
From homeless to business woman: success story of a woman who opened a non-waste store

How often do we raise our hands to heaven and complain about life? The wrong place, the wrong job, the wrong people. Anger fades, and we return to everyday life, secretly hoping that someday better times will come. Weeks and years pass before we understand: it was necessary to act.

Waiting is not the best way

Next to us there are a huge number of people who are fighting for their place in the sun. They do not just dream - they take the future into their own hands and work on it. Someone simply transforms their path, initially being in comfortable conditions, and someone is completely forced to rise from the bottom.

At 18, Emily Gleaves became homeless, and at 32 she opened her own business. What is her strength? In observation and self-confidence.

From waste to waste

Emily was never ashamed of her position. Others could doubt her, but not herself. For many years, the girl worked as a seller and noticed that a lot of waste (including hazardous plastic) that remains after cooking or any other use of different products simply decomposes on the street. However, the environment is deteriorating.

Last year, Emily Gleaves opened the Waste not Want waste store in the Birkenhead market. Its essence lies in the fact that customers bring or buy reusable containers in exchange for receiving products or care and cleaning products. The warehouse is located in the west of England, in Merseyside, but attracts customers even from North Wales and Chester.

Way up

Getting out of poverty, Emily has come a long way from a sales representative (“door to door”) to a real business woman.

“Your desire determines your success. I have neither education nor experience in this area, but I have a goal and a great desire. It was they who brought me here. ”

Glives saw similar projects on social networks, but the closest offline point to Merseyside was 40 miles away. The girl conducted a survey among former customers and other residents of the town about the need for such a store and received hundreds of positive feedback. She quit her job where she spent 12 years. Yes, it was at least some stability, but the sales did not bring Emily happiness, and the impulsive action changed everything. The financial side of the issue was helped by the crowdfunding platform on which Emily described her project and opened a fundraiser.

Waste not Want is not just a business. This is also an eco-project, since replacing plastic bags should teach people how to take care of the planet. This problem has long worried the public, but more and more have been talking about it lately. Emily as a real Wonder Woman decided not to talk, but to act. Another positive aspect of her business, the girl considers the employment of adolescents and the homeless. At first she herself offered them a job, now those in need find her. The girl understands how important it is to get such a chance, because she herself was in their place.

It's impossible to control everything

Of course, absolutely no problem any business can not exist. Emily admits that her presence in the market is accompanied by some difficulties.

There are things beyond her control: hyperactive teenagers on bicycles, people who smoke at the door, and who can also be indoors during rain. All this repels other people. And it's hard to handle. Customers should not be deprived of comfort, and with children, in principle, it is difficult to find contact.

The only way Emily found was to open a store after dinner. This is not good for business - part of the revenue is lost. Therefore, the girl is now in search of a new site.

“This is sad because my warehouse is in a really good place. And starting here was great.It’s strange to fight him, it’s strange to leave him. ”

By the way, this is a common problem of the entire Birkenhead and Merseyside markets. Other co-owners are saved by creative means - art galleries and even vegetarian bakeries are opening on the site.

New Hope

Emily has big plans. She has ideas for expanding her non-waste business. But he needs money.

“I would have earned more if I worked longer, but Tuesday and Wednesday are dead, and I can’t move on.”

But she is fighting. The girl launched the online service Waste Not Want to continue to work when the warehouse is closed. In addition to this, she created an application that tells people about life-free living.

Emily Gleaves recently received an additional energy boost: Waste not Want was included on the shortlist of participants in emerging startup startups from Heart Radio. The grand prize is £ 10,000. This amount does not hurt the girl at all.

“I can’t even explain where I draw my energy from. This is probably a passion. I just know what I want and do it. And you, on the contrary, only regret what you are not doing. ”

In these words of the girl lies the truth. Simple dreams are not enough. The world is not simple, and no one will bring you an action plan on a plate. Remember the Nike slogan - Just Do It! This is not just a call to sports - it is a call to life. You do not need rich relatives or special ties - you just need to want to change your life or make the world a better place. Only fantasy and desire. Remember: we are not cats and we do not have paws.

Go ahead!

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