
Security facility. Object safety data sheet: filling example, requirements, sample

Recently, the concept of “facility security” has become quite relevant, while earlier it was customary to perceive it more as a tribute to fashion by various politicians or large businessmen, but nowadays it is an urgent need, which everyone needs to ensure.

At the same time, most of those people who have to think about such issues do not really understand what it is, being held captive of their own speculations and misconceptions. All this leads to the fact that an attempt to ensure the safety of the facility, in the end, does not lead to positive results, and therefore it is important to understand this issue.

Key Definitions

security concept of the object of protection

First of all, it is worth understanding what the various terms mean, and what their features are.

The safety of an object is such a state in which it cannot be exposed to a negative impact or successfully resists it without stopping its standard functioning. As an object can be considered:

  • thing;
  • living organism;
  • information;
  • combined object, consisting of many others.

Recently, quite often, various disputes can be encountered regarding whether the term “security” or “protection” is used correctly when the safety of an object is considered. Many experts say that “security” actually separates the attack from the defense, and this is true, because it means closing, defending or blocking. And despite the fact that many often act, according to the proverb: “the best defense is an attack”, some forget that for the formation of the desired state of security of the object, the use of protective measures alone is not enough, and sometimes means of attack are also required. That is why we can say that the term “counteraction” is more appropriate, implying two options for ensuring security at once.

You also need to correctly understand that the term itself, which is an abstract concept, is somewhat different from what constitutes the protection of a specific purpose, for which a sample of the object's safety data sheet is provided. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the general concept is usually used for research or scientific purposes in order to draw certain conclusions, as well as establish laws and rules. But at the same time, one must correctly understand that it is possible to draw up an example of a safety data sheet of an object based on their individual characteristics, since this is a purely individual matter. The use of general schemes in any case is unacceptable and ultimately leads to the fact that the created security system will be pre-vulnerable.

Of course, you can develop some general recommendations for certain groups of objects, but in any situation, ensuring the safety of each of them should be considered separately, taking into account all its individual characteristics. Only due to such behavior it will be possible to comply with all requirements for the safety data sheet of the facility.


It would be a mistake to assume that safety is the result of certain actions aimed at ensuring the protection of an object from any negative environmental influences.

Each object is in extremely close connection with the surrounding reality and is subject to various laws directly arising from this connection, entering into various relations with certain objects, and is an element of a single system. The general system as a whole, as well as objects in particular, are in a dynamic state. They are constantly changing, some elements disappear and others appear, the well-known law of the transition to quality from quantity occurs, and the remaining elements evolve, constantly changing and becoming more complicated. That is why, if we consider security as a result, it can be argued that the object reaches a certain level, and subsequently undergoes the same negative effects that do not change. This can occur only in two cases:

  • An abstract object is considered under the conditions that were determined by us in advance.
  • The system in which this object worked ceased to develop and exists in the conditions that have developed up to this point.

Each of the options, due to its unreality, can be used exclusively for scientific, but not for practical purposes.

Complex concept

filling in the safety data sheet of the facility

The next point, which requires a mandatory explanation, is "security", if we consider it as a complex concept. In fact, the unified security of an object includes a sufficiently large number of individual components, but only when they work together, the state of ultimate protection is formed from them. As an analogy, no one will dispute that the human body can function normally only in combination, while its individual elements cannot fulfill their purpose.

Just like a complete or partial loss of their functions by a certain body entails a reduction in the functioning of the body in general, since a physically healthy, strong, but blind person cannot live a normal life, because he is provided with inferior information about the world and he cannot adequately respond to any external influences.

Thus, the protection of the enterprise, which focuses exclusively on physical protection and does not engage in intelligence or counterintelligence activities, is similar to a deaf or blind person. At the same time, unfortunately, many people quite often prefer certain safety features, such as technical means or physical security, and often such errors also occur in those people who are directly involved in security.

At the same time, one must correctly understand that, for example, data protection issues are not given due attention or they are only touched upon superficially. Such an approach in any form leads to the creation of inferior security, in which a large number of vulnerabilities appear. Do not forget that in safety, although there are certain priorities, there is no secondary importance. When strengthening a particular direction, the other should not weaken, and only through a comprehensive solution will it be possible to create a security state that will be close to 100%.

Main functions

The safety of any facility is ensured through the use of a number of measures, while technical systems are one of the most important components for identifying threats and their further neutralization. Their installation is necessary at any commercial facilities, and in particular this applies to factories and industrial enterprises, retail outlets, banks and financial organizations, as well as state, educational and medical institutions. With the help of security systems, stable operation of the organization is ensured by providing maximum protection and control.

Why are they?

property security

First of all, the organization is protected from any external or internal threats, including:

  • attempts to steal various property or corporate secrets;
  • attempts to undermine the business reputation of the company;
  • material damage;
  • control interception;
  • the appearance of fires, emergency situations as well as other phenomena that can be dangerous to the health and life of living things.

It is through the use of security systems that such threats can be prevented, access to the enterprise and various protected objects can be controlled, and the situation can be monitored in real time, taking urgent measures at the slightest need.

What can they be?

ensure the security of any facility

In order to achieve effective protection of the facility, the organizations establish:

  • security scanners and access control systems;
  • CCTV and alarm systems;
  • fire protection.

This is just a basic list of the methods that can be used to achieve enterprise protection. At the same time, you need to correctly understand that each of the above protection systems is characterized by a huge number of its features and nuances, therefore only qualified specialists are involved in ensuring security. The choice of equipment, the determination of installation sites, the provision of necessary resources and much more - all this falls on the shoulders of an authorized person who will protect the enterprise.


MSDS It is a special document that provides for the prevention of various emergencies, as well as reducing the risk of their occurrence at facilities involved in the production, use, processing, storage or transportation of any dangerous substances. Special requirements are also being developed for the safety data sheet for the facility, in the case of hydraulic structures, economic institutions, as well as crowded places where terrorist manifestations may occur.

Main objects

safety data sheet example

A passport is needed for an object if it falls under certain signs of danger. First of all, the compilation of an object safety data sheet is required in those cases when various hazardous substances are used, processed, stored, created, transported or destroyed in the territory, in particular:

  • Flammable. A standard facility safety data sheet is required if the plant stores gases that become flammable at nominal pressure and in contact with air or that have a boiling point below 20 under normal pressure aboutWITH.
  • Oxidizing. Substances that support combustion, contributing to or causing ignition of other substances due to redox exothermic reactions.
  • Combustible. The basics of ensuring the safety of any facility provide for the mandatory use of a set of protective measures if the enterprise contains all kinds of gases, dusts and liquids capable of spontaneous combustion or rapid fire under the influence of various sources.
  • Explosive. Substances capable of a fairly fast chemical self-propagating transformation with the formation of gases and heat in the presence of certain types of external influences.
  • Toxic. The safety of real estate should be ensured if they contain substances that, when interacting with living organisms, can contribute to their death or have the following characteristics: the lethal dose when introduced into the stomach is not more than 200 mg / kg inclusive; the lethal dose in contact with the skin is not more than 400 mg / kg inclusive; the lethal concentration in the air is not more than 2 mg / l inclusive.
  • Hazardous to the environment.An object safety data sheet (example above) should be compiled if substances are characterized in the aquatic environment by certain indicators of acute toxicity.


facility security

The list of facilities that require a safety data sheet also includes territories where:

  • Various equipment is used, the work of which is carried out at a temperature of more than 115 aboutC or under pressure greater than 0.07 megapascals.
  • Stationary escalators, hoisting mechanisms, funiculars and cable cars are used.
  • Melts of non-ferrous and ferrous metals are obtained, as well as all kinds of alloys based on them.
  • Mining operations are underway.

Potentially dangerous

It is also worth noting that the safety data sheet must be filled out for potentially hazardous territories, that is, for those that produce, process, use, transport or store all kinds of fire and explosion hazardous, radioactive, as well as biological and chemical substances that constitute a real threat to create a source of emergency situations. In particular, this includes:

  • chemically hazardous objects;
  • radiation hazardous facilities;
  • dangerous vehicles;
  • fire and explosion hazardous objects;
  • hazardous technical structures.

If we talk about typical representatives of such facilities, it is worth noting boiler rooms, fuel and energy complex, gas stations and many others.

Why is it needed?

The passport, in accordance with which the security of the protected object is ensured, is developed for the following purposes:

  • to determine indicators of the degree of risk of emergencies for nearby settlements, as well as the personnel of this facility;
  • identify possible scenarios for emergencies and their further development;
  • assess the possible consequences of emergency situations at hazardous facilities;
  • determine the readiness of the company to eliminate any emergencies arising at a hazardous production facility;
  • to develop measures aimed at ensuring emergency protection, as well as reducing the scale of consequences in the event of accidents.

Is it obligatory to do it?

requirements for the safety data sheet of the facility

Ensuring the safety of facilities, as well as compiling a passport for them, is mandatory if they are included in the above list. Violation of the established requirements for ensuring industrial safety or any conditions of licenses for conducting types of activities in the field of industrial safety of all kinds of dangerous objects entails a fine. For legal entities, the amount of this fine is 20,000-30,000 rubles, or administrative suspension of activity may be imposed, the term of which is up to 90 days.

How is a passport made?

The concept of security of the object of protection provides a sufficiently large number of subtleties, therefore, qualified specialists should deal with the preparation of the passport. The procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  1. A passport is being developed, as well as a special settlement and explanatory note, which will be attached to it. (An example of filling out a safety data sheet for an object is shown in the photo in this article).
  2. A detailed analysis of the development scenarios of various emergencies is carried out, based on statistical data.
  3. The radii of the zones of action of various damaging factors are calculated in case of emergency situations involving specialized software products.
  4. The adequacy of already taken or planned measures that could impede the creation and development of emergency situations is assessed.
  5. The author analyzes the actions of production personnel, as well as specialized emergency services, aimed at localizing and eliminating various emergencies at different stages of their development.
  6. The compiled passport is approved by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies.
  7. It turns out an agreed document.

Thus, the company receives a fully prepared safety data sheet, which can later be used in work.

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