
Type of ownership. Basic ownership

The form of ownership is a species that is characterized by the subject and the features of its connection with the object. Directly, the interaction itself depends on the type of socio-economic system. Each object and subject, in turn, corresponds to special forms. The criteria are quite diverse and can be classified according to many criteria: property rights, methods of appropriation, and so on. Let us further consider what form of ownership may be. type of ownership

General classification

Two categories are distinguished depending on the types of socio-economic systems and in accordance with the type of connection between the object and the subject: public and individual property. They, in turn, are also classified. In economic publications, the concepts of "general" and "individual property" are used quite often. Nevertheless, these terms are considered quite abstract and collective. These definitions suggest the basic characteristics of the basic types in a generalized form. Property exists in various socio-economic systems, from the primitive communal system to the modern way. Each category reflects its advantages and disadvantages, methods of the most effective use.

Personal possession

This form of ownership has existed for millennia. The nature of the appropriation of certain objects over time practically does not change. The object in this case are, for example, household items, personal property, cash, consumer goods. It must be assumed that over time, the qualitative properties of objects change significantly. So, for example, clothing, food is improving, household items are acquiring new characteristics. Nevertheless, the essence of their appropriation remains unchanged. In the modern world, intellectual property is of particular importance. Its objects are knowledge, discoveries, inventions, information, and so on. state property

Private property

It differs from the personal one in that different resources are considered an object here. They can be money, intellectual abilities, real estate, etc., which have potential opportunities for the formation of benefits and have an impact on economic processes. This form of ownership operates in two forms. Its nature depends primarily on the quality in which the subject acts in the framework of social production. So, he may be an employee or not an employee.

form of ownership of the enterprise

In the first case, this refers to the labor form of ownership. In this case, the subject is directly connected to the object. In other words, the owner is working on his property. The receipt of income or the economic realization of an object is carried out through labor. This category, for example, includes property of artisans, farmers, peasants, small traders, and so on. They all fulfill the legal and economic function of using, owning, disposing. This property of citizens has been accompanying people for millennia. It takes place in all modern economic systems, but has never acted as the dominant one. The concept of unearned property does not have a clear separation.


Private property has several disadvantages. The most obvious of these is the separation of object and labor. Under this form of ownership, material and financial resources, as well as the main production factors, belong to many individuals.The remaining members of society are alienated from objects. This, in turn, is accompanied by property inequality. Opposite classes are formed in society. One of them is a monopolist and manages production factors and results. Another class, on the contrary, is deprived of this. This situation provokes a certain tension in society. Another drawback is that in the absence of competition in the market, private owners can raise prices.

Public ownership

The concept is an absolute abstraction, which expresses the joint assignment of different objects. This category also existed at all times. The development of society involves the collective appropriation of certain objects. In this form of ownership, a different category of interests is formed, which combines public and personal material desire in the best use of property. The subjects are not personified, as they are groups of individuals, collectives, government agencies, and so on. In the Civil Code, the term "public facilities" is not used. In legal literature, it is customary to apply a different definition - "state ownership". Let's consider this category in more detail. joint ownership

State property

There is not a single country in history where the government was not engaged in economic activities. In this regard, objectively there is a need for the formation of state property. As objects can act natural resources, working capital and fixed capital, securities, money, information, etc., transferred by popular will to the disposal and management of state bodies. This form of ownership includes three categories: municipal, federal and regional. The latter includes objects transferred to the authorities of the constituent entities of the country. Federal property is considered state-owned. Municipal facilities are transferred to local authorities.

Group ownership

Joint ownership is property, cash and production assets, securities, which originally belong to two or more persons. Rights and responsibilities in this case are established by agreement between the parties. Joint ownership has a number of features. For example, in full partnerships partners are liable with all property belonging to them, and in limited liability associations - in proportion to equity interests. The cooperative form of ownership of an enterprise is distinguished by the presence of a group of persons who simultaneously act as owners and employees. But at the same time most of the functions of the owners are performed by them on an equal footing.

property of citizens

The joint-stock form of ownership of an enterprise has a number of advantages in comparison with other categories. Such a property management system not only helps mobilize resources. The joint-stock form democratizes the economy, attracting wide sections of society to co-ownership. This system, thus, ensures participation in the distribution of income and the influence of the population on management. Along with this, convenient conditions are formed for the development of nomenclature-corporate relations among persons with a weak interest in the effective operation of the facility.

Mixed category

In one system, the state agency can act as the owner of material and financial resources, and the labor collective can act as the user and distributor. In another case, due to, for example, the Russian Federation entering the world market, foreign countries may own some objects, and citizens of Russia can use them. In the framework of such legal relations, mixed property arises. In this case, property of public organizations can also act as objects.

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