
What is public and how can it be useful?

Social networks today are not only a way to communicate and share likes. For beginners, this is a powerful and inexpensive way to promote a product. In order to disseminate information about their services on social networks that are not at all against the commercial use of accounts, an entrepreneur creates a community. And confronted with the concept of "public."

What is public?

Public, or public page, is one of the types of communities in social networks, designed to serve as a means of informing as many people as possible. This concept can be attributed to various platforms, it is often used when talking about communities on Instagramm or Facebook. But in view of the great popularity of the VKontakte social network among Runet users, basically, saying “public,” our compatriots mean the “VK” publics.

what is public

In order to decide which community is more suitable for the entrepreneur, it is worth understanding what their differences and advantages are. Consider each concept in more detail, this will help those who have not fully figured out what the public is and what it is eaten with.

What is the difference between a public page and a group?

First of all, the main difference between communities is their purpose. Groups are intended for close communication of participants, their discussions and discussions. In other words, this is an interest circle. The user has the opportunity to independently determine who will be part of his circle, and to whom access is closed. The group wall can be created by all members, while the administrator can impose a restriction on this activity.

Public VK

And what is public? Its purpose is to inform readers, spread the news, keep the attention of subscribers. That is why the public wall is considered a more convenient solution for entrepreneurs. In public, they often buy ads, it is easier to promote.

As for activity, then for subscribers of the public the opportunity is open only to leave comments. But a public page is always an open community, to enter it you do not need to ask anyone for permission.

How to create a public?

Of course, to create a VKontakte community, you need to have a personal account on this network. On the account page, you can find the “My Groups” section, and then the “Create Community” button in the upper right corner. After that, a window will appear in which you need to select the desired type of community. We select the "public page" and - done! Public created.

 ready public

The finished public will be displayed in the “interesting pages” block on the personal page of the future subscriber. This feature gives an additional advantage over the group when promoting public.

What is a public for a novice businessman?

A public page is an excellent marketing tool, inexpensive and effective. If you competently fill it with interesting content, you will be able to attract a large number of subscribers. And among useful and interesting articles and photos, an entrepreneur will insert advertising information about a brand, company or product that can be sold to these very subscribers.

What content to choose for a public page?

To answer this question, you need to understand what public is. For those who want to earn this is primarily a business. And, as in any business, before proceeding with actions, one should decide on the target audience. The number of subscribers and the effectiveness of a public page as an advertising tool will depend on the right choice.

what is public

As statistics show, public content should be of interest to a female audience over the age of 18.It is this category of subscribers that is considered the most active and is more willing to part with money. Such an audience would love to like and share with all friends the original contents of a public page, thereby attracting new members.

What is most liked by such an audience?

There are several categories:

  • bright and original pictures and photographs;
  • humor;
  • catchy posts with catchy headings, flavored with pictures on relevant topics (important: the post should not be too long);
  • unusual materials;
  • tests, questionnaires, voting, riddles:
  • thematic event posts (for example, to Children's Day or the New Year);
  • short and interesting collections of videos, pictures, quotes, titles of books or articles, for example: “The best dishes for Saturday morning”, “20 great quotes about business” or “Short videos of the cutest kittens”.

Public VK

What are the risks of being ignored?

There will also be several points:

  • boring pictures, especially if they are of poor quality or stretched;
  • outworn quotations;
  • jokes and jokes with a beard;
  • long articles, posts without pictures;
  • posts on extraneous topics;
  • an abundance of advertising.

ready public

Some time after the launch of the public, you can view the statistics, the "Audience" tab. This will help to track the gender and age of the main subscribers and analyze whether the public page is heading. It will be useful to get acquainted with other communities of subscribers to find out their interests and, if possible, expand the subject of the public.

how to create public

These tips are suitable for those who plan to start their business with a public account, expect to monetize it or open an online store on the basis of a public page. Of course, the task of choosing an audience and relevant content is greatly simplified if the VK posts are created to advertise an existing company or brand. Then the thematic content is selected in accordance with the advertised product.

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