
Management is ... Management Functions

Organization management is a multifaceted complex process through which the functioning of different departments and departments is ensured. To systematize the management structures, this system was allocated into a separate category - management. This approach allows you to clearly formulate the functions and management principles and helps the leader to cope more effectively with the tasks that his company faces.

What is management?

In essence, management is the same management, but in a broader sense of the word. In practice, this can be a combination of methods and methods that provide company management, and the manager’s activity in a small department where a minimal set of regulatory functions is assumed.

To understand the principles of operation of management mechanisms, you should familiarize yourself with its goals and objectives. According to specifications that lay the foundation management, management should focus on market conditions, the position of competitors and other factors in order to maximize the needs of the target audience. At the same time, the process of forming a company’s strategy is quite complicated and involves several functions, including planning, organization, control and motivation.

Scheduling function

It is important to consider that management is not only a system that provides management of ready-made enterprise resources. It also determines the overall strategy of the organization, in accordance with which the methods for achieving the objectives are implemented. This is the planning function, among the components of which forecasting and analysis can be noted, on the basis of which the optimal directions for the development of the company are selected.

At the planning stage, the organization first of all determines what real goals it can achieve. Strategic management is engaged in the solution of these problems, whose experts evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the conditions of competition and generally take into account the state and nature of the enterprise’s interaction with the environment. Separate work on the preparation of plans, by the way, is devoted to calculating risks and threats that may be associated with changes in market conditions, the emergence of new competitors and other factors. Such changes often force the manager to make adjustments either to the tactics of the organization, or to change the tasks.

Organization Function

This function can be presented as classic for any control system. In this case, the management system is engaged in the formation of the enterprise structure, providing it with the necessary components for a full-fledged activity. In particular, it can be providing staff with personnel, technical means for solving production problems, cash, various materials, etc. For example, an organization may affect the technical support of the supply department, without which the activities of production sites would be impossible.

By and large, at this stage, the organization’s management creates the prerequisites for achieving the goals. The success of the company in the market and the prospects for its development depend on how competently this part of the work of management specialists is implemented.

Control function

The development of the initial strategy and the possible correction of the plan drawn up at a particular stage requires obtaining estimated data on the results of the work done at the moment. In this case, management is a means of control that allows you to analyze and evaluate the quality of the company's solution of the assigned tasks. During the control, the following activities are carried out:

  • Setting standards.
  • Measurement of available results.
  • Comparison of the result with the planned.
  • Revision of initial objectives if necessary.

At the control stage, the organization’s management connects several management functions. This is maintaining a given direction of the company and, if necessary, making adjustments to the selected course.

Motivating function

The effectiveness and efficiency of the enterprise depends largely on uncontrollable factors - as a rule, from the external environment. In contrast to these factors, the fundamentals of management provide for enhanced work with personnel, the quality of work of which can significantly increase the success of the company in different directions. To increase the efficiency of employees, motivating tools are used to stimulate labor by creating favorable conditions for the professional development of the state.

quality management

A well-thought-out and successfully implemented motivation function will allow employees not only to fulfill their duties within the competence, but also to strive to contribute to the work on the general plans of the enterprise. In order for the motivating functions of management to give a stable and high result, it is advisable to initially conduct research work to determine the real needs of employees.

Functional management and its types

The basic division of management involves the allocation of management departments and special. The former are responsible for the regulation of economic areas of the enterprise, and special management provides for the organization of the activities of individual links. Thus, the management functions make it possible to distinguish several varieties of functional management, including strategic planning, financial regulation, quality control, etc. We can say that the main management concept involves the interaction of already formed departments with each other and with external objects, and functional means allow to provide their device as such inside the company.

Finance management

strategic management

To increase and stimulate sustainability, reliability and efficiency in financial management, large enterprises include departments involved in economic planning. This is financial management, which is a set of methods for developing and making decisions regarding cash flows. The work of finance managers, as a rule, is carried out in two directions: the choice of sources of financial supply and the adoption of investment decisions. In this case, management involves the development of the goals of the company, as well as their implementation through leverage and financial arrangements apparatus. Among the key tasks in this area are the following:

  • Creating conditions for maximum profit.
  • Preservation of solvency.
  • The growth of the value of equity.

Management and strategy of the enterprise

management functions

In a sense, this is the initial component in company management. Without a clear strategy, an enterprise will not have goals, objectives and means of achieving them. First of all, strategic management determines the company's mission, its current state and position, which it will have to occupy after a certain time. As a rule, strategic planners develop long-term goals.

It is important to separate planning as such and management strategies. In the second case, the probability of activation of unpredictable phenomena in the market is high, which forces specialists to think through signals that capture such factors. For this, systems are being developed for collecting and analyzing information, which, already within the framework of the planning period, will allow us to adjust the decision-making model in accordance with the changed conditions.

Quality management

The concept of “quality” in the areas of business and production can refer to many objects, ranging from the manufactured product or service and ending with the efficiency of individual departments of the enterprise. From the point of view of management, quality is considered as a comprehensive characteristic that relates to the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

management basics

In addition, quality management can be represented as a coordinated and well-functioning activity of the corresponding department, which is aimed at managing in order to ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise. With regard to quality, company management means that its activities in all areas and at different levels will be guided by established quality criteria. To ensure the achievement of goals in this area, experts develop systems of plans and resource allocation, due to which an optimal quality level is achieved.

Quality control may include the following actions:

  • Planning. It provides for the definition of quality indicators to be achieved.
  • Control. Definition of criteria and direct assessment of current quality by them.
  • Security. Creation of conditions for stimulation of quality.
  • Improvement. The introduction of new tools aimed at improving quality.


financial management

Examples of large organizations show how important the role of good governance is. In relation to the activities of enterprises in general, management is a multi-level system that provides means, models and principles for regulating work processes at different production stages and levels of management. Managers provide the functions of planning, distributing finances, analyzing the competitive environment, selecting personnel and increasing their motivation, adjusting their positions in the market, etc. Together, these actions contribute to the strengthening of companies, their development and increase profitability.

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