
What is needed to adopt a child from an orphanage?

A huge number of children for various reasons remain without parents. Many families dream of having a baby, but the dream remains a dream, because the state of health does not allow to realize it. Adoption allows you to make several people happy at once. Adults can realize themselves, and children receive the long-awaited love and warmth. Before contacting the guardianship authorities, everyone should know what is needed to adopt a child.

Should I be afraid of adoption?

Many childless couples are in no hurry to take the baby from the orphanage. Everyone is used to thinking that kids of alcoholics and drug addicts get into such institutions. But genes are of great importance. In fact, everything is much simpler. Before adoption, future parents can always find out the story of the birth of the child. In addition, much depends on education. If the baby grows in love and affection, there is little chance that he will become a criminal.

what is needed to adopt a child

Some parents worry that they will be asked to adopt a child with a complex latent disease. Of course, it is wrong to treat children as a product and choose, so to speak, a more “high-quality” baby. But it is also impossible to make claims against people who are ready to take the custody of someone else's child. Future parents have the right to know absolutely all information about the baby. If necessary, you can go through an additional medical examination.


There is a myth that it is quite difficult to adopt a child in Russia. This is due to the bureaucratic guardian system. Before the baby passes under the responsibility of the parents, you will have to draw up a huge number of documents and pass a lot of checks. To do all this quickly succeeds only for a monetary reward.

adoption adoption of children

Documents will have to be issued really a lot. Guardianship authorities must make sure that they give the child, who is already offended by fate, into safe hands. After all, there are individuals who take children to guardianship for their own good. Orphans are entitled to payments from the state. Therefore, future parents must undergo a medical examination, provide a certificate of no criminal record. Some documents have been prepared for more than a month. Even a bribe cannot accelerate this process. In addition, the guardianship authorities must carry out the adoption of children in accordance with the instructions. Remuneration (bribe) received from future parents may lead to criminal liability.

Adoption is a Responsible Step

Taking the baby from the orphanage is quite simple. One just needs to be patient. At the same time, you need to remember that adoption is a crucial step. It will not be possible to return everything back. After all, a child’s house is not a store where goods can be returned within 14 days. The kid can get used to his new parents even before all the documents are completed.

adoption of a child from a child’s home

Be sure to obtain consent to the adoption of a child from other family members. It is bad if the baby is not perceived by the grandparents awaiting their grandchildren. And if the family already has native children, their opinion should also be taken into account. The appearance of a new family member is a real psychological trauma for the child. It cannot be confronted with a fact. Psychological training should last at least a month.

Before clarifying what is needed to adopt a child from an orphanage, it is worth discussing everything at the family council. If this idea spontaneously occurred to someone alone, and the rest are tormented by doubts, it is better to abandon the undertaking.The child should be surrounded by love and affection, and not quarrels and reproaches of individual family members.

Preparation of documents

What is needed to adopt a child? First of all, it is necessary to prove that future parents are absolutely healthy, both physically and psychologically, have no criminal past and are ready to raise a full-fledged citizen. And for this you need to prepare a number of documents. First of all, a statement is submitted to the guardianship authorities with a request for confirmation of the possibility of being an adoptive parent. In addition, such documents as a brief autobiography, a certificate of employment indicating the position, marriage certificate, and a certificate of no criminal record are attached.

child adoption procedure

Additionally, guardianship authorities may require a medical opinion on the health status of future parents. It is valid for three months. Therefore, it is advisable to receive paper immediately before applying.

Adoption of children can be allowed only to people with a stable income. Unemployed parents will not be given this opportunity. In addition, guardianship authorities may require a statement of income for the last six months, as well as a statement of employment.

How does the guardianship authority work?

After receiving an application from a person who wants to become an adoptive parent, a special act is drawn up by a specialist. This includes the results of a survey of living conditions of citizens who wish to take a baby. The procedure for adopting a child includes drawing up a conclusion on the possibility of future parents to be adoptive parents. This document is prepared within 15 business days. During this time, guardianship authorities can visit the persons who have applied for several times. Information is collected about them from colleagues and neighbors.

The conclusion about the possibility of being an adoptive parent is the main document according to which future parents are registered as candidates for adoptive parents. Do not be discouraged if such paper is not issued by the guardianship authorities. You can contact here again after a while, when the living conditions improve. Documents for the adoption of the child will need to be prepared the same.

Child selection

As soon as future parents are registered as adoptive parents, they are invited to review the materials on children, which may be issued custody at the place of residence. In a special folder, parents will be offered information about orphanages, adoption, photos of children.

data of children for adoption

Many parents seek custody of a small child. A child over five years old is a fully formed personality. To instill in him their family values ​​and traditions will not succeed. The problem is that in the nearest orphanage a suitable pupil may not be. The procedure for adopting a child involves the selection of babies from other regions as well. In addition, there is the opportunity to adopt a baby from another state. But the procedure will be more complicated. You will need an extensive package of documents.

First baby visit

Those parents who already know exactly what it takes to adopt a child, and even have chosen the right candidate, will have their first acquaintance with the baby. It’s not possible to get to the child just like that. Initially, you need to submit a declaration of desire to take the crumbs to your family. Based on this document, the guardianship authority issues a referral to visit the baby at the place of his permanent residence. A referral is issued for only one child and is valid for no more than 10 days. Parents are not allowed to make contact with other children. For such meetings, a separate room is most often provided.

Adopting a child from a child’s home is a big responsibility. From the very first days, the baby is attached to future parents. Therefore, it is impossible to retreat from your intentions after the first meeting. This is especially true if parents plan to adopt a boy or girl of a conscious age.Infants in a short time do not have time to become attached to new people.

After the child’s first visit to the orphanage, adoptive parents are required to inform the guardianship authorities of the decision taken. At the same time, they have the right to request specific data of children for adoption. Future parents have the right to know how the child got to the orphanage, what heredity is.

Judicial review

If the parents picked the right baby for adoption, and the guardianship authorities have no complaints, then the court session follows. The basis for considering the adoption case is a statement from future parents to take custody of a particular baby. The application shall indicate the data of future parents and the child. In court, the name and surname of the baby from the orphanage can be changed.

The decision is taken at a private hearing. It is attended by future parents, as well as representatives of the guardianship authority. If the child under guardianship reaches the age of 14, he may also be present at the court hearing.

documents for adoption of a child

The court decision comes into force only after three working days. A copy of this document is sent to the guardianship authority. Adoption of a child from a child’s home can be considered complete. What follows is only a formality. Post-trial processing of documents for the child.

State registration

Registration of adoption is carried out by the registry office at the request of the adoptive parents. A court decision and documents confirming the identity of the adoptive parents must also be provided. As a result, the guardians are issued a certificate of adoption, which contains the name, surname and patronymic of the child at birth, the date of his birth, as well as the passport details of the adoptive parents. If parents wish to change the name and surname of the baby, the new data is also indicated in the document.

As soon as the certificate of adoption appears in the hands of future parents, they have the right to pick up the baby from the orphanage. In this case, you will have to provide a copy of the court decision, as well as documents confirming the identity of the adoptive parents.

Last preparation

Before the baby crosses the threshold of his new home, you need to carefully prepare everything. The child must wait for new toys. And if a separate room is allocated for him, it is worth making repairs.

What purchases are needed to adopt a child? First of all, you need to prepare a wardrobe for a new member of the family. If the child is already an adult, you can go shopping with him. New impressions and positives are guaranteed! And during a walk you can tell a new family member about their rules and traditions.

Should I tell the child the truth about his origin?

Most psychologists believe that children from an orphanage must know where and under what circumstances they were born. Sooner or later, the child will find documents confirming the adoption. Not all children perceive this information normally. Many remain faithful to their guardians and still love them, even after the disclosure of "deception." Some of the children seek to find biological parents. And only disappointment awaits them.

children's homes adoption photos of children

By the age of 4-5, the child already has his own preferences and outlook on life. At this time, the baby should already know the whole truth. In addition, there are a lot of evil people on the street. If the parents do not tell the truth, the child will learn everything from the lips of strangers. As a result, relations between relatives, although not by blood, will be ruined by people.

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