
What is a bank transfer of money? How to make a bank transfer

The need to send money abroad may arise not only at enterprises, but also at individuals. You can carry out such an operation through Western Union, MoneyGram, Unistream, Contact. Individuals can transfer to Sberbank's bank card from their account on their mobile phone. Enterprises have to use the services of financial institutions. The features of these transactions will be discussed in the article.

Standard circuit

Bank transfer - an instruction of a credit institution to send its correspondent a certain amount at the expense of the beneficiary. This document contains a method of refunding funds paid. This operation is carried out by payment order, which is addressed by one institution to another, and subject to an agreement, by check. It is issued by a credit institution at the direction of the translator. The payer instructs the institution on the conditions for the transfer. In such operations, the bank is guided by instruction No. 1 “On the procedure for making international transfers”, as well as the conditions specified in the payment order. Calculation scheme:

  1. The exporter sends documents to his counterparty. Goods may be delivered before or after payment.
  2. The importer issues a payment order.
  3. The bank transfers money to the Loro account.
  4. The advised bank receives a notification of a previous transaction.
  5. Money from the Loro account is credited to the exporter's account.
  6. Advising exporter of a previous operation.

bank transfer

Authorized banks fulfill orders of Russian clients to transfer foreign currency abroad to pay for: goods, services, arbitration fees, penalties, repayment of debts that formed after recalculations, membership fees, advance payments under the terms of the contract, etc.

When performing such operations, the bank is guided by the instructions from the payment order. The document may contain a condition on the payment to the beneficiary of the amount after providing them with commercial, financial documents or a receipt. Banks are not responsible for the transaction, they do not control the fact of delivery. The responsibility of the organization is to transfer funds after the submission of documents.

International exports

Foreign banks receive notification of export operations in the form of telegraph or mail orders. Such a message is drawn up as a memorial order, a copy of which is sent to the beneficiary. After the international bank transfer is credited, the credit institution indicates in it the deadline for submitting documents. It may not exceed 15 calendar days. In case of violation of the terms by the exporter, the authorized bank writes off the amount from its current account and requests instructions from the correspondent for the return of funds.

international bank transfer

Bank transfer of money is carried out in rubles upon receipt of coverage from a foreign partner at the market exchange rate. The exceptions are applications that allow the institution to debit the amount of the transfer to the account of Loro. In this case, the credit institution credits the funds to the account of the recipient in rubles and sends a telegraph request to the correspondent to transfer the coverage to the beneficiary's account “Nostro” the indicated amount. The importer must not later than 15 days notify the bank of the deregistration of paid documents.

Transaction Clearance

International bank transfer is carried out on the basis of an application. It indicates:

  • The transaction amount (in numbers and words) in the currency of the contract price.If the payment is made in a different currency, the translator gives the exact conversion rate. The difference is regulated by the sender.
  • Execution method (by air mail or telegraph).
  • Name of beneficiary, his address.
  • The name of the bank serving the client.
  • The purpose of the translation.
Account details Description of fields
Beneficiary: 1. Name of the recipient (in English)
Account: 2. Account number
Beneficiary bank: 3. Name of the bank
Adress 4. Address (city, country)
SWIFT: 5. Code in SWIFT
Cor. account: 6. Bank account number
With 7. Name of correspondent
Adress 8. Bank address
SWIFT: 9. SWIFT correspondent (if any)

A copy of the contract is also submitted with the application. The sender is obliged to inform who will pay the commission, transfer costs and other data. The application is executed in 3 copies: one is signed by the head or chief accountant of the sender's company. A stamp is placed on top. Correctly executed documents are accepted by the bank against receipt for copies. Based on the data specified in the application, a payment order is drawn up to a foreign correspondent.

Features of translations for entrepreneurs

S.W.I.F.T. - A community of interbank telecommunications that provides a money transfer system. The main advantage of this type of transaction is the relatively small amount of costs. There is no single SWIFT tariff grid: they depend on the country of the sender, currency and bank conditions. In Ukraine, for example, transferring amounts less than $ 200 via SWIFT does not make sense, since the commission is 50 USD / EUR + a fixed percentage. But for entrepreneurs, such a scheme is more acceptable, since:

  • You can send a bank transfer to any country in the world;
  • there are no restrictions on the amount and currency;
  • regular transactions are carried out to the account number;
  • individuals can order a bank transfer even without opening an account;
  • high reliability of messaging;
  • enterprises can instruct the bank to convert the currency by writing out only a payment order.

bank transfers without opening an account

Disadvantages of SWIFT

Consider the following disadvantages of this payment system:

  • Payment by bank transfer of goods occurs within 3-5 days. According to other international transactions it time is reduced to 15 minutes. But if there are direct lines between banks correspondent accounts then this time will be shortened.
  • Additional fees may apply, as one money transaction can take place between several banks at once. If the transfer currency differs from the national currency in the recipient country, then you will have to pay extra for the conversion. For urgent applications, banks charge an additional 30%.
  • Beneficiary's expenses include a fee for cashing out funds (0.6-2%).


The SWIFT bank transfer system is carried out according to the following data:

  • sender's passport;
  • beneficiary's account number;
  • purpose of payment;
  • SWIFT-code of the beneficiary's bank;
  • city, country of beneficiary;
  • IBAN code (for payments to EU countries);
  • Name, city, country of the correspondent bank.

The operator draws up an order by which payment is made at the cash desk. Upon completion of the transaction, a receipt with a unique number is issued.

bank transfer system

International practice

Bank transfer is used more often to pay advance payments under the contract in the amount of 15-30% before the start of the shipment of the goods. The rest is funded for the goods actually received. Such a payment is not beneficial to the importer. This is a risky operation, as the buyer may lose money in case of short delivery. But to protect the interests of the importer, the following can be used:

1. Money back guarantee by a first-class (European) institution.

2. Conditional transfer: the exporter's bank makes an advance payment after receiving the TTN in the agreed time.


Bank transfers are rarely used due to the high risk of transactions. The collection form of payment is more reliable.This is called the seller’s order to the bank to credit directly from the buyer or through another organization a certain amount of money or to receive acceptance from the client’s counterparty. In the second case, the goods are shipped under the terms of the contract without prepayment. The buyer finances the delivery after receiving the documents, having previously checked the quantity, quality, prices, terms of shipment, etc. If one of these points is violated, the importer may refuse to pay for the goods.

bank transfer payment

The main feature of the collection operation is that the bank organizes the entire workflow: it receives documents from the exporter after shipment, sends them to the importer in the institution serving it. The second organization should ensure that funds for the goods are timely transferred to the seller. If the buyer refuses to pay for the delivery, the bank checks the grounds for such a decision and notifies the exporter about it. Settlement scheme using documentary collection:

  1. The conclusion of the contract.
  2. Shipment of goods.
  3. Submission of documents to a financial institution.
  4. The exporter's bank forwards the TTN to the organization that serves the importer.
  5. The buyer learns about the receipt of documents.
  6. Payment for delivery.
  7. The importer receives the documents.
  8. Funds are transferred to the account of Loro.
  9. Advising a bank about a previous correspondent transaction.
  10. Money from Loro comes to the exporter's account.
  11. Advising a seller about a previous transaction.

Instant transactions

The service of transferring funds from a personal account to a bank in Russia is provided by many operators: MegaFon, Beeline, MTS, TELE2 (Rostelecom). Money is withdrawn from a VISA or MasterCard payment system card.

pay transfer to a bank card

In the case of the Megafon operator, a transfer to a bank card can be ordered on the company's website. In the form you need to enter a phone number. A password will come to it, which opens access to the service. After authorization, you need to enter the card number of the recipient. Tariffs:

  • from 1 to 4999 rubles - 7.35% + 95 rubles .;
  • from 5 thousand to 15 thousand rubles. - 7.35% + 259 rubles.

Transfer to a card from Beeline is carried out through the service "Payment from account". In the application form, you need to choose the type of plastic carrier, enter the mobile number, amount and account of the recipient. Tariff - 4.95%.

bank transfer of money

If we talk about the MTS operator, a transfer to a bank card can also be ordered on the company's website. To generate an application, you need to specify the phone number, amount, account from which money will be debited, details of the recipient. Rates: from 1700 to 15000 rubles. - 4%, but min. 25 rub Only 5 applications can be made per day.

Transfer to a card with TELE2 is carried out through the company's website. In the appropriate section, you need to specify the phone number, amount and card of the recipient. Tariffs: from 50 to 15 thousand rubles. -5.75%, min. 25 rub Limit: 10 transfers per day.

In all cases, no SMS charges apply. It is not possible to withdraw bonus or credit funds from a subscriber account.

Bank transfers without opening an account

This service is available only to individuals. To make a transfer, you just need to present your passport, receipt for payment and fill out an application. Thus, utility bills, tax payments, voluntary contributions are paid. To carry out the transaction, it is necessary to inform the operator the name, address of the beneficiary, the name of the beneficiary's bank, details, SWIFT code, beneficiary's account number (if any).

Sberbank transfers

Blitz is one of the most popular systems in the Russian Federation. Transactions are carried out in two directions

  • Urgent transfers between structural divisions of Sberbank throughout Russia.
  • International transactions in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus.

Bank transfers between individuals are carried out by subsidiaries of Sberbank without opening current accounts. Such operations should not be related to business activities.
The conditions and the Blitz commission are indicated in the table.

№№ Condition Translation in Russia International Transactions
1 Maximum amount 500 thousand rubles - for residents - no more than $ 5,000or amounts in equivalent;

- for non-residents - up to $ 10,000

2 Commission 1.5%. Payout - Free Shipping cost - 1% of the amount (min. 150 rubles, 5 dollars / euro); max - 3000 rubles, 100 dollars / 100 euros. Receipt - 1% of the amount
3 Period of execution no more than 1 hour after registration
4 additional service informing the recipient by phone - 10 rubles.
5 Cancel 150 rub
6 Currency rubles rubles, dollars and euros

Advantages of "Blitz":

  1. Funds can be sent without specifying the branch to receive.
  2. Fast deadline.

The high commission rate does not attract customers who want to transfer money to a bank card within the country. But if you need to send a payment to Belarus or Kazakhstan, then it is better to use the "BLITZ".

How to apply?

Consider what is needed to complete the application:

  • Present passport and TIN to the cashier at the bank.
  • Name of the recipient.
  • Indicate the details of the beneficiary's passport.
  • Check the correctness of filling out the application.
  • Transfer money to the cashier.
  • Get a receipt with the transaction number.

How to receive the money?

The order of receiving the transfer:

  1. Choose a branch of Sberbank.
  2. Present the passport to the cashier.
  3. Give the transfer number and surname of the sender.
  4. Get the money.
  5. Pay your portion of the commission for international transfers.

Errors in filling out an application for a bank transfer "BLITZ":

  1. The addressee will not receive money if his name is incorrectly indicated. Sender will lose commission: 150 rub. for registration and the same amount for fixing the error.
  2. If the customer indicated the wrong transfer number, then he will not receive money. The application must be formed without errors.

Cancellation of a transfer is possible only until the time the money is claimed by the recipient. To do this, you need to contact the branch of Sberbank in which the application was issued, with a passport, pay an additional fee of 150 rubles, write an application for a refund. If the operation is approved by the Head of the unit, the client will receive cash.


In everyday life, sometimes there is a need to send money abroad. In such cases, you can use the services of international systems, such as Contact, or by bank transfer. The economic efficiency of the transaction depends on the amount and country of the recipient. For transactions in the countries of the former USSR it is better to use "BLITZ". If you need to send money "overseas" - bank transfer or Western Union.

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