
What to do if a passport is stolen. Step-by-step instructions for restoring a passport

It is important for every citizen of the Russian Federation to know what to do if a passport is stolen. After all, no one can guarantee that such an unpleasant circumstance will not happen. If you quickly and competently respond to the theft or loss, the document can be restored quickly enough.

Police visit

Understanding what to do if a passport is stolen, where to contact and how to behave in general in such a situation, it is worth noting the importance of a quick visit to the authorities. It is advisable to do this immediately after detecting a document loss.

There are several reasons to respond without delay. First of all, dishonest citizens can use a passport for the following frauds: opening a lime company, issuing a SIM card and even a loan. To accomplish such tasks, a photograph of the previous owner of the passport can be carefully replaced. Naturally, such actions will entail significant consequences for those who have lost their identity card.

what to do if your passport is stolen

In addition, there is a risk of getting a fine from law enforcement officers for the lack of relevant documentation (in case of verification).

Therefore, it is clear that what to do if a passport is lost is important even without the fact of such an unpleasant coming.

In order to avoid such a development of events, you need to contact a statement to the police. This is unlikely to help find a thief, but it will exclude the possibility of using documents for fraudulent purposes.

After the application is written, you need to get a notification coupon at the police, which will subsequently have to be submitted to the FMS.

What documents are needed to obtain a new passport

When answering the question “What should I do if my passport was stolen?”, One needs to pay attention to certain documentation that must be provided to the FMS in addition to the police coupon:

  • application for a passport (it is issued on the spot);
  • a written statement indicating the circumstances of the loss or theft of the document (it can also be filed with the FMS);
  • receipt of state duty at the bank;
  • four photographs 35x45 mm.

what to do if passport is lost

If you stole your passport, employees of the Federal Tax Service and the police will tell you what to do, but in any case you need to be prepared to pay a fine (300 r), and then provide a receipt for payment to the UMFS.

Additional package of documents

In addition to the main documentation, in some situations additional paperwork may be required:

  • military ID;
  • confirmation of the fact of registration at the place of residence;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • if there are children under 14 years old - a birth certificate.

The list of required documents may not be limited to this list. Therefore, it should always be specified in the Migration Service and passport office.

Obviously, it’s important to understand how to behave when your passport is stolen. To do this, it’s worth clarifying one simple thing - from the moment the identity card was lost, it could be used in a variety of schemes. And even having got the document back, the citizen cannot be sure of the absence of a loan issued for it by third parties.

Therefore, once the fact of loss or theft is established, you need to abandon the thought of returning your passport. Instead, you should get a new one and thereby protect yourself.

Passport recovery terms

If all documents, including the application, are submitted, a temporary identity card will be issued to the citizen. After that, a new passport will be issued within 10 days.

But it is worth considering the fact that in case of theft of a passport, it may take longer to restore it. For this reason, it is necessary to take a document confirming the fact of issuing a passport directly in the passport office.

 stole a passport what to do

In case of theft, the official period during which a new identity card is to be issued will be 1 month. Such a long wait is associated with a check regarding a lost document.

At the same time, understanding what to do if the passport is lost, it is important to understand the following fact: there is no legal framework allowing the issuance of an identity card in a short time. The only hope for quick registration is the competent and efficient work of the FMS employees.

In the event that the passport was lost in another city, it is also necessary to report this fact to the police and apply with a notification coupon and all necessary documents to the local department of the FMS. After that, you can count on the issuance of a passport at the place of residence for 2 months.

What to do if passport has been damaged

Actual is not only the question “What should I do if my passport is lost?”, In some cases it can be damaged and no longer suitable for use. In this case, the passport is officially recognized as damaged if the seals, stamps and data that it contains have become unreadable.

In order to notice it, the same scheme is used as in the case with the loss of a document, only you have to perform a few additional steps:

  • bring the damaged passport to the department of the FMS;
  • pay a fine of 300 rubles for intentionally damaging an identification card (if you wish, you can try to convince the FMS employees that this is not so).

What to do if a passport is stolen abroad

Such an unpleasant situation can potentially happen to everyone. And if the theft still took place, then you need to contact the local police station with a statement. This will help to obtain temporary documents. In this case, it is worth asking for a certified copy of the application in order to have two documents on hand.

 what to do if passport is lost

You can ask the police what to do if your passport is stolen. They can give clear and simple instructions. But in general, the essence of subsequent actions should be reduced to a visit to the Russian consulate. It is here that you can get the certificate that is necessary for returning to your native lands. Considering that the fact of losing a passport relates to emergency situations, in the presence of a statement certified by the police, applications at the consulate can be accepted without waiting in line.

Where else can I go if my passport is lost

A visit to the Federal Tax Service is not the only option if you have stolen your passport. What to do in this situation will tell the experience of other victims. In addition to the Migration Service, you can contact the Multifunctional Center, which provides municipal and state services.

If, after losing his identity card, a citizen is unable, due to his health, to personally visit the official body, he can write a request to receive the necessary documentation at home. Such a statement is sent to the Federal Tax Service by mail. In this case, it is worth referring to 3 paragraph 107 of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Tax Service.

what to do if you stole your passport

The same method can be used to get a new passport at home.

Trying to figure out what to do if the passport is lost, it is worth considering a situation in which employees of the official body will refuse to accept the application due to the applicant’s lack of registration. In this case, you need to refer to the 10th paragraph of the provision on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which states that the issuance of an identity card is possible with a temporary residence permit and even without it.

how to behave when your passport is stolen

Having studied the topic "If your passport was stolen, what should I do?", We can confidently count on the possibility of a guaranteed replacement of an identity card if all the required conditions are met.

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