
What to do if a passport is lost? Step-by-step instructions for restoring a passport

Loss of a passport is a very unpleasant event. As a rule, an incident of this nature does not bode well for the victim. Experiences, payment of fines, bureaucratic red tape - all this causes only a headache and complete misunderstanding. Having experienced such unpleasant sensations, people are often lost and forget what actions and in what sequence should be taken. In order not to get into a mess and solve the problem situation most quickly, we will try to draw up an algorithm for the correct actions.

Why is it dangerous to lose documents?

So, finding the disappearance of the main document, try to remember exactly the circumstances of the incident. If there is a risk that it was not the loss of a passport, but his theft, it is recommended that you urgently visit the nearest police station and formalize the situation. Such measures are necessary primarily for peace of mind and protection of the interests of the victim himself, because the attackers may well use the stolen identity for illegal purposes. There are many cases when bandits managed to use a document to take loans or steal expensive goods.
passport loss

Step one: where to go?

What will be your algorithm of actions if you are sure that an ordinary passport loss has occurred? Where to go in this case? The answer is simple: after receiving confirmation of the loss of the certificate under unknown circumstances, all in the same police station, you go to the nearest federal migration service. Please note that such issues are strongly recommended to be addressed directly at the place of registration, this will help you significantly reduce the time needed to produce a new document. If necessary, you can go to any branch of the FMS of Russia, but in this case you will be issued a passport no earlier than 2 months later. passport loss what to do

How fast do you get a new document?

Among other things, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that it will not be possible to speed up the process of obtaining a new document legally. You should not trust scammers who promise to get a certificate in exchange for the lost one as soon as possible, such actions are not provided for by the existing rules. The standard period of time allocated for the production of a new certificate is 10 days (subject to contact the FMS at the place of registration). However, in most cases, the procedure is carried out without delay, and the victim receives his document much earlier than the deadline.

Step two: collecting and submitting documents

Contacting the police and the FMS are the first steps a person must take if a passport is lost. What documents are needed to restore it? The list of required papers is small, in most cases it is not difficult to collect it. The list includes such documents as:

  • police voucher (which you should have already received);
  • a written statement to the FMS that the passport is lost (compiled on the day of the appeal in any form, if necessary, local employees will provide you with a sample of its writing);
  • a written application to the FMS for the issuance of a new passport (the requirements for compiling the document are similar to those indicated in the previous paragraph);
  • photographs of the established sample (to get them, just visit the photo studio and ask the master to take photographs for the passport in size 3.5 / 4.5);
  • receipt of payment of a fine established by the state.

passport loss fine

Step Three: Collect Extra Securities

What else can the FMS require if a passport is lost? The documents mentioned above are required to be submitted, however, in addition to them, there is an additional list of securities, which will also be useful to prepare in advance. Inquiries of this nature are necessary to restore various information contained on the pages of the passport. So, the FMS representatives may ask you to provide:

  • birth certificate of children (of course, if there are any; if your kids are not yet 14 years old, marks about them will be made on the corresponding page of the certificate);
  • certificate of marriage or divorce (used to enter information about your marital status);
  • military ID (men only);
  • certificates confirming registration information.

passport loss documents

Step Four: Obtaining an Interim Certificate

How can you confirm your identity if a passport has been lost? What to do in such cases, because every citizen of our country needs such a document? Having written an application for a new certificate, do not forget to get a temporary certificate. Do not take this document lightly, it fully replaces the passport that you lost. The certificate confirms the identity of the citizen, can be used when moving, presented at airports, train stations, at the request of officials. There are a number of nuances that are very important to consider. So, help cannot be used for:

  • crossing the state border;
  • registration of a foreign passport;
  • expiration date (issued for a limited period of time).

As you can see, losing a passport can cause serious inconvenience and significantly disrupt your personal plans. Having received a temporary certificate on the production of a certificate, treat it also with extreme care, you can only get a new document if you submit it.

passport loss where to go

Deadline for submitting an application for loss

What else is extremely important to pay attention to if a passport has been lost? What to do, you already know, it remains to stipulate in what time frame it is necessary to carry out all the operations described. Suppose your passport burned out, drowned and was spoiled in every way, and therefore cannot be used by third parties for unlawful purposes. You know for sure that such a situation has taken place, and are not afraid of any problems with the law. How soon will you need to restore the document? Official requirements provide a person with the opportunity to conduct all bureaucratic procedures within one month.

Possible financial implications

What financial costs do you face losing your passport? You will have to pay a fine for your negligence in any case. However, its amount is very small and it is unlikely to be able to hurt someone afford. The size of the fee in this case is only 300 rubles. At the same time, if you do not contact the FMS in a timely manner (within one month), the amount payable increases many times and can reach 1,500 or 2,000 rubles. If there was not a loss of a passport, but his theft, payments can not be made.loss of passport what documents are needed

Instead of a conclusion

The loss of a passport is a very unpleasant but not fatal event. The main thing you should remember: time works against you. If you are sure that the document is corrupted and cannot be used, everything is not so bad, but if you suspect not only loss, but also theft, you should report to the police immediately. Remember: the chance that the document will be used for criminal purposes is quite high. Follow a simple algorithm of actions and do not succumb to provocations, restore passport perhaps only by contacting the federal migration service. By providing a minimum package of documents and paying the necessary cash contributions, you can restore the most important certificate within 10 days and get rid of a significant headache.

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