
What is a safety data sheet. Object Safety Data Sheet: sample

The development of Safety Data Sheets (BP) for various organizations is in demand by the law of the Russian Federation. There are four varieties of such a document: a safety data sheet of an object, an institution's safety record, material and territory. The creation and approval of any type of PB is in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Hazardous object safety data sheet

This document is aimed at preventing emergencies, reducing the potential for the occurrence of emergencies of a natural or man-made nature in enterprises engaged in the transportation, production, operation or processing of fire-hazardous, hazardous biological or chemical and radioactive substances. He also pursues such a goal as raising the level of security of the population and protecting it from all kinds of disasters, accidents and possible terrorist acts.


The safety data sheet of the hazardous facility, or the PBO PB, is ordered by specific documents, the main among which is the Order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, which ratified the exemplary PB OP.

This document is developed in strict order for potentially hazardous enterprises and life support facilities. This includes objects that carry out manipulations of any kind with substances that are either chemically or biologically hazardous. Their designation, as well as fractionation, were developed by the Russian Ministry of Emergencies, and they are included in the Requirements for the prevention of emergencies of a natural or technogenic nature.

The development and certification of PB OPO are rigorous and are carried out in the regional departments of the Ministry of Emergencies. One copy of the certified document must be kept at the enterprise for submission during inspections.

The content of the PB OPO

The facility safety data sheet contains information such as information on public health facilities, the degree of risk of emergencies for both the employees of the enterprise and the population of the surrounding area. But this is far from all the data that is in the PB.facility safety data sheet

There is also additional information that a safety data sheet should contain. The sample of this document without fail includes a brief possible scenario of emergency development. It should also include information on injuries at the enterprise, as well as any incidents emergency situations at the facility, calculated indicators of the degree of risk, a list of actions for the prevention of emergency situations and its elimination. The list of actions to eliminate the results of emergencies and a graphic illustration of the territories endangered as a result of occurrence emergency situation.

Information about PB material

This document is governed by the requirements of GOST R 50587-93. For materials, this document must be executed in those cases when they cross the border of the Russian Federation, and at the same time rely on customs inspection, if necessary, approval of sanitary obligations for the material during transportation or for the preparation of the first release into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.hazardous object safety data sheet

Sometimes the compilation of the PB is necessary, as provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation. Such a need arises for organizations that are engaged in the production of the following substances:

  • substances on the international list of health-threatening materials;
  • materials with an indefinite degree of threat to both the natural environment and people;
  • materials from a special list of the Russian Federation, where specific requirements and standards are developed for them;
  • substances that are a potential threat to human life and well-being.

Design PB for the material

The safety data sheet in Russia is a kind of MSDS of foreign sheets. The requirements for its creation and design are determined by GOST. Material safety data sheet must be developed before the first sale of goods on the market. The design of the substance BOP, as well as all its possible transformations, should be carried out in Rosstandart. Any changes are recorded in the BOP every year.educational institution safety data sheet

PB content for material

The safety data sheet for the material includes a fair amount of information, and its execution is carried out according to relevant standards. The material safety data sheet should contain information such as material properties (chemical and physical), information about the manufacturer and supplier, including contact information. It is also necessary to have information such as the name and full composition of the substance (for hazardous components, the concentration permitted by law must be indicated), toxicity of the material, chemical activity and stability of the substance, types of dangerous effects on the body and possible causes of its occurrence.

institution safety data sheet

If substance poisoning is possible, then data on first aid methods should be entered. Also in the PB it is necessary to have such information as environmental impact, rules for the safe storage and operation of the substance, requirements for transportation and disposal, measures to protect against emergencies and ways to eliminate its results, ways of collective and individual protection against damage when working with material. And, of course, the safety data sheet should have information about the rules of guaranteeing user safety. This includes methods of both personal and collective protection against defeat, and a list of standard international and Russian documents regarding this substance.

Educational Safety Data Sheet

This document is one of the necessary and basic for objects and institutions through which a large-scale flow of people passes. Such places include fairs, shopping centers, hotels, all kinds of sports complexes, educational institutions, restaurants, bars and cafes, etc. Any such enterprise must create, coordinate and ratify the object's safety policy.safety data sheet

A special mention deserves such a form of safety as the safety data sheet of an educational institution. This mandate appeared in the Russian Federation in 2003.

Development Objectives

When an institution's safety data sheet is being developed, objectives are pursued such as minimizing the consequences of conducting anti-terrorist operations in cases of terrorist acts, minimizing damage in case of potential emergencies, both natural and man-made. You can also add to the list of goals for creating an anti-terrorist operation an increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of antiterrorist operations, and a reduction in possible damage in situations of an act of sabotage and terrorist movement on the territory of an institution. The safety data sheets of the educational institution are compiled by the deputy chairman for security of the particular institution, and the institution’s standard safety policy is taken as the basis. This safety data sheet is ranked as such documents that define official confidentiality.

PB territory

It is developed by executive organizations similar to the safety data sheets of institutions, but especially for those zones that are in the heraldry of local authorities. This document is necessarily developed by various administrative-territorial units. PB of the territory can be developed by a city, republic, territory, region or any settlement.

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