
Charity Fund, European Fund and Assistance Fund. What is a foundation?

Humanity lives in a changing reality, so without kindness and compassion it is difficult to survive. Poverty, illnesses, military conflicts, high mortality - all this pushes people to realize that life is fleeting and it is necessary to help those in need. Charity develops a person's responsibility, reliability and kindness.what is a fund

What is a foundation?

In order to deliver targeted funds to those in need, people organize charitable organizations. A charitable foundation is a type of organization operating on the basis of the charter, the main activity of which is charity. The number of participants by whom the fund is managed is specified in the charter. As for working capital, they can be formed by founders or benefactors.

charity foundation

So what is a fund and what does it do? Now there are a huge number of organizations of this orientation, which help schools, sick children, war veterans, the poor, drug addicts, AIDS patients, the disabled, and the elderly.

World famous charities are:

  • World Wildlife Fund.
  • Charity Fund Josiana C. Lilly.
  • Silicon Valley Foundation.
  • Charity Fund Chulpan Khamatova.
  • Gerd Bucerius Foundation.

What is a European fund?

european foundationThere are a fairly large number of organizations created under the auspices of the European Union (EU). All of them provide assistance at the state and regional levels. The most famous are:

  • The European Strategic Investment Fund, which will invest in projects related to the creation of EU energy, digital and transport infrastructure. He pays special attention to scientific developments and innovative technologies.
  • European structural funds and cohesion funds, which are the main financial instruments in the formation of the regional development of the EU member states, geographically located in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • The European Social Fund, which was created in 1959 and oversees employment issues.
  • European Pension Fund - carries out activities related to social payments to the population.

Targeted Charity

aid fundIn world practice, there is such a thing as a relief fund. A number of questions arise. What is a relief fund? What does he do? Who can be a founder? The answer is very simple: it is a kind of charitable organization that provides assistance, for example, to children with cancer, drug-addicted people, and AIDS patients.

Business Charity

Charity refers to the more familiar and modern word - hobby or sponsorship. Since they are engaged in this type of activity in their free time, spending various means on it, instead of acquiring any material income, with the exception of spiritual and positive reassurance.

Nowadays, you can increasingly meet the close interaction of business and charity. Such social assistance is provided by both owners of large monopolies and small business owners. Often, many companies conduct public charity events to positively influence their reputation and image. To do this, in various commercials or on billboards, it is reported to the consumer of certain products that part of the funds from the goods sold will be donated to a charity fund.In this case, the company’s reputation increases, and responsive customers who want to help people who need help are additionally lured.

Many entrepreneurs, participating in charity, bring talent directly, without involving intermediaries. After all, what is a fund? He rarely advertises his benefactors. In such cases, you should not blame such businessmen, because, in addition to beautiful advertising of their products, they still help people.

Not only businessmen, but also ordinary people who have a desire can engage in charity.

The relationship of business, fortune and charity

Entrepreneurs have a sign: for a business to flourish and not go bankrupt, it is necessary to donate a certain part of its income to the poor. This rule was discovered when trade relations were just beginning to emerge. Therefore, if a wealthy person does not want to share part of the income on his own, then fate itself will decide how much and where the capital will go in the past of a successful entrepreneur.

For some business owners, charity exists as a form of voluntary activity. She does not carry any pitfalls and is sincere from the heart.

Some businessmen feel that doing charity is embarrassing. But there are other reasons for not disclosing this type of activity. If the company finds out about a single case, then more applicants will appear, on which the limit is not calculated. And the accusations will begin that they are helping someone, but not others.

It is important to remember that charity not only helps people, but also changes their worldview and solves global issues and problems.

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