
What are long term liabilities? Types of Long-Term Liabilities

In the process of their activities, many enterprises use not only equity. Long-term liabilities are one of the additional sources of funds for the company. When using it, the main task is the timely repayment of the resulting debt. Another source is short-term liabilities. Consider the features of these debts. long term duties

general characteristics

Long term and Short-term liabilities differ in maturity. For the former, it is more than a year, for the latter - less than 12 months. The total amount of obligations affects the duration of the financial cycle of the company. So, debt accepted for a period of less than a year, adjusts the amount of funds needed to replenish current assets. Moreover, the more obligations there are, the less money is spent on meeting the current needs of the enterprise. The total amount of debt also depends on the nature of the company's work in the market. The more active the production, the correspondingly higher the sale. This, in turn, contributes to increased costs and the emergence of prerequisites for attracting additional assets.

Short-term liabilities

Their analysis for the upcoming period is usually evaluative in nature. This is due to the fact that in most cases the exact amounts that form the debt cannot be determined. This, in turn, is due to the uncertainty of many indicators of the upcoming activities of the company. The amount of short-term liabilities always directly depends on the frequency of payments to be paid. This relationship allows you to set the level and determine the ability to regulate all sources of funds in the management process. Repayment of short-term debt is carried out by current assets. They are the resources used in the daily activities of the company. This differs this debt from the capital of long-term liabilities. In reporting, information on it is reflected in liabilities. Short-term debt can be converted into cash. It can be directed to certain needs of the company within one book year. capital long-term liabilities


In the preparation of reporting, the accounting of obligations acts as one of the key tasks. All debts of the enterprise should be reflected. Current liabilities include:

  1. Dividends paid to founders.
  2. Debts on bills.
  3. Accounts payable.
  4. Announcements.
  5. Taxes.
  6. Refundable deposits that have been issued for less than a year.
  7. Conditional payment.
  8. Unearned income.
  9. Debt on demand.
  10. Parts of long-term debt payable over a short period.
  11. Other debts with a maturity of less than a year.

Long-term borrowings

As indicated above, they represent debt with a maturity of more than a year. Long-term liabilities are always taken into account when assessing the solvency of the company. Meanwhile, their presence negatively affects the indicators of analysis. This is due to the fact that they can be equated to the equity of the company. Pay attention to inflation indicators the presence of such debt can even be considered a positive moment. The benefit is that at the time they are received, the real value of these assets is significantly different from the price at maturity.Long-term liabilities to banks are issued for the acquisition of investment assets, to pay existing debts or replenish working capital. long-term and short-term liabilities


Long-term liabilities include debts on loans, loans. They also include:

  1. Promissory notes issued for a period of more than a year.
  2. Bonds issued for a period exceeding 12 months.
  3. Deferred tax liabilities.


In international practice, long-term liabilities also include issued mortgages, as well as arrears of pension payments to employees. The latter is not used in Russia. Mortgages issued are actually the same loan, only received on the security of a real asset. They are accounted for in the relevant balance sheet items. Long-term liabilities are stated at current value - in the amount necessary for their repayment. In this case, interest, discount and other charges for the use of funds are taken into account. equity long-term liabilities


Deferred liabilities for compulsory budget payments - a temporary difference between the amounts calculated on the accounting and tax reporting. It should be noted that this type does not always meet the criteria established for a debt whose repayment period is more than 12 months. The fact is that taxes are accrued and paid more than once a year. An example of this is the mandatory deduction of profit from the budget. This tax can be paid more than once a year (in a quarterly, semi-annual, etc. balance sheet). Accordingly, this obligation is incorrectly called long-term. In such situations, tax amounts are transferred to the current debt section.

Line 450

Other long-term financial liabilities consist of funds provided by non-bank organizations, as well as debt on bonds. The accounts of the latter are of particular interest in the analysis. These include:

  1. Bond obligations - cf. 521.
  2. Bonus on issued securities - cf. 522.
  3. Discount - cf. 523.

All these accounts together are reflected on the balance sheet of the issuer in p. 450 as a result of folding their balances. This formula will be applied only in cases when the company sold bonds at a discount and a premium. This takes place subject to the issue of different lots of securities at different times. In this case, the second is issued to maturity of the first. long-term financial liabilities

Line 470

49, paragraph P (C) BU 2 is not specified for the types of long-term liabilities. Accordingly, you need to understand that the “other” debts that cannot be attributed to other articles of the section represent the balance of all accounts of the 5th grade. It concerns:

  1. Long-term issued bills - cf. 51.
  2. Lease arrears - cf. 53.
  3. Other liabilities of a long-term nature - cf. 55.

long-term borrowings

Account 51 summarizes information on secured debts, the repayment period of which is more than 12 months. from the balance sheet date. The issuance of bills, their acceptance and obligations arising in connection with this, reflect at the time of transfer or acceptance. Accounting for settlements with owners on account 53 is more concerned with cash rent / leasing. This is due to the fact that operational transactions of this nature, as a rule, are not long-term.

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