
OGRIP - what is it?

Not everyone understands why OGRIP is needed, and in some cases, citizens can not even explain the essence of this reduction. Nevertheless, this topic is very relevant for entrepreneurs and everyone who looks in the direction of business. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to it.

OGRIP - what is it?

Perhaps this abbreviation is not familiar to everyone, but this does not change the fact that its essence is quite simple. Under these letters is the definition of the main state registration number that was assigned to an individual entrepreneur.

what is it

For a better understanding of the essence of the issue, it is worth noting that this is the serial number of the record assigned to a specific individual during the registration of IP. Such a method of identification will make it possible to create a database of each representative of a small business extremely convenient for the tax service. Also, using this number, it is quite simple to keep track of the activities of entrepreneurs.


So, having figured out what the essence of OGRIP is, what it is and why such a number is needed, it is worth paying attention to its structure. This registration number can be counted 15 digits. And they are all there for a reason.

The first digit is nothing more than a sign of the identification of the state number used for registration. The second and third signs are used to record the year when information about the entrepreneur was entered in the state register. The fourth and fifth digits also have a certain semantic load, they are used as a code designation for a specific subject.

But the sixth and seventh signs are set so that with their help it was possible to determine which particular department of the tax service issued this document. Next comes a whole group of numbers, united by one function - these are the signs from the eighth to fourteenth. In fact, this is the direct number of the individual who wrote the application for the issuance of OGRNIP.

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As for the fifteenth digit, it needs to be given special attention. The bottom line is that this character performs the function of a check number that registrars use. It can be used to verify the authenticity of the registration number. In the process of concluding important contracts, such information can be very relevant. Indeed, to increase the reliability of cooperation, it is not enough to know the OGRNIP. What is it in the details for the figures is also important to understand each entrepreneur.

Returning to the fifteenth digit, you need to pay attention to the following information: these numbers are nothing more than a small remainder of the division of the penultimate, 14th, by 13. Thus, if you use simple mathematics, you can find out if an authentic certificate was provided or have to deal with fake.

Decryption scheme

In order to fully answer the question: «OGRIP - what is it? ”An example of a specific registration number must be considered without fail.

So, imagine the following order of numbers: 3-15-35-01-1600015-7. The fact that the top three is in the beginning indicates that the certificate was received by an individual entrepreneur, and not a legal entity. The second pair of signs indicates the year of registration - 2015. The third group - 35 is assigned to those who register in the Vologda region.

But the following combination 01 makes it possible to understand that the registration process itself took place in the first branch of the tax service of the Vologda Oblast.

what is the number of digits

Now we turn to the longest combination of numbers - from 16 to 15. This is nothing more than a registration record about a specific IP in the registry. But the sixth digit is a control number.In the framework of the topic: “OGRIP - what is it”, the example that was described above allows us to understand the essence of using a registration number to obtain all the necessary information about a particular entrepreneur.

How to access number data

Among the most popular questions regarding this topic are the following queries: OGRIP - what is it, how many digits are in the registration number and how to find this data in the case of a particular IP.

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And if the situation became clearer with the first two questions, then the latter needs to be given attention. So, if the entrepreneur did not provide registration data, they can be obtained using the identification number, as well as the last name.

To complete this task you will have to use the Internet. And the most popular resource under this topic can safely be called the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. There is access to the database, which contains all the necessary information about entrepreneurs in full.

Find the right section of the site is not difficult. All that needs to be done is to select the “Individual Entrepreneur” item, after which it is necessary to indicate which information will be used for the search — surname or TIN. Using this simple scheme, you can easily find the OGRIP. “What is it and how to use this information?” - these are the questions that everyone who intends to do business should receive an answer to. Indeed, without an elementary verification of a potential client, you can conclude an agreement on non-existent documents and incur significant financial losses.

What can be checked with the registration number

In addition to such basic topics as OGRNIP - what is it, decryption of the number and its search - it makes sense to pay attention to the possibility of obtaining information about an individual entrepreneur through this data.

Such a simple development skill may be needed in the following situations:

  • search for information on the actual and legal address of the company (IP);
  • if necessary, determine the TIN of a particular entrepreneur;
  • when it is necessary to obtain data regarding the reliability of documents provided by a potential partner and in other similar circumstances.

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They must have the necessary amount of information within the framework of the topic: “OGRIP - what is it” for organizations of any profile, as well as an entrepreneur, in order to easily find a debtor company and obtain relevant information about a partner and even the lessor.

In order to find the necessary data, it is also worth using the resources of the Federal Tax Service and the capabilities of other sites that provide information about entrepreneurs.

When a number change is possible

If you pay attention to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can find out that, if necessary, there is the possibility of replacing OGRNIP. Here is a list of situations that allow an entrepreneur to file a statement:

  • change of initials;
  • change of information regarding place or date of birth;
  • gender change;
  • in case of loss of a certificate issued earlier.

In some cases, you can easily replace with the tax authorities a certificate with a registration number that has been damaged. But in order for everything to go smoothly, the SP must provide the registration authority with evidence that confirms the fact that the damage was not intentionally done.

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Of course, such a confirmation is not always possible. Therefore, it is worth remembering that there is an alternative way - filing an application to replace a lost certificate.

Possible liability

It makes sense to pay attention to the fact that those who intend to engage in entrepreneurial activity without obtaining a certificate with the registration number indicated in it risk to attract the attention of the state. And such attention will be fraught with tangible punishment.

After all, OGRNIP is actually the only documentary basis for the legitimate conduct of business in the Russian Federation.If someone tries to ignore this order, then such actions will be regarded as an attempt to evade taxes and violate applicable law.

But as soon as the certificate is received, there will be no complaints against the IP. In addition, the duration of such a document is not limited.

An additional method of checking information

As it was written above, the necessary information about a partner or client can be easily found using his registration number and the website of the Federal Tax Service. But there is an alternative way to obtain relevant information.

This is an application to the local tax authority in order to provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises. In the event that full information is required, then you need to be prepared to pay, since the free version contains only the most basic information about the counterparty.

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Not to receive data after filing an application is possible only if the verified IP is not registered, which is more than suspicious.


At the moment, many are accustomed to using such a resource as Wikipedia to obtain the necessary information. OGRIP, what it is and how to use it - all this, however, is too serious a question to be content with its superficial study. Therefore, everyone who is focused on extremely safe cooperation needs to pay maximum attention to the topic of checking and decrypting the registration number.

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