
What is a region, the main meanings of this term

There are many territorial concepts that differ in different scales of application and their terminological gradation. If you are interested in what a region is, then you will find the answer in this material. The concept of "region" comes from the Latin word regionalis, which means "local", "regional". This word refers to commonly used concepts used to designate a particular territory.

Key Values

what is a region

Basically, this term is used to designate the region, district, a certain part of the country.

It can also denote a group of neighboring countries, which are united by a similar ethnic composition of the population, similar in socio-political structure, a region of the world.

Additional values

To understand what a region is, you need to know all the options for using this term. Another common use of the word relates it to the basic concepts of regional sociological research.

In economics, when this word is used, it implies a large territory of the country with similar natural conditions and a certain direction of growth of productive forces based on the totality complex of natural opportunities with promising material and technical and social infrastructure.

In sociology, this word has a broader meaning. Being a territorial component, the region should have a socio-spatial community of the population. Differing in natural conditions, constant specialization of production forces, a certain level of infrastructure development, the region, at the same time, can be characterized by a specific social structure, infrastructure and quality of life of the population.

city ​​regions

Territorial hierarchy

Finally, to finally understand what a region is, we can consider the general system of hierarchy of land territories. To do this, you need to know all its components. If you look at the world territorial hierarchy, it will be next.

First there are continents, then parts of them, then countries and, finally, regions. It is the regions that can be divided into other regions, cities, and districts.

As can be seen from the diagram, regions occupy an important place in the territorial hierarchy.

According to generally accepted territorial concepts, the country's regions are divided into sections with such specific indicators as climate, culture, history, geography, and political territorial structure. In different states, these territorial sections may correspond to administrative and territorial units. As an example, the US states, but often this is an even larger division. So, in the Russian Federation, it is possible to distinguish the central (Moscow, Ryazan, Tula regions), north-western (Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov regions) and other regions.

Sometimes one region can be located in several countries - an example could be the mountain system - the Himalayas. Also, water spaces are most often not considered regions, but sometimes they can become exceptions. Smaller territorial concepts such as city regions may also apply.

regions of the country

In large countries, some regions include others. For example, in the USA there are 50 states, and the territory of Russia is divided into 8 large regions, each of which contains 10-15 administrative units (regions, republics), which, in turn, are divided into several other regions.


So what is a region? This is a large region, a group of neighboring countries or territories, united by some common signs.This concept can have different meanings, but in any case it will be a broad territorial term.

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