
Collection agency "Capital-Supervision": reviews, address

Today we have to get acquainted with an agency called Capital Supervision. Reviews about this company are leaving more and more often. As a rule, they are written by those who have encountered the work of the organization’s employees. But what is she like? How much is Capital Supervision a bona fide company? What does the population think of her? Numerous reviews will help to decide on this issue. Just be prepared for the fact that you will have to draw conclusions yourself. After all, everyone has their own vision of the company. For some, it’s good, for someone it’s not very good. What points do you need to pay attention to first of all?

capital supervision reviews

About Activities

What does this organization do? "Capital-Supervision" is a collection agency. It, as you might guess, "knocks out" debts. Nothing incomprehensible, everything is extremely simple. More precisely, the company is engaged in:

  • buying up debts;
  • debt collection.

These two functions are the basis of the corporation. Capital-Supervision works with various financial companies - from banks to MFIs. And it pleases potential customers. Anyone who is legally indebted can apply here. Collectors promise to quickly return your money.


Who is eligible to apply here? Residents of Russia. Indeed, Capital-Supervision LLC is a Russian collector agency. Where is it located? This question is of interest to many. At the moment, at least 2 addresses of this organization are known. So where to go for services or with complaints about the actions of company employees?

You can find Capital Supervision in Moscow. It is in the capital that this organization is located. It is indicated that you will have to drive to Mukomolny passage and find house 4A there. You will need building 2.

Also, "Capital-Supervision" is located at: Russia, Moscow, Antonova-Ovseenko Street, Building 15, Building 3.

collector law

As you can see, residents have an alternative to treatment. It pleases many. After all, if in one place you were denied service or to listen to complaints, you can go to another.

As an employer

"Capital-Supervision" reviews are diverse. The point is that collection activity in itself is quite doubtful. The main function that an organization must perform is to “knock out” funds from debtors. Moreover, as practice shows, by any means. It is necessary to influence people to cover debts. This is not for everyone. Therefore, most opinions indicate a constant tension in the workplace.

In addition, debt collection usually implies a violation of the laws of the country. So, you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will sometimes act as an intruder. This alignment few people are satisfied.

What about earnings? You can get money here, and rather big ones. Only formal employment is virtually absent. Capital-Supervision receives reviews as not the most conscientious employer. After all, if the collector quits before the calculation, he will not wait for earnings. Why? All due to the fact that there will be no documentary evidence of your work. Therefore, employees are advised to remain vigilant.

debt collection

However, nothing surprising. Many employers behave in a similar manner. They try not to delay the received earnings. You are promised a complete social package. In fact, it is provided, but in part. This means that you are given sick leave and leave, but mainly at your own expense. After all, there is no official employment as such.

For clients

Not too conscientious company "Capital-Supervision" is for applicants. Just do not forget that customers also influence the rating of the organization. What do they think of the company?

Debt collection "Capital-Supervision" organizes quickly. The vast majority of customers are satisfied with the work of collectors. All promises made by the company are kept.

Moreover, complaints from debtors are minimal. Yes, it is not always that Capital-Supervision acts within the framework of the law, but they try to "keep themselves in control". This makes me happy. It is noted that at the moment it is impossible to find a collection agency that knocks out debts only by legal means. Therefore, Capital-Supervision receives mostly positive feedback from customers. This is a company that is sure to refund your money as soon as possible.

collector rights

From the "victims"

Another item that affects the rating of a collection organization is the opinions of debtors. They most often demonstrate how well these firms operate.

Most recently, a new law “On collectors” (“On activity on collecting overdue debts”) of 2016 was signed. It restricts the activities of such companies. And this code of laws must be respected.

Only debtors indicate that this is not happening. "Capital-Supervision" constantly worries people, breaks the laws. At first, not in a rigid form - they are limited to importunity and damage to property (namely, painting walls, mailboxes, doors, and so on). This is not the worst violation. “Capital-Supervision” reviews are most often earned negative because the actions of the company’s employees flagrantly violate the established legislation: in addition to importunity, there is serious harm as well as the threat of violence. By all means, debtors are intimidated and literally knocked out debts. This negatively affects the rating of the company.

However, the rights of collectors in 2016, as already mentioned, were limited by law. Debtors must be aware of this. If their rights are violated, you can file a complaint both with the office of Capital Supervision and immediately with the court. The dissatisfaction on the part of the debtors is understandable - not a single collection company has yet received positive ratings from those with whom money is collected.

ooo capital supervision

Law behavior

As already mentioned, in 2016, the law on collectors "On debt collection activities" was adopted. It is he who must impose some restrictions on collectors when collecting debts.

According to the established rules, now only 3 types of communication between the collection agency and the debtor are provided:

  • personal visit;
  • SMS and calls;
  • letters to the mail (including e-mail).

But only the rights of collectors in these areas are severely limited. You can not visit more than 8 times a month. More precisely, no more than 1 time per day and 2 times per week. Exactly the same rule applies to making calls.

E-mail messages cannot disturb the debtor more than 2 times a day. At the same time, the weekly limit is set in 4 letters. It turns out that under the law no more than 16 electronic messages can be sent by mail. According to debtors, Capital-Supervision often violates these requirements.

Major bans

It is necessary to pay attention to the most important points of the law. It is for their violation that Capital-Supervision receives negative reviews from debtors. However, like all collection agencies.

The thing is that now the collectors do not have the right:

  • mislead;
  • Intimidate
  • psychologically crush;
  • defame the honor and dignity of man;
  • insult;
  • threaten;
  • use violence in any form.

If the employees of Capital Supervision commit such actions, you must immediately complain to the police. Collectors have no right to such behavior.

capital supervision collection agency

That is, almost all of the “leverage” the government took away from the collectors.If you act according to the law, it remains only to annoyingly call and constantly remind you of existing debts. Capital Supervision is far from being the most cruel company, but it still violates the laws from time to time. Even in a light form.

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