
What is goal setting? Goal setting in pedagogy

Correctly setting a goal is not an easy task. Goal-setting is a whole section in science that should be carefully studied before embarking on the process itself. Wrong approach to setting goals, in any type of activity you can doom yourself to failure in advance.

In the article, we will focus on such a section as pedagogical goal-setting. After all, it is the teacher most often faced with setting goals in the classroom, and the success of the educational process as a whole depends on how he does it.

General concept of goal setting

goal setting isGoal-setting is the basis not only of pedagogy, but also of any activity. This is a process when a certain task is selected, and the path and method of following to its implementation are thought out. Be sure to take into account all the necessary factors that accompany a person while he is moving in the right direction.

In pedagogical activity, goal-setting is the same process, only, unlike business, for example, the task is educational. Speaking about goals, you need to understand that they can be of a different nature, that is, build on scale. Depending on this, we know the following goals:

  • national scale;
  • a separate structure or a separate stage in education;
  • education for different age categories;
  • when studying different disciplines;
  • arising in the course of training and posed immediately before the study of topics, etc.

As we see, the tasks can be different not only in terms of wording, but also in approach.

Goal Setting Functions

goal setting functionsWe already realized that setting goals is an important step in achieving success in any field. So, the named approach to management is no less important than goal-setting in pedagogy.

It is difficult to find an exact definition of the functions of this process, since there are many different formulations. But everyone agrees that the goal of any company is the basis of work. But in itself, it cannot work independently without clarifying smaller management tasks.

Therefore, the following can be called a planning function. And according to what role the goal plays in management, one can also single out the managerial one. The latter accompanies the leader throughout the activity and leads to success.

There are different views on the definition; goal-setting has a founding or organizational function. Here we can say that both are partly true. After all, tasks are determined both at the beginning of the activity, and throughout its duration up to their implementation in general. So you can not divide this process into different functional areas. They are intertwined and follow us at all stages of work or study.

Purpose and goal setting

pedagogical goal settingBut let's return nevertheless specifically to pedagogy. It is this area that interests us today the most. It is important for the teacher to know that, setting a task, he must take into account the following stages of goal setting:

  1. The teacher carefully analyzes the results of activities that were carried out earlier.
  2. Diagnosis of the whole process of education and training is carried out.
  3. The tasks that the teacher considers appropriate for this activity are modeled.
  4. A comprehensive goal-setting is carried out, taking into account all the requirements of the team and the institution.
  5. Depending on all factors, corrections are made to the original version, more accurate formulations are derived.
  6. A program of specific actions is being drawn up.

Having withstood all these stages, the teacher can safely begin to work, expecting positive results.

Global goals

goal setting in pedagogyIn setting the task, the teacher must take into account not only personal, but also global circumstances. Planning and goal-setting are inextricable processes, and when we determine our intentions, we also plan the path to achieving them.

The global goal in the educational process is to create a personality with comprehensive development. Even in ancient times, scientists derived this ideal formulation. Such a person must be able to develop all his virtues and positive qualities in order to survive in a world that has changed rapidly and demanded more and more skills from a person. As the world changed, the wording of the global goal also changed. At this stage, the emphasis is on the creative abilities of the individual and the benefits that it can bring to society.

Historical goals

This goal scale is narrower and refers to a specific stage in the development of society. It takes into account the features of historical events at the moment, the importance of certain qualities at a particular stage of development of the state. It is here that such factors of education are taken into account:

  • spiritual aspect;
  • developing a sense of responsibility towards the state;
  • legal aspect;
  • cultural self-development
  • tolerant attitude towards others;
  • the ability to adapt both within any society and in the labor field.

All these aspects are expressed in goal setting, but this is done taking into account the specific situation and activity.

Individual goals

stages of goal settingGoal setting in the lesson is a narrower consideration of the process. An individual approach expresses those needs that are inherent to individuals and different disciplines and topics. Considering all factors (including family circumstances of children), as well as analyzing the capabilities of all participants in the activity, the teacher sets specific goals. The approach here may also be different:

  • free style - goals are set together, after discussion and approval by all;
  • rigid style - the goal is set specifically by the teacher in front of the students, predetermined and planned;
  • integrated style - the teacher determines the goal independently, and the ways of implementation and methods of solution are discussed together with the students.

Which style to choose depends on the situation, the age category of students and their abilities, as well as on the specifics of the discipline.

Important factors

planning and goal settingThe goal setting process is influenced by many factors that are important to consider. If one of them is ignored, then there is a chance not to get the desired results. So, the teacher when setting tasks is necessary:

  • take into account the individual requirements of the child, teacher, school or other educational institution surrounding the society and society in which the participants in the process live;
  • to study the features of economic development at the moment, as well as all circumstances existing within the institution;
  • analyze the age factor of students, their capabilities, as well as the atmosphere within the team.

You always need to remember the main thing: you need to proceed from small to large. That is, the main thing in the process is the individual, personality.

Goal Setting Components

Having made an analysis of everything related to goal setting, we can draw a definite conclusion about the components of this process. The main and main components of goal setting are the following:

  1. The initial justification, and after that the subsequent direct statement of the problem.
  2. Identification of the methods by which it will be achieved and carried out.
  3. Premature prediction of the results that the teacher expects to receive.

Like it or not, these three components must be fulfilled, as a person must clearly see not only the goal, but also how he achieves the result, and what he will get when he reaches it. This is very important and is considered fundamental in this area of ​​activity. This is a kind of motivation for both the teacher and the students.

Goal setting requirements

goal setting in the lessonAs you already understood, the goal-setting action includes many various factors. The entire learning process consists of a constant setting of tasks. One task is achieved, another is set, and this happens all the time while the learning process lasts. And all this happens in close interconnection of the student body, teachers and school. And in order for it to be successful, you need to know that goal-setting must be carried out taking into account certain requirements:

  1. Diagnosis of opportunities, this means that the teacher should set goals only after a thorough study of all the components and necessary factors.
  2. Real goals, that is, setting goals that can really be achieved in specific activities with specific people. Recently, much attention has been paid to this, an individual approach to training plays just this role - to take into account the capabilities of each participant. You can set one group of students a task that is real for them, but at the same time it will be too difficult for other children, that is, you need to approach this differentially.
  3. Goals should be consistent, which means a constant interconnection of different paths and tasks in the process of training and education. You cannot put conflicting options at the same stage, it will not lead to success. Also, if a big goal is set, then you need to divide it into sub-goals and each time motivate students to overcome the next stage.
  4. Tasks should be clear and articulated to each participant in the process, they need to be identified every time they change.
  5. It is imperative to analyze the result (positive or negative), but this must be done in order to properly plan activities in the future.

All of these requirements are not something special or new and are well known to every teacher. It is important that they are not only remembered, but also taken into account when setting them.

Goal setting is schematic

In order to correctly understand and remember that goal-setting is a multifactorial process, we will present to you a scheme in which we tried to portray all the needs, and also the factors and conditions that influence them in education and training.

Child Socio-economic conditions
Educators Educational institution conditions
Educational structure Individual characteristics of students and age category
Social environment The level of mental and physical development of students


In the end, we summarize everything that we discussed in the article. So, goal setting is an integral part of the educational process. In order for him to become successful, the teacher needs not only to blindly set tasks and perform them, no matter what. It is necessary to take into account all the components, conditions, factors, as well as individual characteristics of students.

Depending on historical events, the stage of development of society, economic conditions, a chain of large, small and intermediate goals is built. In order to always correctly set goals, a teacher needs to regularly engage in introspection, improve their pedagogical skills, and also closely interact with both the student body and the educational structure as a whole.

And the last, for success in all this process, an extremely comprehensive approach is needed, and when diagnosing, it is necessary to take into account not only the actions of the students, but also their capabilities.

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