
If you lose your rights, what should I do? How to restore rights?

“I lost the right, what to do?” Surely this question often pops up among car enthusiasts. One way or another, but none of us is safe from loss of documents, be it a passport or military ID. And doubly it becomes unpleasant when suddenly you do not find a driver’s license. Here everyone can panic: “I lost my rights. What to do in this situation? ”Indeed, it’s an unpleasant thing, because you can’t get behind the wheel without documents. In addition, the prospect of walking, albeit good for health, but still unattractive for many. In order to protect yourself from the negative consequences associated with the careless storage of a driver’s license, it is better to keep it in a safe place where access by unauthorized persons would be limited. But, unfortunately, rarely anyone thinks about it. Some manage to leave a driver’s license at home on the bedside table in the hallway, on the desktop in the office, and even on the refrigerator in the apartment of friends.

No panic

So, a man has lost his rights. What should he do in this situation?

First, you need to maintain calm and clarity of mind. Try to remember the last time you saw the documents. Restore in memory all the places you visited recently. It is likely that you forgot them from friends or acquaintances. Carefully check the glove compartment of your car, the area "under the rug" and "behind the seat."

Remember that it’s not worth panic about what happened: no one will use your driver’s license for illegal purposes: an attacker cannot get a loan or drive a vehicle.

Lost rights what to do

“The salvation of a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself”

Of course, it is insulting and annoying when someone lost their rights. What to do in this case? The simplest thing is to advertise in the newspaper about the loss of documents and promise some reward for returning them.

Post an ad in the area where you allegedly lost your driver’s license. Perhaps such a measure will give positive results.

Should I contact the law enforcement agencies?

If you have good reason for the documents being stolen by a third party, the question arises: should you seek help from law enforcement agencies? Of course, it is decided individually. But if you decide to contact the police after the theft, then be prepared to make frequent visits to the investigator, and the chances of finding an attacker will be 50 x 50. You should definitely contact the police if you have stolen several documents at once. These are the troubles of losing a driver’s license. How to recover a document?

If you lose the right to do what

Time resolution

Immediately solve the problem with rights will not succeed. For some time you will have to travel with a “temporary” permission to drive a vehicle. The rules on the issuance of rights indicate that the above document is issued for a period of up to 60 days. It should be noted that the procedure for issuing a “temporary” permit is not gratuitous. Anyone who asks the question: “If you lost your rights, what should I do?” - later I will have to fork out 800 rubles in order to pay the state fee for issuing a “temporary” permit.

In isolated cases, a permanent document can be issued immediately, without a “temporary” one. However, you should not rely on the fact that this privilege will fall to you. As a rule, a temporary document is drawn up within one day.

If I lost my rights

Where to recover

Quite relevant is not only the question: “If I lost my rights, what should I do?”, But also the question of where to restore the document. If you are registered in the place where you live, then you can contact any traffic police unit located in the territory of your constituent entity of the Federation.

If you are registered, for example, in the Stavropol Territory, and live in the Rostov Region, then first you will need to carry out the temporary registration procedure. In the event that you have a residence permit, then driver license renewal carried out in the usual manner.

Without registration, the place of stay will be transferred to the subject of the Federation where you are registered.

Loss of driver license how to recover

List of documents

So, we found out what steps should be taken if lost rights. However, in order to get a duplicate driver’s license, you must provide a certain list of documents.

  • First, they will require a statement in which you ask for “new” rights.
  • Secondly, you must provide a passport.
  • Thirdly, you will be asked to present a medical certificate proving that the doctors “gave the go-ahead” to drive the vehicle.
  • Fourth, the traffic police do not issue a duplicate of a driver’s license without a document (card), which confirms the fact of training in a driving school. Moreover, the driver’s card must be stored as carefully as rights. Please note that if you do not have this document in hand, this will seriously aggravate the process of restoring a driver’s license. First you need to contact a driving school that will issue a driver's card, and then solve problems with the traffic police. The situation may be complicated by the fact that the educational institution in which you previously received a driver's license can be liquidated.

We should not forget about paying the state duty for issuing a duplicate of a driver’s license. You will give 2000 rubles for a plastic document.

Loss of driving license

If rights are lost far from home ...

Losing a driver’s license is always an unpleasant thing. And if the driver’s license “evaporated” on vacation abroad? Then annoyance takes doubly. Is there a way out?

Of course yes. Theft should be reported to law enforcement. The police will issue you a certificate, but on the basis of it you cannot drive, since such a document is not an alternative to a driver’s license. But in any case, with the help of a certificate, you can explain to traffic police officers why you do not have rights with you. Upon arrival to your homeland, you can calmly deal with the problem by contacting the MREO at the place of registration, and then return to the car. Another way out is the procedure for formalizing international rights. In this case, you can already "abroad" to drive legally.

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