this increase is 30-50% per year. For this reason, this berry has become very popular among gardeners. It is difficult to even imagine any homestead farm without strawberry beds.

Business plan: growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Many entrepreneurs who want to organize their business in this area are wondering how to carry out year-round cultivation of this berry. Today there are a significant number of different varieties and processes.

However, the climatic conditions do not allow the cultivation of strawberries for a year. As a result, people are looking forward to the summer to get enough of this tasty and healthy berry. Therefore, the business plan for year-round strawberry cultivation in a greenhouse completely solves this problem. The main criteria for this idea are further detailed.

The choice of method of cultivation

In this case, it all depends on individual desire. It's no secret that the most affordable and easiest way to get the crop is the technology of growing strawberries in the open ground. But this method has serious drawbacks: the threat of bad weather conditions and a very short fruiting season (May-June).

Therefore, growing strawberries in a greenhouse is the best choice for an amateur gardener or entrepreneur. Many businessmen in this area use this particular method. In favor of the choice of this method of growing strawberries is the fact that ground plants only produce crops in the summer for two to three months, and greenhouses bear fruit almost all year round. And the price of winter berries is much higher than ground.

As for the land used, the greenhouse is designed so that every square meter of the used plot brings much more crop than open ground. This is important for every entrepreneur. However, do not forget that the business of growing strawberries in greenhouses and greenhouses, in addition to the positive aspects, has some negative aspects.

After all, it is necessary to spend certain funds. That is, the costs of building and equipping greenhouses will be required. You will also have to constantly use artificial pollination and lighting. In addition, the taste of ground fruit is considered better than greenhouse. But the most important and positive side of this issue is that the business of strawberries produced in greenhouses is quickly paid back, and therefore very profitable for the producer.

strawberry growing business plan

The room and the necessary microclimate

In this regard, with the right approach, there is no particular difficulty. When maintaining a greenhouse, it is not necessary to build a new building - you can use any available. The main thing is to have light, water and heating.And then you can maintain the required temperature (22-25 ° C), humidity (75-80%) and lighting (up to 12 hours a day) throughout the year.


This issue should be given special attention. To organize high-quality lighting in a greenhouse, it is necessary to install lamps with a power of 400 watts and a certain length of light waves that mimics the natural one - sodium lamps. However, in this regard, it all depends on one's own desire. Special reflectors will help ensure better light diffusion. Their number depends on the scale of cultivation.

Each lamp should illuminate no more than 1 square. m and be at a height of one meter above the plant. This has a significant impact on the quality of the berry. Artificial lighting provides only additional morning and evening. This may be insufficient. Whenever possible, the main source should be natural lighting, for which a high-quality coating with excellent light transmission serves.

Soil selection

To get a good harvest, any plant needs high-quality land with the necessary components for growth and ripening. Therefore, when growing strawberries in a greenhouse, it is recommended to use soil consisting of 80% of loose rock and 20% of humus. This is the best option.

It is important to know that humus should have a uniform color and no smell of ammonia. The resulting soil is also called compost, and it necessarily needs disinfection. Otherwise, various pests will appear in it over time, which can lead to crop loss. Disinfection is carried out by heating the compost at a temperature of 55-60 ° C in a large container for at least 12 hours.


The correctness of this action is important. Watering must be drip, because the strawberry does not tolerate waterlogging or water on the leaves. This is important to know. The entire irrigation system should consist of a water tank, which is above the level of shelving with beds, and rubber pipes with microscopic holes. This design is not complicated. The holes for drip irrigation on a rubber pipe must be made so that each corresponds to one strawberry bush. The tube is located on the surface of the soil and connects to a water tank.

Variety selection and plant care

The right approach in this direction also significantly affects the quality of the crop. In addition to equipping a greenhouse, the successful selection of a strawberry variety is very important for the successful conduct of this business. And this is becoming more and more difficult, since every year new and interesting types of products come on sale.

In order not to be mistaken, some gardeners plant several varieties in the open ground in spring and choose the best one for planting in greenhouses according to their indicators. This is a rational method. You can plant seedlings in a greenhouse in early spring or autumn. This is a more optimal period. Before planting in the greenhouse, seedlings must be kept for several days in any cool and darkened place.

The temperature in this room should not be lower - 2 ° С. This is important to know. Immediately after planting seedlings in the greenhouse, the temperature should be raised gradually, bringing it from 10 ° C to 22 ° C. Watering strawberries is best at the same time. It is also necessary to carefully clean the beds of weeds, cut off the extra antennae and shoots.

When growing strawberries in a greenhouse, pollination can be done with a soft brush. This is also done using intensive ventilation. Some gardeners for pollinating strawberries install a bee hive in the greenhouse. It is important not to forget to conduct chemical treatment of plants from harmful insects and diseases.

Registration of this business

As soon as a novice entrepreneur or amateur gardener is convinced that the cultivation of strawberries as a business brings a good and stable income, you can proceed to state registration of this case. This is necessary so that subsequently there are no problems with the law.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse can be considered an individual form of entrepreneurship with the category of agricultural producer. And such activities are subject to a single tax (UPC), which cannot be more than 6%. To conduct a greenhouse business, registration alone will not be enough. Be sure to get several certifications.

  • On the belonging of the finished product to a particular variety.
  • Fertilizer applied.
  • License to sell.
  • Declaration of conformity GOST of the Russian Federation, with information on quality and compliance with all standards and regulations.
  • Phytosanitary certificate (for agricultural products).

Organization of implementation

Sales of strawberries can be carried out independently, having in stock several points of sale. However, they are not always beneficial to maintain. In winter, about 80% of these products are successfully sold in supermarkets. Therefore, you should take care of finding customers in advance.

Do not forget that in shops and supermarkets often make high demands on the appearance of strawberries. This, as a rule, includes the purity of the berries, as well as the presence of their one-dimensionality and bright color.

technology for growing strawberries in the open field

Also, about 1/3 of the harvested strawberries can be sold to various processors. They can be manufacturers of frozen fruits, juices, yoghurts, jams and other convenience foods.

Profitability of this business

growing strawberries in a greenhouse

An amateur gardener or a novice entrepreneur should start his activity with the correct calculation of expenses and income. The business plan "Strawberry cultivation" contains the cost of the necessary equipment. For example, to equip a greenhouse with an area of ​​120 square meters. m, you will need to buy 80 sodium lamps, which should be at least 400 watts, devices for drip irrigation, building material for containers and shelving.

It will also require the cost of acquiring seeds and paying for electricity for lighting. With a total area of ​​the greenhouse of about 120 square meters. m (80 sq. m of usable area) the crop can reach up to 4.5 kg per 1 sq. m. In winter, 1 kg of strawberries, as a rule, costs from 450 to 500 rubles.

And this means that only one month will allow you to earn at least 162,000 rubles. And since the initial costs can be recouped within 2-3 months, and the ripening period from the beginning of planting is from 2 to 4 months, growing strawberries in a greenhouse can be quite profitable no later than six months later.

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