
IC "Consent": customer and employee reviews

Our modern life is unpredictable, and it is not known what awaits us around the corner. So that the accident does not seem so sad, there were material means to restore strength, you should insure yourself, an apartment, a car and business. The most popular insurance company is Consent. Customer reviews say that she honestly fulfills all obligations and quickly transfers material payments.

History of the company

IC “Consent” (reviews of some car owners pay attention to the fact that the company specifically underestimates the amount of damage, and to restore justice, you have to go to court) since 1993. Over the years and until now, the company has been included in the rating of the most successful insurance companies, and the number of its customers is growing every day.

The company has about 400 offices throughout the Russian Federation. Belongs to ONEXIM Group, which is one of the largest holdings in the country. The priority is customer service and is trying to choose the best type of insurance for everyone.

IC “Consent” (reviews of many say about the professionalism and responsiveness of the company employees) have repeatedly confirmed their ratings and received awards. The high level of financial stability and long-term lending is confirmed in 2016 by Standard & Poor’s. The rating agency Expert RA noted the reliability of the company. The company received two Russian prizes, these are the Golden Salamander and the Financial Elite of Russia.

Private insurance

IC “Consent” (reviews of some customers say that it does not always live up to expectations and delays the payment of compensation) offers individuals insurance:

  • a car;
  • real estate;
  • life
  • health
  • travel.

consent reviews

Car insurance provides roadside support and offers a variety of insurance programs. The Client, at his discretion, may choose any of those that the Insurance Consent offers. CASCO reviews are considered the best transport insurance system. You can also insure yourself here under OSAGO and the Green Card.

Real estate services are divided into apartment insurance country houses and mortgages. This includes regional insurance programs, which include not only home insurance, but also utility bills and housing maintenance.

Health insurance includes voluntary medical and accident insurance. It is divided into accumulative and risky personal insurance. “Consent” (reviews of some customers indicate the indifference of the leadership to the misunderstandings of the work process) offers three forms here: “Vita Optimum”, “Vita Premium”, “Vita Successful Start”.

Services for legal entities

For legal entities IC “Consent” (reviews say that to get compensation after an accident, you often have to go to court) offers a wide range of different forms of insurance.

consent insurance company customer reviews

As a rule, the company insures:

  • Transport. Quick damage compensation after an accident. This includes insurance for automobile, river and air transport, as well as all passenger carriers, with the exception of the subway and taxi.
  • Property. Insurance against unforeseen damage, fire, explosion, flood and natural disaster. Allows you to protect owners from unexpected expenses. The business designer allows you to find the best option for applying this service for housing or civil liability; machines and other devices during their operation, compensates for the costs of their breakdown.
  • Civil responsibility.These are non-residential premises, exposed to a number of negative factors, especially dangerous objects, human carriers, exhibits participating in the exhibition and attractions.
  • The collective. Insurance “Consent” (reviews of some people say that there is not always mutual understanding between the company and the clients) provides voluntary medical and accident insurance for employees of law firms, as well as cumulative life insurance for subordinates.
  • Freights. Compensation is provided in case of cargo damage during transportation by any means of transport both in Russia and abroad.
  • Construction and installation and technical work. It includes insurance of construction objects, machinery and mobile equipment against damage during the production process.
  • Finance. The service extends to commercial loans and receivables. It represents a kind of protection against bankruptcy and financial instability.
  • Agriculture. There are insurance programs for crop failure, the death of poultry and animals, fish and marine life. Compensation is paid in case of damage to agricultural products in storage, as well as fertilizers and funds necessary for processing plants. You can also insure against damage to agricultural machinery, which is both owned and leased.

Municipal insurance

IC “Consent” (reviews of some customers claim that the company is trustworthy and always pays all material resources on time) represents municipal housing insurance for residents of Moscow. This program began in 1995 and aims to raise extrabudgetary money to restore housing in the event of damage or destruction. It is divided into two main areas, these are:

  1. Home insurance. The initiator can be both the owner and tenant of the housing, if they are registered at this address.
  2. A service for common areas in apartment buildings. Here, only legal entities can enter into an agreement, in the person of HOA, housing cooperative housing cooperatives and management organizations.

ck consent reviews

Property is subject to insurance in an apartment building along with walls, internal partitions and ceilings between floors. The contract includes cosmetic decoration, plumbing, all engineering equipment and communications inside the house.

With IC “Consent” (customer reviews say that company employees often offer more expensive types of insurance, silent about the budget), a contract for damages is concluded for one year. The insurance premium is paid by the insured on a monthly basis and is included as a separate line in the receipt for utility bills.

CASCO in "Concord"

The insurance company Concord represents the most profitable programs. CASCO (reviews of some people say that the contributions here are too high, but, despite this, the company is in no hurry to pay dividends, citing non-existent reasons) reimburses all losses for the restoration of transport, even if the policyholder is the culprit.

consent insurance company reviews

In a traffic accident, you must not leave the scene of the accident and move the car, as well as objects related to this incident. In this case, it is necessary to turn on the alarm and put the appropriate sign 15 m before the scene in the village and 30 m outside the lands of the settlements. Then immediately call the traffic police, an ambulance, if necessary, and the emergency commissioner of the insurance company. Then, a written application is submitted to (under the CASCO insurance contract) “Consent”.Reviews (Moscow has almost a hundred company offices on its territory, among which you can always find the most convenient option), a certain part of citizens say that agreeing on a car repair does not take much time, and all losses are compensated promptly.

When insuring a car under CASCO, its brand, model, year of manufacture and mileage are taken into account. These are domestic cars up to 6 years of wear and foreign cars up to 10 years. A prerequisite for insurance is the presence of an alarm. Take into account gender, age, driver experience. Attention is drawn to marital status, the number of children, the availability of a franchise, and accident-free operation.

Concord Insurance Company (reviews on CASCO of some people say that it is very difficult to get to the car after an accident, and you have to wait at least a week) for damage to the car asks not later than seven days, and if it is stolen within 24 hours. The appeal must be recorded in writing, and can also be sent by fax or telegram.

CTP insurance

Covers insurance almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation. MTPL (reviews of some people claim that the company delays the payment of insurance obligations on purpose) is an obligatory type of insurance for all drivers of the vehicle and is aimed at the civil liability of the driver. The cost of insurance ranges from 5-7 thousand rubles, and the maximum amount of payments is 160 thousand rubles. If there is no OSAGO policy, then the driver can be brought to administrative responsibility and impose a fine.

consent casco reviews

This type of insurance is not aimed at restoring a vehicle, but at compensating for damage caused to the owner of another car in a car accident. Cash is reimbursed in the event that liability has arisen before another person in an accident. If the car of the insured is damaged, then no material payments are made.

Either an MTPL policy is issued (as it is mandatory), or MTPL + CASCO simultaneously.

IC “Consent” (reviews on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance are not always positive, but despite this, there are many cases when a company has faithfully paid the due funds to insurers) in order to draw up a policy, it requires the following documents:

  • driver's license;
  • passport or any other identification document;
  • certificate of registration of transport;
  • inspection.

The company "Consent" offers to arrange CTP on especially favorable terms:

  • Saves all discounts for trouble-free, even if the client has moved from another company.
  • If the cost of the policy is from 6 thousand rubles, it provides free delivery in Moscow.
  • It gives a full guarantee of the authenticity of the compulsory insurance policy.
  • Pre-warns the client about the expiration date of the policy.

Starting from August 2, 2014, a victim of a traffic accident, according to the law, should only apply to all insurance claims to the insurance company where he was registered. These are cases when:

  • the accident occurred in a collision of two vehicles, this also includes transport with a trailer;
  • both persons involved in the accident are insured under compulsory motor third-party liability insurance;
  • only transport damage was caused and no harm was caused to other participants in the accident.

If these points are not met, and more than two vehicles participated in the accident, or one of the accident participants does not have an insurance policy, then the victim must contact the company where the person who caused the damage is insured.

Benefits of choosing a company

casco consent reviews moscow

IC “Consent” (reviews of some individuals claim that employees are not always competent, make mistakes in work, forcing clients to “run around”) has a number of advantages over other companies due to its reliability and solvency. These include:

  • protecting the interests of insurers;
  • efficiency and adaptability of services;
  • professional staff;
  • round-the-clock technical support;
  • developed workshop system for cars under warranty;
  • installment payment;
  • accreditation in famous and large banks;
  • the presence of emergency commissioners to help solve a number of problems in an accident.

The company helps its customers survive any adversity and most responsibly fulfills all its obligations under the contract. The company provides all services as soon as possible, and the process of determining losses takes little time.

All processes in IC “Consent” are automated, whether it is receiving documents for issuing a policy or transferring compensation to a client. Employees undergo special training and are highly professional. Understood in all matters affecting the area of ​​the company. There is a separate loss settlement group. The offices have an automated electronic queue. Each client receives an SMS notification about the status of the case.

Loss settlement department in IC “Consent”

The insurance company (reviews of positive clients indicate decent service, quick payments and prompt service) in case of an accident or other insured event offers to contact a special loss settlement department. The site lists the addresses of branches where there is a similar type of service.

To reimburse material assets you need:

  • in a strictly established form write a written statement;
  • collect all the documentation proving the need for payments;
  • send a package of documents to the loss settlement department;
  • wait for a decision within a certain time.

Equipped with an automated service, the official website is “Consent”. Insurance company (customer reviews in some cases indicate inconsistent actions of employees and say that you often have to go to court to receive monetary compensation) By SMS notification, customers are informed at what stage the case in question is.

Employee Reviews

osago insurance consent reviews

Has a large staff of employees of IC "Consent". Employee reviews about this company are also diametrically opposed. Many note that the average salary of insurers barely reaches 30 thousand rubles, it all depends on how much they managed to serve customers. Workers argue that all the nuances of the work process have to be understood independently. Training of new personnel in the company lasts about a week, and then everyone is taken to the work line. Employees at their own expense go to inspect the client’s car. The company has fines for late for work and poor-quality inspection of vehicles at the scene. However, this is understandable: which employer will pay for unsatisfactory work?

Consent provides its employees with a social package and pays wages on a plastic card on time. The team here is young and friendly. Insured events requiring the presence of an employee of the company, happen not only during business hours, so employees note the irregular work schedule in the company "Consent".

Insurance company: customer reviews

Opinions about the insurance company have developed different. Someone is completely satisfied with her services and concludes an agreement with the company more than once. These people claim that all payments were made on time, and agreeing on repairs took a little time. Compensation for car theft was paid quickly, within two months, without waiting for the closure of the criminal case. They say that company employees are polite and work efficiently. These persons have only a positive impression of IC “Consent”.

The insurance company (customer reviews about it are also negative) is trying to provide its customers with the most advantageous offers. Unfortunately, not all programs work at a decent level. According to insurers, the company in many cases delays the payment of material resources. Often forces customers to sue for damages. Ignores approval for repairs for several months.Tightens production issues. Underestimates the amount of damage.

Reviews about the Accord company are sometimes not credible, but despite this, the company has existed for many years, and thousands of customers are satisfied with its services. The company does everything possible to satisfy the needs of customers, for which it implements many programs available to the public.

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Reason for complaint
Alexandr Samoylov
employees writing poles do not know the basic rules of the law on motor insurance - their managers should be ashamed.
SMM Soglasie Alexandr Samoylov
Good day! Could you please write more to us at claims@soglasie.ru about the situation that you encountered when contacting our office? We would like to understand the situation. Thank you in advance!
For the first time in the company, Consent issued an insurance policy. Very convenient service, insure a car without leaving your home. I have been working with this company for a long time. I trust her with all my property and I am sure that I am protected 24 hours a day. I want to express my gratitude to the company employees for their responsible approach to work and good attitude to customers.


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