
What you need to open a pharmacy: premises, documents, assortment and SES requirements. What is the difference between a pharmacy and a drugstore?

[caption id = "attachment_63470" align = "aligncenter" width = "1024"]Pharmacy chain SOVIET PHARMACIES Pharmacy chain "SOVIET PHARMACIES" [/ caption]

Not only medical workers and pharmacists dream of opening their pharmacy, but also people who have nothing to do with this area. It is understandable: medicines and food are two segments that will be in demand at all times.

True, the potential owner of such an institution raises a number of serious questions. Well, at least this one: "What do you need to open a pharmacy?" We must agree that this is not a tobacco or grocery stall, and the requirements for such an enterprise are much more stringent. The article successively sets out the algorithm for opening and developing a drug business.

Who can open a pharmacy

It depends on the legal forms of ownership. If the choice fell on an individual entrepreneur, an individual entrepreneur can register a pharmacy or a drugstore in his name, but only if he has a higher pharmaceutical education.

If the owner registers an LLC, ZAO or OJSC, he can do without a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist, but then he needs to hire a company manager with the appropriate education and experience in this field for at least three years. We must not forget that ordinary employees of a pharmacy are required to have a higher or secondary medical / pharmaceutical education, to know the assortment of a pharmacy and to understand medicines. In addition, personnel must undergo recertification every three years.

pharmacy assortment

Documents for registration

The formal side of the issue in this case may seem much more complicated than when opening any other company, due to the specificity of the business. Rather, this procedure can be called not registration, but licensing. The following is a list of what you need to provide to the licensing authority to open a pharmacy:

  1. Copies of documents confirming the right to entrepreneurial activity (constituent documents, extract from the EGRIP or the USRLE).
  2. An application for a license, which indicates: a) the area of ​​activity, a listing of the functions that the institution will perform; b) full information about the licensee - the name and address of the legal entity, the location of the pharmacy.
  3. Receipt of license fee.
  4. Documents for the right to use or own the premises for licensed activities.
  5. Certificate of registration of the licensee for tax accounting (copy).
  6. Certificate for the right to carry out pharmaceutical or pharmaceutical activities.
  7. A copy of the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the suitability of the premises for this type of activity.
  8. Copy of the conclusion of the State Fire Inspection.

What are pharmacies

All pharmacy institutions are divided primarily into those that are engaged in the manufacture and sale of medicines at the same time, and those that sell exclusively goods. The former are still popularly called "state pharmacies", although they may also be commercial.

The usual window with the pharmacist, the preparation of potions according to the recipe - all these are attributes of the good old Soviet pharmacies, from there the name comes. To open such pharmaceutical production during registration, the OKVED code 24.42.1 - “Production of medicines” should be indicated.And those institutions that only sell ready-made drugs and other products for the treatment and care of patients, in turn, have several gradations:

  • pharmacies;
  • pharmacy stalls;
  • pharmacy items;
  • pharmacy stores.

Which of the mentioned varieties belong to this or that enterprise depends on the standards required by the pharmacy premises and the list of drugs allowed for sale.

Requirements for opening a pharmacy

The first thing you need to open a pharmacy in full format is a room with an area of ​​at least (possibly more) 75 square meters. m. Of which 60 m2 should occupy production facilities: a trading floor, a place for storing medicines, for receiving and unpacking goods. Not less than 13 m2 assigned to the administrative premises - the workplace of the administrator, accountant, staff. And at least 2 m2 It will be required under the placement of sanitary equipment and a toilet room.

Mandatory conditions for a pharmacy of any level are centralized water supply and sewerage, centralized technical connection to energy networks, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Security and fire alarms are also required. Wall decoration should allow wet sanitizing.

pharmacy room

Pharmacy kiosk (stall): features

This institution can be a small unit of a medical institution or pharmacy, or it can be a separate business entity, opened under the license of Roszdravnadzor and having an independent business plan. The pharmacy kiosk must meet the following requirements:

  • area - 10-38 m2;
  • equipped reception area;
  • glass partition-showcase with a place for dispensing pharmacist, providing a good overview of products for visitors;
  • special cabinets, shelves and a refrigerator for storing medicines;
  • fire and security systems;
  • water supply and sewerage.

The pharmacy kiosk can be located in a separate building, as well as on the territory of other buildings - hospitals, train stations, multi-storey residential buildings. What can I sell in a stall? A pharmacy kiosk is created for the over-the-counter sale of medicines and preventive drugs, packaged plant materials, hygiene products, medical cosmetics, etc.


Most often, a pharmacy opens from a functioning parent pharmacy. But the legislation does not spell out that any legal entity that is not tied to any pharmaceutical institution does not have this right. An entrepreneur can obtain a license for this type of activity, subject to all that is necessary to open a pharmacy (“Regulation on the licensing of pharmaceutical activities”, paragraph 4). True, with one condition: in the presence of a pharmaceutical education.

A pharmacy can sell prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and related products for hygiene and care, as well as manufacture drugs. Requirements for the premises: area - 25-40 m2, a separate porch for the delivery of the cook and the entire list of standard equipment required for pharmacies.

what can be sold in a stall

Pharmacy store - what is this structure?

This kind of pharmacy institution is characterized by the widest range of goods sold. In the store you can trade:

  • over-the-counter medications;
  • hygiene and patient care products;
  • cosmetic products;
  • optics;
  • medical equipment and machinery;
  • orthopedic goods;
  • means for veterinary medicine;
  • diet, medical and baby food;
  • mineral and medicinal waters, etc.

The total area of ​​the pharmacy store cannot be less than 70 square meters. m. and shopping area Hall - less than 30 square meters. m Sanitary standards for this institution are the same as for a regular pharmacy.

What is a special pharmacy

This is a very profitable and justified form of trading in medical products for certain groups of buyers.In particular, networks are widespread in which the assortment of a pharmacy is completely based on medicines for patients with diabetes or cancer patients, on homeopathy, and so on. Such groups of medicines, as a rule, belong to the category of the most expensive and inaccessible. If the owner of a pharmacy business can find and occupy a similar niche in his city, this will be a great success.

What is the best way to trade?

The question is far from idle. Today, a pharmacy is not just an institution where prescription drugs are dispensed. The range has become much wider and more diverse, and retail trade in pharmacies presupposes the availability of not only a wide selection of over-the-counter medicines, but also hygiene products, medical cosmetics, products for babies and expectant mothers, and even some specific products - baby and sports nutrition, drinking water and etc.

With this assortment, it is much more convenient for customers when the product is in the public domain on display cases and shelves. Marketing experience shows that open trading is much more profitable - the same thing happens as in supermarkets: a visitor along the way buys those items or funds that he did not plan to take, thus increasing the amount of the average check.

But this format of trade is more suitable for pharmacies with large retail areas and a solid flow of visitors. And therefore, in most cases, there is a traditional form of shopping - through the counter and glazed windows. This is quite justified in cases where the patency of the pharmacy is insignificant.

How to develop pharmacy business? Have your secrets

Success in any business does not come by itself. Even a rich assortment is not able to save a pharmacy if you do not apply marketing techniques. In the first place - the quality of service and staff literacy. In some cases, a pharmacy employee acts as a consultant and even a doctor, and this requires good knowledge and experience. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the selection of personnel.

business plan pharmacy kiosk

The visual perception of the sales area is also very important. Properly designed showcases, allowing them to lay out as many assortments as possible on a thematic basis are half the success.

It is necessary to value each visitor so that he returns to you for the second and third time. There are different tricks for this. For example, a pharmacy card with a logo and a telephone for consultation provides long-term contacts. If you manage to arrange the delivery of drugs to your home - this will be an additional income, and an increase in the number of customers.

It is noted that advertising in the media does not always bring results. Much more important is how the pharmacy works with each buyer, and how creatively the business owner approaches the image of his institution. A good effect is given by promotions with insignificant discounts for the holidays, during seasonal illnesses, for pensioners, etc.

The competition in this business is enormous, but it is bearing fruit: the quality of service is improving, each pharmacy is trying to expand its range, apply new forms of work. As a result, both the buyer and the entrepreneur win.

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