
Flea markets in Moscow and Moscow region: addresses

Flea market, thrift store, second-hand or flea market? It doesn’t matter what the name of the place is; it’s important that it always has been, is and will probably be, regardless of the times and morals of society. Flea markets in Moscow exist for a long time, and yes, there are several in the city. You should not think that this is metropolitan know-how - not at all, in every small-scale large city there is its own “frontal” place. People take things there that they want to sell, and those who want to buy them make pilgrimage raids in tight rows, where truly amazing finds can be found.

flea markets in Moscow

It was yours, it became ours

Perhaps, many houses have unnecessary trinkets like porcelain figurines or old mechanical watches, they cannot find a place in a modern apartment, where the interior is made in hi-tech or loft style, and the Gzhel or Khokhloma painting on the beloved grandmother’s tureen absolutely knocks out the style of the room. The same can be said about paintings, handicrafts, old clothes (and often antique). It is interesting to engage in gathering, but only until the “collection” begins to threaten the owner of the apartment with eviction. This is probably why flea markets in Moscow are thriving and in demand. But here is a reasonable question: “Who needs all this good?” The answer may surprise many. Few people know what treasure can gather dust in his closet for decades, but once in the right environment, such a specific product finds its buyer.

Professional collectors and amateurs, resellers, designers and stylists, people creating theme collections, after all, just eccentrics living in their own bright and extraordinary world, selflessly look for the missing puzzle piece that will fit perfectly into their picture of the world. And flea markets in Moscow, and other cities, for them - a paradise on Earth.

"Flea market"

For many people, such a place for shopping does not cause not only pleasant emotions, but also the slightest approval. In fact, the flea market in Moscow or any other place is a trading platform for used things. Of course, one can meet absolutely “new” old things there, which, if used, were used only as a multi-year dust collector, but most often all the goods there had been seen. But in fact, after all, no one will go there in search of personal hygiene items or purely individual things to replenish their own wardrobe. Yes, clothes are sold at “flea markets”, but these are mostly colorful, folk, carnival, and sometimes incredibly exclusive clothes, elements of the wardrobe of the military or, say, firefighters of past years, show business stars.

flea market in Moscow

Many trading floors of this kind have their own unwritten rules and restrictions. So, the flea market in Moscow, which is located on Shkolnaya Street, near the Rimskaya and Ploshchad Ilyich metro stations, categorically prohibits the sale of linen and socks, even seasonally priced shoes to buy here can be problematic - not all shoes can be sold.

Where do the legs grow from

It is impossible to say with certainty who was the pioneer of the "second", in which city the first spontaneous market was formed. In the disastrous nineties, flea markets in Moscow were full of goods of various nature and purpose. Then it was rather a necessary measure for the entire population - the nascent and really creepy capitalism forced people to sell everything that was at home in order to satisfy their immediate needs. However, in the Soviet years there were also places where people pulled everything that could be served.At that time, such events were not encouraged at all, and really valuable things were sold and bought from under the floor. The black market flourished, the circulation of stolen goods, hidden during wars and other troubled periods in the history of goods was possible only at “flea markets”.

where is the flea market in Moscow

Where everyone knew the flea market in Moscow, the oldest was always the one that is now located near the Novopodrezkovo railway station (previously it was Mark station). For almost a hundred years they have been selling everything that they like, probably the market was formed in pre-revolutionary times, here you can easily buy really valuable antiques and antiques.

Where are riches hidden?

It is found on a “flea”, as the flea market is affectionately called by regulars, a very different people. Amazing product attracts true connoisseurs of antiquity to such places. The practice of recent years shows that more and more “flea markets” are becoming something like a market “Sotheby's”. Mahogany furniture, jewelry, ancient coins and awards, rare prints, family jewelry and silverware, from which real princes once treated their guests - Moscow is rich in all this good. Flea markets, the addresses of which are presented in the article, are the most popular among sellers and among their customers:

  • The market mentioned above at Novopodrezkovo is one of the largest. Due to the fact that pensioners do not need to pay any fees for the "workplace", there are always a lot of people there, respectively, and you can find a bunch of different "interests".
  • Tishinskaya "flea market" is located next to the metro station "Mayakovsky", if you follow it along the street Krasina, then finding the right one will not be difficult even for a pedestrian.
  • Izmailovsky flea market is also located near the metro (Partizanskaya station).

It is worth considering that these markets do not always work. It is worth a visit on the weekend, the best time for shopping is in the morning. All the most valuable quickly settles in the pockets of more successful visitors to the bazaar. But at the same time, sellers closer to dinner can significantly reduce the price of their products. Such "sales" will help to significantly save, and in addition to a pleasant time spent, the client will receive a good thing for a ridiculous price.

flea market moscow suburbs

Who seeks will always find

Those who passionately love to delve into the old days, you just need to know where there are flea markets in Moscow and the Moscow region. The addresses of these places are not a secret behind seven castles, but there are several secluded "flea markets" that are not accessible to every visitor.

  • A cozy shop for a variety of goods from the last century, retro paraphernalia and stylized things for it - "At the Backyard" - located on the street. Spinning.
  • Moscow Hobby Fair is a paradise for numismatists, antique dealers and antique collectors, the address is ul. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 2.
  • The flea market, located on the territory of the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate, has existed since time immemorial; this glorious tradition has been preserved to this day.

Moscow flea markets addresses

Secret treasury

Wherever the flea market is located - Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Paris or New York - in such places there are always their own "rules of the game." Lucky and treasure hunters can wander through the ranks for years, sorting through mountains of useless trash in search of their Grail, and sooner or later they will find it. On the "flea" you can and should bargain. Local sellers are an incredibly colorful people who have a remarkable sense of humor and irony, as well as the deepest knowledge in their field. Even simple communication with regulars of such second-hand is a unique opportunity to learn something amazing and exciting.

flea markets in Moscow and Moscow region addresses

But there are no guarantees

True, in this whole honey barrel there is one essential fly in the ointment. It is difficult for a non-professional to distinguish genuine things from fakes, and even where, where, and in a flea market, stumbling into a fake is easy.Experienced buyers are advised to keep an eye out, and hide money and other valuables in the deepest hidden pocket. Tweezers, pocket thieves, dodgers and stunts are always traded in the markets, and buyers who are arrogant at local beauties for them are tidbits.

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