
Own business: growing greens in greenhouses for sale. Growing greens as a business

growing greens in greenhouses for saleWhat are the only types of private business today! Entrepreneurs open their own car repair shops, beauty salons and shops, sew clothes and shoes, breed sheep, crayfish and geese. Sometimes, it would seem, a completely utopian idea becomes the basis of a very, very successful business. So let's talk about how to make money in a very, very familiar to many Russian people lesson - growing greens.

This will be especially interesting for those who have their own piece of land outside the city: a cottage, a house in a village, a cottage or just put on horticultural partnership. Because the growing of greenery, which is the basis of the business, requires the availability of land. By and large - this is for those who doubt - agricultural products of their own production have always been, are and will be in demand.

And this is especially true today, when store shelves are literally packed with fruits and vegetables that are beautiful in appearance, but in fact have no taste. Or, even worse, with a touch of chemistry. And if a Russian person is quite able to live the winter without the same tomato, then green onions, dill, parsley are products whose presence on our table throughout the year is not only desirable, but also necessary. Therefore, if you decide to choose for yourself such an occupation as growing greens in greenhouses for sale, then you can be sure that the business will “burn out”! Especially if you have experience or even just a craving for the earth.

A few words about greenery and the business itself

Growing greens for sale today is, of course, a cost-effective type of business. Onions, parsley, lettuce, celery, dill on the shelves do not stale. Especially if it is not a Dutch “bouquet” that is beautifully packaged in cellophane, which is sky-high, but has no smell, but an environmentally friendly, native product, from its land, not stuffed with various nitrates and other chemicals. Greens are in demand both in winter and in summer, and especially in cold weather. After all, as you know, this is a true storehouse of vitamins that are so necessary for a person.

It is interesting

By the way, an interesting fact. In an industrial way, in our country they began to grow greens only in the mid-nineties. Prior to this, its main suppliers to the market were mainly rural residents. And even in the days of the Soviet Union, when no one had even heard of entrepreneurship, growing greens in greenhouses for sale brought them a very tangible income, which could not be compared with the average salary of a Soviet person.

Today, when private business, especially in agriculture, is welcome, and the principles of healthy eating are becoming more popular, we can say with confidence that this is a worthwhile business. And to confirm this statement with statistical data, according to which the profitability of greenhouses firmly standing on their feet reaches one hundred percent.

greenery growing

Product types

As a rule, the most popular type of such products is green onions, parsley, lettuce, dill, radish. Onion is the leader in terms of sales; dill takes the second place after it. The remaining types of greenery, although in demand, are not to such an extent. Therefore, it is the cultivation of onions on greens that needs to be put at the heart of your business. As for dill, it can be made, say, an accompanying product, especially since this crop is very unpretentious. Where they plant, there will grow.

Therefore, when thinking about how to grow greens for sale, it is best to bet on onions, which are also, in general, unpretentious.


If you competently approach the matter and choose the right varieties, then you can get three or even four crops of this crop a year. This is the case when growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse. In this case, no one is betting on perennial varieties. Growing onions on a feather can become profitable only if annuals are used. A few words about them.

Variety Characterization

There are three varieties of onions. It is sweet, semi-sharp and spicy. The latter ripen in seventy to eighty days after the emergence of sprouts, spicy - in one hundred and one hundred and twenty, sweets will need at least one hundred and fifty days.

But despite the relatively quick ripening period, the sharp varieties give a very low feather mass. Sweet ones, although very good in this regard, are unable to give the maximum number of crops per year. Therefore, growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse must be carried out precisely from peninsular varieties, especially since there are a huge number of them, including early ripe ones. Using the latter allows you to get early greens in two and a half months.

But only a business that is really well organized can generate income. Therefore, having decided to engage in this type of activity, you need to study very well how to grow greens for sale. Naturally, you can get some income if you do this only in the summer, on the beds. But to consider growing green onions as a business is advisable only if there are greenhouses.

 how to grow green onions

The benefits of growing greenery in greenhouses

It just seems: think that there is a greenhouse to build. Yes, it’s possible its installation is quite simple. But only if it comes to the fact that it is planned to grow greens for sale in greenhouses only from spring to autumn. But to approach the creation of this business is unreasonable.

When compiling a business plan for a future enterprise, you need to consider it as a year-round, rather than seasonal occupation. Because, firstly, this is the only way to get really good profit, and secondly, it is in the winter that this type of business is most profitable.

About greenhouses

Previously, there were only two types of greenhouses - glass and covered with plastic wrap. Now, with the development of modern technology, one more has been added - polycarbonate. Considering growing greens in greenhouses for sale as a year-round business, it is most reasonable to dwell on the latter. Polyethylene is eliminated immediately, because all the money earned will literally fly into the pipe - they will have to be heated every hour, which, given the cost of the fuel itself, is economically unprofitable.

There remains glass or polycarbonate. The second option will cost many times more. But if you can afford to buy ready-made polycarbonate greenhouses and conduct heating for them, it is advisable to stop here. Because a high-quality “workplace” is the key to the profitability of your greenery growing enterprise. If the finances are very tight, then you need to build glass greenhouses on the site of wood.

As for heating, most often they are heated with wood stoves or through the use of solar panels. If we touch on the topic of the number of greenhouses, then at first there should be at least three in order to be able to observe the cyclical nature of production: in one there is sowing of onions, in the second seedlings are greening, and in the third they are harvesting.

how to grow greens for sale

A few words about hydroponics

Recently, some farmers have begun to use an innovative method of growing onions called hydroponics. Its meaning is that the roots of plants are not in the ground, but in a special substrate.Thanks to this technique, plant growth is significantly accelerated, which is ensured by constant circulation of water and optimal temperature.

As a result, of course, you can get a larger number of crops per year. However, this is a rather expensive process that requires computerization. Therefore, high-quality hydroponics at home, so to speak, is almost impossible. This type of crop production is far from accessible to everyone.

In addition, he has one more drawback. It is believed that vegetables grown under such conditions, and the greens are the same, do not have their usual aroma. But is it possible to imagine the same onion or dill without their characteristic smell?

Now let's talk about how to grow green onions.

Material for planting

It is best to purchase it at the so-called "wholesalers", where prices are much lower. It must be remembered that the final result also depends on the quality of the planting material. Since we are talking about growing onions in herbs, it is only necessary to use multi-bulb bulbs. In such planting material there can be more than three sprouts.

It is from them that greens will form. It is very important that the onions purchased for planting should not be processed with various drugs that are used to increase its shelf life. Experienced plant growers already know how to distinguish material treated with chemicals from raw material, for beginners it is best to buy it in the fall, after harvesting, and then store it yourself. To make sure that you are acquiring a truly multi-purpose bulb, you need to cut it in half. The section will immediately see the number of sprouts. Before planting, all material must be soaked for twelve hours, which will accelerate the emergence of seedlings.

In order to save usable space in the greenhouse, it is possible to equip racks in several tiers, observing one condition - in height they must deviate from each other by at least half a meter, which is necessary so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of light.

Growing onions

If you have only one greenhouse at first, then it must be divided into several parts to ensure the continuity of the onion cultivation process. They plant it, say, weekly, in such quantities as are necessary for implementation during this period. As for fertilizers. They will be mineral or organic - this is your choice. But beginners should be aware that the use of nitrogen fertilizers reduces the shelf life of the pen.

Optimal conditions and cleaning

The optimum temperature that must be maintained in the greenhouse is from twelve to fifteen degrees. If such conditions are observed, then greens ready for sale can be obtained even after forty days.

Due to the fact that not all bulbs usually sprout at one time, cleaning should be carried out when the pen reaches a length of thirty centimeters. To give greens a salable appearance, it needs to be peeled off the film, and then formed into small bundles weighing about fifty grams. If the bow is planned to be sold by weight, then it is more profitable to remove a longer feather.

 growing onions on herbs


Everyone understands that greens are a product that a priori cannot keep a decent presentation for a long time. Therefore, the timing of its implementation is very small. So, to get a good income, the entrepreneur has a high-quality sales market. You can sell part of the products on the agricultural market. But bet on this is not worth it.

We need to look for wholesale buyers, and regular ones. These may be supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, vegetable stalls. Do not discount the so-called wholesale dealers, who, although they will purchase your products at a lower price, but directly from the garden, and even pickup.


Depending on the season in our country, wholesale prices for onions are usually from three to five dollars per kilogram. As for the yield of onions grown on the feather, then from an area of ​​one square meter you can get a crop (for one cut) from one and a half to two kilograms. If we take as an example a greenhouse with an area of ​​one hundred square meters, you can get a crop (we take its minimum threshold) of one hundred and fifty kilograms.

Multiply by the same average price. In our case, it is four dollars. We get six hundred dollars. If we consider that our costs amounted to fifty percent (in fact, much less), then you can get three hundred dollars in net profit.

It may seem at first glance that the profit is very small, because in our calculations we operated on such large areas. A hundred square greenhouse! But, as you remember, in the conversation the rack-based cultivation system was already mentioned. And this means that the nominal area of ​​the greenhouse itself can be only twenty-five squares. Approximately as much as one large room in the apartment. And if there are not one such “rooms”, but three, five? So consider it.


So what do you think, is it profitable to grow greens for sale? Of course! In addition, it was a beginner entrepreneur. Who knows what will happen next. It is possible that your three greenhouses will become the progenitors of a huge agricultural holding, which you will be the owner. So growing greens in greenhouses for sale is not only a profitable, but also a promising business.

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