
Credit Security Bureau "Russian collector": reviews of employees and debtors

In the field of financial services, a huge market share is occupied by collection agencies. Despite the fact that quite a large number of large and reputable companies operate here, they manage to effectively divide the market among themselves, performing their tasks at the highest level.

In this article, we just would like to draw your attention to one of these agencies. This is the Russian collector bureau known in Russia. Reviews show that it offers a wide range of services related to the servicing of bad debts.

For this article, we collected material both from third-party open information sources and from the company's official website.

General information

So, we will start traditionally with the presentation of LLC BKB "Russian collector". The reviews we managed to find about this structure indicate that the company has a fairly extensive network of representative offices: in Russia, its interests are represented in 72 regions. The figures that show the results of the company's work can also impress: more than 700 thousand debts now make up the agency’s main portfolio. The total amount of money that the debtors in this portfolio do not pay exceeds 20 billion rubles. Agree, these are truly amazing results of any company!

As the reviews of employees describing the Russian collector show (more about them, however, we will talk a little later), the company began its work back in 2006. During this time, she managed to develop an effective strategy for processing debts and for quite productive interaction with clients. For this, the company has a whole arsenal of funds.


Speaking about the methods used by Russcollector LLC, the feedback from employees is primarily called the individually developed software platform - “Contact”. Its structure and the solutions included in the solution make it possible to service all problem loans with maximum efficiency, take into account debts, contact debtors and carry out all other necessary operations.

In addition, the company has other developments. In particular, it is a scoring system for increasing the efficiency of employees, which was also created individually.


In addition to the programs, the Russian collector bureau (reviews of which we will give a little further in the text) is the most important mechanism for employees. In more detail about what working conditions have developed in the company, we will tell a little further. And now we note that for the organization of the most efficient work, the company has various special monitoring and motivation systems. For example, this is the very system of ratings and ratings that allows you to properly note the work of a company employee.

the Bureau

Since, as noted by staff reviews describing the Russkollektor credit security bureau, hundreds of offices operate in the company’s structure, thousands of specialists are employed here. It is not surprising that special mechanisms and tools are used here to consolidate their efforts. All this is an additional experience for people who manage to complete school in this company.

Finally, the leadership efforts of this structure do not go unnoticed. Their results, of course, in addition to the high performance indicators of the structure, can be called some awards (in particular, SuperJob-2013 and 2014 in the nomination “Most Attractive Employer”).This proves once again that this bureau is not in vain one of the industry leaders.


Only by looking at the reviews of debtors and employees describing the Ruscollector collection agency, we can make an obvious conclusion that its main service is working with problem debts. This includes the “classic” set of options offered by collectors: buying up portfolios of such debts from banks and credit organizations, increasing the percentage of repayment of debts in these portfolios, dialogue with the debtor, and so on. We will talk more about the direct methods of working with former bank customers.

In the meantime, I will say that these two areas (buying and collecting) are the two main functions of the company. Also, as indicated on the company’s website, the collection bureau decides on a further strategy for interacting with the debtor together with its client — that is, the bank or the credit community it is serving.


Also, in a separate order, as the reviews on the Russian Collector show, the company is engaged in consultations. That is, they explain in more detail here how it will be possible to recover debt as efficiently as possible, with what methodology it is better to work to increase the percentage of returns and so on.


Actually, these two groups of subjects are the most frequent clients of collection companies. The reason for this is obvious - their activity is directly related to debt obligations and the processing of problem loans, for which payment is not received.

As notes on the official website of BKB "Russkolektor" (LLC, the reviews of which confirm this information), over the entire period of its activity the company has served hundreds of customers. They were provided with comprehensive assistance, both organizational and resource, as well as legal in nature, to collect debts to the maximum extent. Actually, the quality of their activities is evidenced by the ever-growing portfolio of “distressed” ones and market fame.

Partnership programs

credit bureau

In order to make cooperation more profitable, BKB "Russian collector" (reviews of employees confirm this information absolutely) conducts special loyalty programs. They are based primarily on the principles of good faith, long-term relationship, mutual respect and trust from both the client and the collection bureau. The conditions under which the servicing of a bank or credit organization is carried out are individually negotiated and, thus, are most suitable for both the client and the service provider.

Information for debtors

However, the relationship between Russcollector and creditors who want to collect their debts is not exclusive. There is also a relationship with debtors - directly by those who do not fulfill their obligations to banks and private financial institutions, thus creating a portfolio of “problem” debts and constantly replenishing it. Such entities are ordinary citizens who, either due to prevailing life circumstances or voluntarily do not pay a loan, which is why they get involved in conflict and litigation with a collection bureau. There are a lot of information on the methods of working with such people in companies specializing in distressed debt. For example, these are constant stories about threats from collectors and various techniques with which they “process” debtors. Surely, each of us has heard many such stories.


So, analyzing the activities of this particular company, I would like to describe the feedback from debtors dedicated to the Russian Collector. I will make a reservation right away that I was looking for them not on one resource, but on several sites that are aggregators of comments about similar structures.


So, to begin with, there is really a lot of information posted about the company’s work on the network.Mostly it is replenished with stories from those who also do not repay a bank loan, which is why they are forced to communicate with collectors. It is easy to guess that most often such comments are sharply negative, which significantly lowers the rating of the company on various sites with reviews.

Specifically, people (they are also debtors with experience working with the agency described above) complain about rudeness and threats from company employees; someone reports that they are called at night and demand to pay off their debt as soon as possible, than cause inconvenience. There is also information that the agency often calls not to those people, but to owners of random phone numbers that were indicated by unscrupulous borrowers. Such errors are not uncommon - however, they deliver a lot of discomfort to innocent people.

Thus, if we summarize the information from what the debtors' reviews write about the Russian collector company, we can conclude that here is one negative, due to the relationship between the latter and the bureau itself. However, this is a natural process, so there is nothing to be surprised at. Even if the debtor is indeed a malicious non-payer who deliberately avoids paying the loan amount and interest for its use, he will leave a negative comment about how terrible the collection company uses.


We previously mentioned that a credit bureau is available in 72 regions. Based on this information, we can note that finding an office or representative office that will be closest to your place of residence, in this case, can be a daunting task. Therefore, the company’s website has a section with contact information.


Here it is called “Geography of Presence”, and this menu is available on the left side of the site. If you click on the designated link, you will see the districts into which our country is divided. According to them, accordingly, special flags are installed that indicate representative offices (by region). By clicking on one such flag, you will see the name of the region - that is, you will find out if there is a company office there. Please note that information for contacting representatives of the collection bureau can be found in the “Contacts” section. There is how Bank details for debtors, the address and telephone number of the central office in Moscow: ul. Academician Korolev, house 13. You can contact by phone +7 (495) 589-15-04. Also, if it is more convenient for you, you can use the special online form.


As the reviews describing the Russian Collector show, there are always available vacancies in one direction or another. You can find them in the same section of the site. At the time of writing, for example, the current position was “debt specialist.” The functional responsibilities of such an employee are described below, which include communicating with debtors, advising them on legal issues, preparing documents, etc.

Employee Reviews

As the recommendations of people who have worked for the company show, the opinion about it is rather mixed. Someone really likes the proposed job, the tasks set for each employee, and the opportunity to grow and develop. For someone, such work seems extremely difficult, with difficult conditions and low pay. That is, I admit that the whole thing is in the specifics - it is a constant interaction with debtors, moral pressure and the need to be constantly stressed. Only those who can resist this are able to work in this mode. They also receive a reward in the form of constantly growing salaries and new career opportunities in the company.

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