
Bank statement for a visa: what you need to know

Bank statement is an extremely useful document. He will help you confirm income when necessary. But what features does this document hold in itself? What do you need to get it? When is it necessary to get this statement? Understanding all of this is not as difficult as it seems. You only need to know about the features of this document. Otherwise, you will not be able to travel abroad.bank statement

When you need

When is a bank statement necessary? This certificate is needed to confirm your own income or your current funds. We can say that this is to some extent a replacement for the 2-NDFL form for the employed population.

They require it during the visa process. And it doesn’t matter which one. Also, this document is necessary to confirm its solvency / insolvency for participation in various state support programs. Help is very useful, despite the fact that it does not contain any specific information.

To whom is issued

Usually a bank statement for a visa is issued to all citizens. Only for some it is a mandatory item, for some it is not. In general, in Russia, a certificate of the status of a personal bank account can be obtained:

  • individuals
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities.

At the same time, this document is not always needed for ordinary citizens. Especially when you consider that they require an extract from the bank only in extreme cases. In this way, legal entities confirm income if they do not have another source of profit. Also not too frequent alignment. To issue a certificate with you, only a passport will be required.


But for individual entrepreneurs, a bank statement is required. It replaces the 2-NDFL certificate, which takes place during official employment. This is the only way IP can confirm its profit.bank statement for visa

Also, a certificate from the bank should be issued when the person does not have official work. That is, unemployed citizens confirm their income for obtaining a visa with a certificate from the bank on the status of the account. Only in such a case will it be possible to travel abroad.

Another option when using an extract from a personal account is when the earnings are not high enough. You should ask in advance what conditions of solvency are put forward by one or another country. If your salary is less than the established indicators, an extract from the bank will help to supplement it. So even people with low salaries have a chance to go abroad.

Sometimes some countries require not just a statement of the state of the bank account, but also documents confirming operations with available cash. This is another document that is obtained in a banking organization. Just when you receive an extract, request more operations to be performed for a certain period. This is usually six months. Only then it will turn out to apply for a visa to a particular country.


This is not all the features that will have to be considered when receiving our document today. After all, the amount of money available in the account also plays a role. If you have too little money, a visa will not work. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the bank has enough money in the account.sample bank statement

How much exactly? It depends on several factors. More precisely, it depends on the length of your stay, as well as on the country to which you are sent. Everywhere on this score their own rules. Details will have to find out at the consulate of a country.

On average, you need to have about 60 euros per day.This means that when traveling in 2 weeks you will need to have at least 840 euros in the bank. The more money you have, the better. The conversion of rubles into foreign currency takes place at the exchange rate available for a given period.

If the bank statement shows that you do not have the appropriate income, and also do not have enough money, you will not be given a visa. And no exceptions are provided for citizens. You will either have to increase your solvency, or forget about the trip.

Please note: countries often ask for a bank statement for a visa to be translated into their language. Most often, translation into international - English is allowed. Either immediately order an extract in the given language, or afterwards give the document for translation. Is it necessary to do this or not? It is recommended that you check with the consulate of the country you have chosen to travel.


A sample bank statement is extremely simple. Usually, this document indicates the name of the bank, as well as information about the account holder. The date of circulation (issue) of the document is mandatory. It is for this period that the status of the account is confirmed.

At the very end of the document are the data of the bank’s branch, the date of issue and the initials of the branch manager. Mandatory must be the signature of the leadership of the banking company, as well as the seal of the organization. Without this, the document will be invalid. The statement looks something like this:

Sberbank of Russia OJSC confirms on (date) the status of the account in the name (initials of the owner and his passport data):

a branch of Sberbank of Russia a Savings account for a term on demand, an account (account number) with a balance (amount of money in figures and words).bank statement

That's all. If you are a legal entity, to obtain a visa you will need an extract from the register. The bank does not issue it. Individual entrepreneurs must also receive relevant information. This document is required as an addition to the bank statement. You can take it in the tax or contact the help of official online services.

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