
Psychological training of foster parents. How to adopt a child?

A huge role in the modern world is played by the special preparation of adoptive parents for the adoption process. In fact, this position is not so easy to accept. And mainly at the psychological level. Rarely, someone agrees to adoption by spiritual kindness. Often this decision is made for one reason or another. For example, if you have infertility or just a serious illness that excludes pregnancy and childbirth in principle. So the preparation of adoptive parents for adoption is very important. If you conduct it correctly, then there will be no problems and the kids will return to orphanages. Adults will know and understand exactly what they agree to.foster parents training


Foster children are, as already mentioned, a very serious decision. Especially if it is not about newborns, but about older children. Regardless of the age of the child, parents will have to prepare in advance, tune in to the fact that in their house there will be, in fact, a stranger (not a blood relative). This is not always easy to do.

Therefore, recently in Russia all candidates for foster parents must undergo appropriate training. Special schools are being created for those who are going to take the baby from the orphanage. This is a mandatory process, which is enshrined in law. Without an appropriate document on the passage of training, you will simply be refused adoption. So it is worthwhile to worry about getting through it in advance.


Before you engage in adoption, you will have to contact a special educational institution and undergo training there. Without it, according to modern legislation, you do not have any rights to adoption. So learning cannot be avoided.

The school of foster parents is rather a private institution. And such organizations are now located in every region of Russia. You can choose what seems to you the best option. Please note: it is here that they will help you find the baby and prepare documents for adoption. This is not so difficult if you approach the solution of the question wisely.

Preparation of foster parents for the process is divided into several courses. As a rule, there are three of them in total. At the first stage, they will prepare you mentally and psychologically for the adoption process. Here you will be explained that adoptive babies should be treated like relatives. Usually this "section" is intended for parents who have not started to prepare documents. After listening, you will have time to make a final decision.

The second course is the process of collecting documents, finding a child and his adaptation in the family. Perhaps this moment is extremely important for both future parents and the baby. After all, if he does not take root, then you will be refused adoption. No one will forcibly give the child to one or another citizen if he himself does not want this. It is important that foster children feel comfortable in the family. Otherwise, there is no point in the adoption process.

The third course is for those who have gone through the previous steps. As a rule, the school of foster parents in conclusion will consider the issues of maintaining the secrecy of adoption, talk about relationships in families with step-children, and also tell about the relationship of the baby with blood relatives. Of course, here you will be helped to figure out how to behave, if suddenly on the threshold of your home will be your child's or his parents who once abandoned it. Very useful course. Sometimes it is thanks to him that he is able to smooth out many conflicts.

Legal aspect

Now a little more about how the preparation of the adoptive parents for the adoption process is going on. More precisely, you need to understand what exactly is taught in schools for citizens who are going to take their step-mother to their family. As we have already found out, usually the whole process is divided into 3 courses. But for the entire training period, only 4 aspects of adoption are considered. They are basic.adopted children

What is this about? The first aspect is legal. Lawyers will communicate with you. They will tell you about what the rights of the adoptive parents are, enlighten in matters of interaction of authorities during adoption. Also, it is the legal aspect that will help to understand all the tangible and intangible rights and obligations of foster families. Do not forget about the requirements that are put forward to adoptive candidates. It may be found out at the initial stage that you do not meet the requirements. Then it does not make sense to go to the end of training.

Among other things, it is during the study of the legal aspect that you will be helped to figure out how to adopt a child. Lawyers will talk about the necessary documents and even help to assemble a complete package. It’s very convenient - if you need, you can get quality help from professionals at any time in our difficult business today.

The medicine

The next aspect is medical. It would seem that he is not too important. But in practice this is not so. It is clear that not everyone can be doctors. And few will take appropriate courses to provide first aid to citizens (especially children).

Adopters (adoptive parents) will be required to attend a course related to medicine. This is also part of psychological preparation. Why? Under certain circumstances, you will be taught not to panic, but to respond quickly. What are they talking about here? About how to provide pre-medical medical care for children, about diagnoses and methods of their formulation (independently and by doctors), as well as how the diagnosis of diseases in children in medical institutions occurs.

In fact, this is a very useful aspect that everyone, and not just the adopter, should know. Indeed, the responsibilities of adoptive parents, as in the case of relatives, include providing the child with everything necessary, as well as tracking health problems and caring for the baby. Here you can not do without basic knowledge in the field of medicine. Sometimes this section teaches new useful things that are not even known to parents with many children.foster parents

Psychology and pedagogy

But the next point is the key. It is extremely important for foster parents. After all, we are talking about the so-called psychological and pedagogical aspect. This moment can be called the real psychological preparation of the adoptive parents. This section pays close attention.

Psychologists and, as you might guess, educators will work with you. This section represents individual conversations that are held by all candidates for adoptive parents. Couples who want to take the baby from the orphanage will have to communicate with psychologists and teachers together.

The staff, in turn, will tell you about all the age characteristics of children, about possible crises, as well as how to cope with one or another child’s behavior. Also, during the study of the psychological and pedagogical aspect, questions of the psychology of the family as a whole, its dysfunctions and functions will be considered. We can say that it is here that the guardians (adoptive parents) will morally set themselves up for adoption, as well as learn how to behave properly with a "stranger" child. It is important to understand how serious the consequences of improper behavior can be.

Social aspect

The last area that is considered in the process of preparing foster parents for adoption is the social side. Here, again, psychologists will talk with you.Only now they will begin to clarify all the subtleties and nuances of the social adaptation of the child in society.foster parents school

It's no secret that adopted children are more difficult to "converge" with people. Especially if these are already more mature guys. Social adaptation has many features. And parents will have to know them in order to provide the most comfortable conditions for the development of a new personality. We can say that the study of the social aspect is, rather, the preparation of a newly-minted family for “entering society.” It is also quite a useful and important course, without which it is extremely difficult to do without in the modern world.

Parent Responsibilities

Well, the training of foster parents (both psychological and legal) can be considered completed after completing a course in a specialized school. On average, the process takes about 2-3 months, sometimes six months. Now it’s worth learning about the rights and obligations that you will have.

To be honest, everything is extremely simple. And the rights and responsibilities of adoptive parents are exactly the same as those of blood. But only responsibility for the former lies far more serious. After all, a child can be "taken away" under certain circumstances. So it is worthwhile to consider in more detail the responsibilities of the adoptive parents, as well as their rights.

What is included in the first category? Raising a foster baby on the basis of mutual respect, love, understanding; organization of general leisure, everyday life, mutual assistance. It also includes care, treatment, systematic screenings to medical specialists, protecting the rights and interests of the child, and ensuring education at the proper level. If you have any problems with housing or living conditions that can interfere with the healthy development of the child, you must necessarily report this to the guardianship authorities.

Our rights

What are the rights of foster parents? Responsibilities are what is already understood. But as a rule, few people think only about rights. In general, they are similar to those of blood parents. What is more specific about this?how to adopt a child

Foster parents have the right to respect, understanding and timely assistance from specialists in various fields. They also have the opportunity to receive appropriate payments. Foster parents are entitled to all child benefits, as are ordinary citizens with their own children. The main thing is to present documents on adoption, as well as a court decision.

Parents (adoptive parents) have the right to choose a child. They can express their wishes and requirements when choosing a baby. Another feature that you need to know is that you can get complete information about adopted children, as well as about their relatives. Plus, you have the right to return the child before a certain date if you have not found a common language.

With regard to parenting, you also have your own opportunities. You will have the right to use the tested and recommended restrictions, as well as the punishments to adjust the behavior of the baby. If the child is behaving aggressively, you can stop this behavior.

A few more points that not everyone knows about. Firstly, foster parents have every right to receive information on how well they cope with their new roles. True, few use this opportunity. Secondly, you have the right to confidentiality of information regarding problems that arise in your foster family. We can say that no one can talk about some of your features and incidents in public.

Adoption Stages

But how to adopt a child? Passing training, as well as becoming familiar with all your rights and obligations, is only half the battle. The adoption process is not so simple if you do not think about it in advance. Although they will help you at foster schools, you still have to try hard to get rid of the task set before us as soon as possible.adoptive parents adoptive parents

The adoption process itself is divided into at least 3 main stages.The first is document collection and training. Perhaps this is a rather difficult moment for parents. After all, you will need a huge package of documents. About them a little later.

The second stage of adoption is the search for a child. Also not the easiest step. Parents during this period will not only have to express their preferences regarding the adopted baby, but also communicate with him. Also during this period, the child adapts to the family. A very important point that can impose a ban on adoption. Maybe the baby will not take root in your home.

The third stage is the trial. You should not be afraid of him. It is enough to simply obtain permission from the court for adoption. If the two previous steps are passed, then it is enough to apply for the meeting and go through it. In conclusion, you will be given a court decision confirming your rights as adoptive parents of a particular baby. There is actually nothing difficult in this moment. All the main difficulties and nuances arise before the trial.

We collect documents

So, now more about what documents future prospective adoptive parents need in order to accept a new baby into their family. Be prepared for the fact that this process is rather laborious. And you have to work hard to become foster parents.

To begin with, they will require an autobiography from you. And you need a life story for each parent. This process is crucial. You will also need to confirm your earnings. Here a copy of the work book, as well as documents from the place of work, is suitable. Usually enough form of 2-NDFL.

The next point is the confirmation of property rights. More precisely, proof that you can provide your child with a place to live. Here, you may be required to obtain documents of ownership, as well as extracts from the house book. If you rent a house, you must provide a lease.

Now get a criminal record. And a medical report about your health. Here you will need to go through a special commission. Do not forget about certificates from a narcologist, as well as a psychologist. If you are married or divorced, present the original and a copy of the relevant documents.


So, here we’ve figured out how the preparation of adoptive parents for adoption is going on. In addition, now all the features of this process are clear. In Russia, great attention is paid to the preparation of foster parents.psychological preparation

Practice shows that the number of refusals from adopted children after the introduction of compulsory parenting decreased several times. This means that this process is not so useless, as some citizens believe. Remember: adopted children can become relatives! This is not such a simple decision, but if you have made it, try to treat the baby with understanding and respect. Psychological training plays an important role. Adopt only when you are mentally prepared for this.

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