
Purpose: statement, definition. Setting goals and their implementation

In this article, we will find out how goal setting is accomplished. What is it all about? Psychologists say that the goal is a real or ideal object of an individual's unconscious or conscious aspiration. In addition, this is the ultimate achievement for which the maneuver is intentionally tuned. In fact, the goal is called the image of the anticipated result. Maybe not everyone will agree with the following thought, but many people live without thinking about their dreams at all.

After all, setting goals is a rather boring lesson for a person who has the current mentality. And yet, you need to learn how to make plans. This is mainly needed for those who wish to benefit from psychotherapy in order to feel happy. Of course, they don’t call you to strive to achieve a goal like: buy a house, get married or pay a loan.

goal setting

Further discussion will concern only those plans that we call personal. After all, internal self-development has always been more important than social. If personal problems exist, it is very difficult to solve public ones.

When a person was able to solve a particular problem, he finds exactly the society that will be favorable for him, and not destructive. Why is this happening? An impressive number of people suffer from "psychological problems", sometimes without even realizing that they have these snags. They are sure that they have exclusively “social” difficulties: a small salary, a dusty city, a cramped apartment.

Social difficulties

As they say, social issues can be resolved through participation: in emigration, revolution or corruption. Unfortunately, these items do not work well. "Comfortably" settled in life, a person sacrifices health, time, love and friendship, personal interests. Thus, he is even more distant from the sought after happiness, terribly at risk, and perhaps the desired gain in this situation is not expected.

Personal (psychological) issues

So, we study further how the correct setting of goals is carried out. It is known that all spiritual difficulties can be overcome by individually working on oneself. Each psychological problem is related to the fact that a person is not able to find himself. He is not able to understand who he is and what he needs from life. Such an individual acts (if he acts at all), following the parental scenario, or follows the opposite path, in fact, opposing imposed family values.

goal setting steps

How do you set goals? For example, if a person has a dad as a professor, then he will either become a great scientist, or he will not even be able to complete a technical school and will live in the shoes of an unemployed parasite. Here you can give an example of the fate of Mikhail Litvak, who, copying his parents, became a surgeon. He was so depressed by his specialty that at the age of thirty his hands began to shake. Only after that (almost reaching disability!) He happily left the hateful field and soon found himself in the famous psychotherapy.


Agree, goal setting is a pretty entertaining topic. So, as mentioned above, all psychological difficulties can be solved with the help of painstaking work on oneself. There is one important tool for this - the skill of setting correct goals. This strategy will help us:

  • improve relationships with loved ones;
  • find a solution for difficult life situations;
  • change your own life;
  • find love and happiness.

If we begin to while away the century according to the rule “where the curve will lead”, we will live riding on the rails of the script of the parents - either in the same direction or in the opposite direction. And we’ll come, as they say, to a stop called “Contrary to the Conductor”.

goal setting problems

Well, are we moving away from the raging crowd? Are we starting a quiet individual work on ourselves? Learning to formulate the goal correctly?


By what signs can a correctly formulated goal be distinguished? There are several characteristics that are inherent in it. A goal is literate if it:

  • Specific. It is impossible for it to be like this: “I want something, but I don’t know what. And what I know - I do not wish. "
  • It is determined positively, not negatively. That is, when it is formulated, the particle “not” is absent.
  • Proven. Her reach can be tested in someone else's practice.
  • Proven. It is possible to argue the benefits of not only the task, but also its consequences, which will appear in the end.
  • Correct. That is, the goal set is only then considered true when a variety of means is allowed to achieve it.

Instruction manual

And now we will study the process of setting goals - an algorithm for writing and creating. It looks like this:

  1. The total should be expressed in the affirmative form. To do this, answer the question: “What do I want?”.
  2. The result should relate to the real person. In particular, to you (because you are the owner of this dream!). To do this, answer the question: "How would I like to change?"
  3. Achievement should be as physically tangible as possible for your senses so that you can believe in it. To do this, you need to answer the question: “What will I hear, see, can do, feel when I achieve my result?”
  4. Achievement should never hang in an airless space, in a certain vacuum. Around it is necessary to build a city, or rather, to build the universe. Of course, this is a metaphor. However, with the help of it you can understand that you and your creation should be placed in an adequate environment. This is completely uncomplicated. It is enough to answer the question: “Where, when and with whom do I want to enjoy this success?”.
  5. Next, you need to prove the need, the benefit of your goal and its consequences. To do this, answer the following question: "How will the desired product affect my life?"
  6. Of course, there is no need to dream of something far away, not like our real needs. To do this, narrow the scale of the target. Now we answer such a question: "In which field do I want to get the result first?"
  7. All possible routes to achieve the goal should be clearly defined. To do this, you need to install the necessary resources. Now answer the question: “What reserves will I have to use to realize my dream?”. By the way, in this case we must not forget about such resources as health and life. They need to be made the foundation of all reserves, it is from them that the list must begin. Perhaps then you will have to reconsider your goal.
  8. If the path has not yet been started, then something is bothering you. In order to find out why you are not “on the road” yet, answer in detail the question: “What prevents me from getting success?”.
  9. Answering the question: “How do I plan to start achieving my result?”, We need to work out each alternative path, the first steps on possible roads and return paths.
  10. Remembering that everything that we desire, we achieve only in order to know joy, ask yourself the question: “Can I get real personal happiness using any simpler way, setting myself a completely different goal?” .

Setting goals and objectives is a very interesting activity. In order to set effective goals, you need to clearly and clearly realize: why are they needed. After all, until now you have not done this, why now has it become necessary for you?

goal statement definition

Paper and pen

Purpose, statement, definition - complex issues, but they can be resolved. Now you need to arm yourself with paper and pen.Imagine that ten years have passed since that moment. Describe in detail how you live, what you do, how you spend time. The more detailed the description will look, the easier you will go through the goal setting phase. And another very important condition: you need to write as if all this is being implemented. Moreover, think that you will never get what you have not written about. That is, if you write that you want to receive $ 50,000 per month, $ 51,000 will never be able to earn. In fact, you need to set for yourself the maximum upper bar.

goal setting process

The second important condition is the following point: you need to write a lot and in detail. It is recommended that the presentation should occupy at least two A4 pages of printed text or four A4 sheets of hand-written text. Of course, it is not necessary to carry out this advice, but try to do so. What if everything turns out great?

Highlighting Goals

The stages of setting goals are a responsible occupation. In your presentation, you need to note your dreams. Now the task setting is transformed into the usual choice of goals. You should get the following list:

  1. family and Children;
  2. self-development and self-realization;
  3. house or apartment;
  4. work or business;
  5. car;
  6. entertainment;
  7. relaxation;
  8. travels.

Now you need to check if your landmarks meet the parameters of an effective goal. If yes, then you need to go to the next step and begin a deeper work. If not, you need to return to the description and change it.

setting goals and objectives


Further, you should have a clear idea about each of your goals. For example, you are supposed to know exactly which car you want to own. It’s not enough to just say: Mercedes. We need to say: “Mersedes-benz CLK 500 silver, with leather interior, automatic transmission, large steering wheel” and so on.

Be sure to clarify the following parameters:

  • brand;
  • Colour;
  • model;
  • body option (sedan, convertible, coupe, pickup, station wagon and so on).

The idea is for the most clear picture of what you want to appear in your mind. This is similar to the camera: you need to bring maximum sharpness. Here you can take advantage of the following recommendation: find a suitable picture that recreates your target, print it and hang it on the wall.

The choice

Of course, setting and implementing goals requires perseverance, but it's worth it. So, now you need to decide on the most important tasks. You have a list, for example, of 20 goals. Imagine that you can fulfill only one wish from this list. Which one will you choose now? Circle it around the handle. Then you need to choose the next goal on the same principle. And one more. Here are your three most important goals. It is on their implementation that you need to focus.


Return daily to your three wishes. You need to think about them more often, imagining yourself possessing these things. With dreams you need to get along, intertwine. You need to feel comfortable with these things. Do this at least twice a day.

correct goal setting

Such manipulations are very similar to auto-suggestion, which works well. Nobody guarantees success after completing all the previous steps. But you can secure a victory for yourself.

In general, according to statistics, only 3% of people describe their dreams on paper. It is not surprising that they are constantly accompanied by luck. In the process of achieving the goal, self-hypnosis plays a huge role: many talk about this. This is a phenomenal discovery, thanks to which you can control your life and control it. We hope that our article helped you learn how to set and implement goals correctly.

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