
What is a non-stationary trading facility?

Non-stationary trading facility - what is it? What is he like? What is it needed for? All these questions will be answered in the framework of the article.

general information

non-stationary trading facilityFirst, let's find out what constitutes a non-stationary trading facility. This name is used for temporary construction or construction, which is not firmly connected with the land. They include mobile facilities. These may be:

  1. Shops that sell goods and provide services to customers, as well as parts thereof, that perform trade, utility and administrative functions. They also include structures designed for storage, reception and pre-sale preparation of goods.
  2. A kiosk is a structure that does not have a trading floor and is designed for one workplace.
  3. The pavilion, which is a building that has a trading floor and is designed for one or several jobs.
  4. Collapsible design of the counter.
  5. Other objects of trade.

Legislative nuances

non-stationary trading facilityWhy are non / stationary trading objects distinguished? To do this, refer to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, article 346.27 is of interest to us. Why should they be distinguished? The fact is that because of various physical indicators, the sizes of the basic profitability differ, which is already prescribed in the third paragraph of Article 346.29 of the Tax Code. Also, speaking of legislation, attention should be paid to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 04-05-12 / 16 of March 26, 2004.

In this case, it is prescribed that something can be considered an object of trade of a stationary type only if the place is specially equipped. An example is a specially created store. A non-stationary shopping facility is just a place. Moreover, it should be noted that if, for example, industrial premises are rented, then the trading company located inside is also considered such. That is, a non-stationary trading facility. Such throwing can be useful if you want to get certain preferences in taxation.


non-stationary shopping facility definitionWhat is needed in order to place a non-stationary trading facility? In many ways, it depends on the place. There are territories where this is prohibited and prosecuted in accordance with the law. In other cases, the conduct of trading activities requires a permit or licensing. You can get it at local authorities. In this case, documentation should often be provided confirming that the design will not interfere with citizens and will not violate sanitary and epidemiological standards. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that it is convenient not only to the owner of the retail property and the seller, but also to other entrepreneurs who may be accommodated around. Although everywhere has its own nuances. The foregoing can be attributed to cases where the basing is carried out on a communal territory. An unsteady trading facility on its own site has its own characteristics. In this case, it is necessary to obtain consent for a smaller number of pieces of paper, but all the same, certain standards must be observed, among which the most important are the sanitary-epidemiological ones. Now let's go through the views.


non-stationary shopping facility conceptWhat is this non-stationary trading facility? The definition for him is as follows: a pavilion is a lightweight construction that is assembled for the sale of its products by several representatives of different subjects of economic activity.Moreover, it is important that they all operate in the same sphere. An example is the meat or milk pavilion. This design allows you to gather representatives of a certain type under one roof and provide customers with a good selection of products. In addition, they can be specially equipped in the presence of special requirements. An example is the meat pavilion, for which the presence of high temperature is undesirable.


What can be said about this non-stationary trading facility? The concept of the word “counter” occurred as a result of the separation of what was previously sold at large stores. Therefore, now under the counter they mean a small non-stationary trading facility, which sells a small assortment of products or various trinkets in an organized place. An example is rural bazaars, where several locals sell products they have grown. As a rule, the choice here is not very large, and the most popular goods are presented, such as potatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas, beans, parsley, etc. When traveling through the vast expanses of the motherland, such a picture can be seen quite often. Although certain points still cause concern, such as meat, that is sold under the open sky and which potentially can fly any number of flies.


non-stationary trading facility on own siteOh, these non-stationary shopping facilities are very familiar to city dwellers. They are lightweight constructions made of metals, less often of wood or plywood, designed to implement a certain range of products and, as a rule, one workplace. Their feature is that they take up very little space. But this is often more than offset by their multiplicity. And as a result, inconvenience is created for numerous citizens of our country.

What is also characteristic is that the installation is often accompanied by violations that adversely affect people's comfort. City authorities who are struggling with such a phenomenon, who waved a hand. It should be noted that the elimination of violators is still not a simple matter. Why? The fact is that kiosks are very cheap designs that pay off in a month of their work, or even less. And to fit heavy utility vehicles to them for dismantling, people, tools - all this costs money. In addition, even in violation of the rules, as a rule, the reaction of the authorities is rather slow, and often the illegal design manages to recapture the money spent on the installation, and can even earn a couple of new stalls.

Fair trade places

non-stationary shopping facility what is itAs a rule, they are presented in the form of tents, so we can assume that these are non-stationary shopping facilities. Their feature is the extreme ease of assembly. That is, the trading place is ready for operation in minutes. Depending on the design, this process can take half an hour, but sellers, as a rule, only need a dozen minutes to twist the steel elements, pull the fabric, lay out the stand for the goods and the products themselves. An important indicator in this case is the mobility of deployment and compactness during transportation. In addition, they provide all the necessary functions. So, there is a trading place where all the goods are located. It allows customers to familiarize themselves with the proposed range and make their choice. There is also a place where you can store carrying bags and stocks of goods in case of a very brisk trade.


non-stationary shopping facility what is itAs part of the article, the most useful and at the same time comfortable designs were presented that will help in the conduct of one's own business. Therefore, if you want to start your own business, you can only recommend that you study this issue carefully, weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.If, initially, a lesson is planned at the level of an individual entrepreneur, then every effort should be made so as not to lose money and be won. Start, and let success accompany you, because successful and honest entrepreneurs are the foundation for a strong state.

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