
What is DNP: charter, contributions, plots

If some ordinary people who own suburban areas cannot clearly answer themselves the question of what is DNP, then over time they will inevitably do this, because such partnerships open up quite attractive opportunities and become very popular. These organizations managed to repeatedly prove their effectiveness and right to exist. For this reason, it makes sense to pay more attention to this topic and figure out what is at stake.

Land plots DNP

Initially, it is worth understanding what this abbreviation means. Under these letters is the definition of a summer cottage partnership. Partnerships of this type are being created on agricultural lands. At the same time, such a reason as summer construction is determined as the formal purpose of using these territories.

what is DNP

An interesting feature is the fact that an individual acquiring a specific site in the DNP, in fact, receives property rights to this earth. The boundaries of the land transferred to the new owner are fixed by means of a cadastral payment.

In other words, when the buyer pays the cost of a certain land area, he becomes its owner, and not, say, a tenant. Cottage sharing opportunities non-commercial partnership also does not imply.

Since DNP allows you to get the most relevant form of ownership many holiday villages use this particular type of organization.

Why become part of a partnership

The advantage to determine with this form of interaction is not difficult. The bottom line is that a person who owns a specific plot of land becomes part of an organization (legal entity) that has significantly greater resources, connections and opportunities than any of its members individually. As a result, the entire legal and material potential of the partnership is used to implement goals that are beneficial to all members of the association. Here is what DNP is and participation in it.

It is also worth noting that such an organization, in order to achieve its objectives, can become an investor in partnerships and a participant business companies. If necessary, it is even possible to create other non-profit organizations, as well as participation in unions and associations of legal entities.

What are the goals of a summer partnership?

DNP decryption

Partnership initially has a whole range of goals associated with the active assistance to its members in the implementation of key functions:

  • improvement and gardening of the territory with its subsequent maintenance in the necessary condition;
  • ensuring the management of the lands of the participants;
  • taking necessary measures to create a favorable environmental situation;
  • the acquisition and subsequent delivery of planting material, any necessary equipment, building materials, pesticides, fertilizers and other goods;
  • creation, repair and qualified maintenance due to the organization of roads, engineering networks and various public facilities;
  • the goals of the partnership also include construction with the involvement of its own resources or by organizing this process when it becomes necessary to erect structures and buildings without which the specific tasks of the association cannot be realized.

As you can see, being in DNP is pretty profitable.

Partnership Features

Understanding what DNP is, it is important to remember the following fact: this type of organization is not commercial and does not imply co-ownership, but a partnership of owners of specific sites, combined in the form of this structure.

A simple conclusion follows from this: owners are free to dispose of the lands that they own at their discretion. For example, to build low-rise houses and subsequently organize their own life on this territory. No approvals for such actions will be required.

country non-profit partnership

But there is one limitation that will help to better understand what is DNP and what are the disadvantages to expect from such a partnership. For example, there is such an advantage as the ability to build a house of any size without subsequent claims from the relevant authorities. But it is neutralized if the land owner decides to register in the built house. In this case, the compliance of the new housing with the current building codes will be a prerequisite for successful registration.

In other words, it will be necessary initially to take into account the same requirements that are relevant when erecting objects on the land of individual housing construction.

How to transfer the site to a different property format

First of all, you need to bring the plot and the house to the state in which it will correspond to SNIPs. We are talking about summing up communications (water, sewage, electricity, gas), including adequate home furnishings for both the warm seasons and the winter period. Only in this case there are real chances to transfer the site from the category of DNP to IZHS and to take up the registration procedure.

It is also important that the house is close to the city, because then at the expense of the state garbage removal, working lighting on the street will be organized, and over time even the road, if necessary. The property will also be assigned a mailing address.

Membership in DNP

When it comes to such a phenomenon as the territory of the DNP, it is initially implied that the number of members of the partnership will be limited. But the question is, who can become part of such an organization.

land plots

The key requirements are that the applicant must be a citizen of Russia, overcome the age mark of 18 years and be the owner or co-owner of the land. The latter should, naturally, be located in an area of ​​interesting partnership. Moreover, the presence of unfinished buildings or their absence does not play a significant role.

Also, the future member of the DNP is obliged to officially acknowledge his agreement with all the provisions set out in the charter, and make an entrance fee.

According to civil law, participants in a summer residence partnership can be heirs of members of the DNP, as well as those citizens who received land in the organization as a result of the sale, donation or other legal means.

As for the entry into force of the rights of the founders of the partnership, they are considered part of the association after its state registration is completed. All who wish to join the DNP are accepted on the basis of a decision of the meeting of authorized members of the partnership. Each of those who have been accepted must receive a membership card within three months.

Financial income

An entrance fee is one of the conditions for joining an organization such as a summer non-profit partnership. But sources of property formation are not limited to this. There are also DNP membership and targeted contributions.

In the first case, we are talking about funds that are periodically contributed by the participants to pay for running costs and services of employees acting on the basis of an employment contract concluded with the partnership.

Targeted contributions play a different role; these resources are needed to create or acquire public facilities.

It should also be noted that the size of membership dues may vary during the year by decision of the partnership board. It is worth understanding the following: if such payments prove to be overdue on a stable basis, then certain measures can be taken by the organization, for example, a fine and even a lawsuit. But if the circumstances that caused the insolvency of a particular participant can be characterized as compelling or respectful, then a decision can be made to grant a delay of several months.

Thus, you must initially weigh the pros and cons before entering into DNP. The decoding of this abbreviation includes the word "partnership", which means that you will have to act in the interests of the majority and you need to be prepared for this.

Property issue

Most non-profit organizations have certain resources, including real estate. With DNP, the situation is similar.

member of DNP

It is permissible for such a structure to have in its operational management or ownership various equipment, vehicles, structures, buildings, land, inventory and cash, in different currencies.

Understanding what DNP is, it is worth paying attention to the following fact: the property of such an association as a legal entity may be public property that was acquired for income from a specific activity or membership fees.

The partnership has all the rights to accept any property in the form of donations, gifts, wills and more. Moreover, the donor can be both an individual and a legal entity.

For its part, the structure that accepted the money or other funds disposes of them in any convenient and relevant way.


Many ordinary people who own land outside the city are considering the prospect of joining a summer non-profit partnership. The pros and cons of such an organization, after careful study, will help make the right decision.

And since the advantages were mentioned above, we will talk about the disadvantages.

DNP territory

One of the first drawbacks is the lack of registration, even if a house appears on the site. Also, if the owner of the building and the land on which the property is located wants to have its territory serviced according to the same standards as individual housing construction objects, that is, at the expense of the state (supplying roads, water, gas, electricity), then for him a similar prospect will remain inaccessible.

Another disadvantage that may become significant for those who intend to live on the territory of the DNP is the fact that the construction of shops, hospitals, kindergartens and schools in such areas is not provided.

It is also worth considering that few banks agree to accept a portion of DNP as collateral, which makes the possibility of a mortgage transaction difficult to access.

As you can see, the shortcomings of the partnership will be relevant only for some groups of ordinary people, for others, these disadvantages will be insignificant.


dnp contributions

The activities of a non-profit organization as such without a full charter are not possible. For this reason, this document is compiled in the formation of a summer partnership. It should contain sections that can give complete information on the following categories:

  • General Provisions All information about the organization (basis for activity, name, location, etc.).
  • The legal status of the partnership: what it can do and what it is not entitled to under the law.
  • Property, its acquisition and disposal of them.
  • Objectives and subject matter.
  • Conditions and features of membership in the DNP.
  • Contributions. It is worth considering all of their types, methods of transferring finances to the organization, as well as fines for non-payment, etc.
  • Membership in a summer cottage.On what conditions are the participants accepted, what can they count on after a positive decision, and what is the way out of the structure.
  • The charter of a summer non-profit partnership should also include information on the features of the management of NPDs and key activities in particular.
  • It is also worth touching on issues such as accounting, paperwork and reporting.

As the final information, it is necessary to outline the reorganization and liquidation of the partnership, if necessary.


It is difficult to ignore the relevance of such an organization as DNP. Deciphering this format of the union of country lands leads to the conclusion that for many people a similar structure will help solve the problems that are relevant to them. Therefore, if you have your own site outside the city, the prospect of entering into a partnership should be considered without fail.

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