
What is the limit and where is this word used

The word limit is a masculine noun and it means a limit, a boundary, a strictly defined quantitative meaning of something. The scope of the word is incredibly vast. Therefore, in this article we will consider just a few examples of its application.

Example one: what is the cash limit

The cash desk limit is the designated amount of cash, the maximum allowable amount of which can be stored at the cash desk at the end of the business day of the enterprise or establishment. How this carry-over balance is determined is detailed in Bank of Russia Decree No. 3210-U.

Keeping the amount in excess of the established limit at the cash desk is considered a violation for which an administrative penalty of a fine of 40 to 50 thousand rubles may be imposed. If the cash desk limit is not set, but if you must have it, the balance is considered equal to zero, that is, it is forbidden to leave money in the cash desk after the end of the working day.what is the limit

Example two: "limit" the meaning of the word

The word "limit" is the cognate derivative of the word "limit". So often called the provincials who came to a big city to live or to earn money. The word is formed from the designation of places where these people come from, that is, if Moscow is considered the capital, the center of Russia, then the borders of the country's outskirts can conditionally be called a territorial limit. If you find in the dictionaries for the word limit a synonym, then these will be the words “border”, “limits”. And therefore, people living on the outskirts of distant from Moscow and little-known regions, with someone's light hand dubbed the limit. However, this word is not official and is used only in colloquial speech.limit word meaning

Example Three: Time Limit

Time control, that is, setting a time limit is used in various games, such as chess, checkers and the like. Let us consider in more detail what the time limit is and why it is necessary in this area.

The fact is that it takes time for a player to think about a move. Sometimes it is needed less, sometimes in a more difficult game situation - more. But an incredibly long pondering of the course can tire not only the players themselves, but also the spectators who came to the tournament to look at the course of the competition and cheer on the participants they liked. And therefore, each participant is initially given a certain time limit to think over the moves. Having made a move, the participant clicks on a special clock, which immediately switches to the countdown of the opponent.limit synonym

Such a rule is all the more necessary in order to avoid the practice of deliberately delaying the game used by dishonest players. A player who spends a lot of time thinking how best to walk around can spend his time limit before the game ends. Then, regardless of his position in the game, he will be counted as a loss. Therefore, every chess player knows well what the time limit is and tries to develop and train his own speed of thinking.

Violation of the rules - self-harm

Each participant is allocated exactly the same amount of time to think about the moves. You cannot be late for the competition, and if one of the players has violated this rule, then the time of his delay is calculated from the limit allocated to him for the game. Therefore, the best option is to know and remember what the limit and time control are, so as not to give odds to your rivals.

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