
What is a colony? All possible meanings of the word "colony"

“Colony” literally translates “settlement” from the Latin language, and all the meanings of this word in general terms are really settlements. However, the distribution range of these values ​​is quite wide. Without knowing the context of the use of a given word in a speech or text, you will never know what a colony is and in which of its meanings the word is used. For biologists, it has one semantic form, for prisoners - another, for the population of North and South America, Africa and Asia - the third. With the passage of time and the complexity of building human society, the need to use this word with a narrower meaning has led to the ambiguity of the term "colony". Entire epochs of life of people and the whole world as a whole are defined by this word.

Biology. Protozoa and insects

Even if we consider the term "colony" from a biological point of view, it is impossible to see unambiguity. In general terms, a colony is a combination of individuals of the same species living together, which is determined by the need to protect against predators, reproduction or joint extraction of food. That's what a colony is in biology.

However, a colony of microorganisms has significant differences from colonies of birds or mammals. Microorganisms are characterized by the absence of the individual value of a particular organism. A similar principle of building a colony is also characteristic of insects, but at this level a functional separation of individuals and their significance for the colony appears.

Also recently, biologists have noted in colonial insects the presence of the so-called "intelligence swarm" - the possibility of rebuilding the colony for the most rational implementation of the tasks. Such a construction allows some species to survive, changing only the organization of the colony in relation to specific living conditions. Insects have the inability to reproduce in most of the individuals and assign these functions to the so-called queens or queens.what is a colony in biology


More complex organisms, such as birds, build their colonies because of the need for joint protection from dangers during migrations, breeding seasons, feeding and chicks on the wing. This is what a bird colony is.

The level of organization of these colonies differs significantly from lower organisms. The flocks are dominated by maternal, sexual instincts, on this basis conflicts arise between individuals, often leading to the death of individuals. The very existence of the pack goes by the wayside after procreation and food production. Functions within the group are distributed only by gender, and individuals do not have significant differences.what is a colony


In relation to mammals, the term "colony" is not correct. The level of organization here is determined by the joint geographical location on one territory, the presence of leaders, the struggle for dominance between males are not uncommon. Flocks can merge, disintegrate into mating periods and undergo changes.

Land colonization

It is impossible to imagine a person who does not know the political and geographical meaning of the word "colony". Often, colonization brought slavery and oppression to the indigenous inhabitants, and sometimes development, a chance for a new and better life for people and entire nations.

The era of great geographical discoveries, which began in the 15th century, divided almost the whole world into colonies and metropolises. The source of virtually unlimited resources is what a colony is for a metropolis in the first place.The accelerated development of the European metropolises also had a flip side - due to illnesses and extermination, thousands of local residents of the colonized lands perished, sometimes ancient civilizations, such as the Mayan empire or the Aztec civilization, died out.colony countries

Early colonizers

Among the first major colonial owners were Spain, Potugalia and Holland. Mariners of these countries discovered new islands and continents, established trade sea routes and fought against the natives. However, due to a number of circumstances, these states were not able to take the lead at the beginning of the colonial race. The opening of the colonies did not give impetus to the development of the metropolis, but was perceived as soil for the profit and enrichment of trade guilds. Along with many other reasons, this became the basis for the loss of power of the early colonial states. New powerful players appeared on this scene, who were to determine the world order for the next several centuries.

England and the colony countries

As a result of a long and exhausting struggle with competitors, England became the largest colonial power by the 18th century. English colonies are spread almost all over the world. Active maritime trade with the support of the world's most powerful navy ensured world domination of England. Thanks to the colony's gigantic resource base, the industrial revolution was committed in the metropolis. In the first third of the 18th century, about 2/3 of world industrial production accounted for Great Britain. The world map of the colonies shows that at different times the English colonies occupied about half of the known territory of the globe.English colonies

However, the consumer attitude to the resources of the colonies, their population, an unfair and often predatory tax policy led to the fact that liberation movements began in the colonies. In 1783, Britain lost thirteen colonies after the declaration of US independence. However, the decolonization process was very long and finally ended only in 1997, during the transfer of Hong Kong to the possession of the People's Republic of China.colony map

Correctional Facility

In the justice system, the term “colony” is inextricably linked with the term “correctional colony”. A correctional colony is a place of concentrated and isolated detention of persons convicted of various crimes of imprisonment. In our country, correctional colonies are often at the back of the country. Also, the type of correctional colonies are settlement colonies, which emphasizes the meaning of the term and means the residence of criminals in isolated conditions under the supervision of the correctional system.Correctional Facility

Science fiction and space

Also, the term "colony" is firmly rooted in science fiction. By analogy with the colonies on other continents, the star colonies of mankind in fiction are called settlements outside the Earth. Given the development of space exploration programs, plans for the exploration of the Moon and Mars, it is possible that in the coming decades, mankind will know what a colony is in space.

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