
What is PayPal and how to use it in Russia?

Since its inception, money has come a long way. At first there were natural goods, then they were gradually replaced by silver and gold, which later evolved into bullion and coins. They were replaced paper money, backed by checks, then non-cash payments appeared. We live in a world that is constantly changing, apparently, a new milestone has come in the development of money - now domination is gradually shifting to electronic money. There are a lot of systems dealing with this type of currency recently, one of them is PayPal, which is currently unfolding in Russia. What is PayPal and how to use it? How is it so significantly different from the same WebMoney and Yandex.Money? Are there any advantages? Let's try to understand together.

what is paypal and how to use it

Why did he come to us?

According to studies conducted by PayPal, Russians are increasingly buying in online stores for electronic money. Another payment option is bank cards, more and more people are abandoning their usual cash in favor of more modern methods. Thus, the appearance of the next payment system in Russia was a matter of time.

And is he really popular?

The question where they use PayPal can be answered briefly: everywhere. It appeared in America at the beginning of the 2000s as an innovative project of a payment system tied to an email address. Later PayPal was overbought by such a giant as eBay, so it is likely that this was the reason for its so rapid development - yet the status of a subsidiary of one of the online stores is truly world-class gives a lot, very much.

how to use paypal in russia

How it works?

How to use PayPal? First you need to get acquainted with the mechanism of its work. When registering on the server, you must specify the email address to which the account will be linked, and the data of a credit card (for comparison: the WebMoney system requires only passport data). When making a payment, the online store will turn to the PayPal account, and he, after asking for confirmation, will transfer the money to the appropriate account. Everything is extremely simple. The main idea of ​​the system is to combine the maximum number of credit cards, roughly speaking, into one. That is why the answer to the question of PayPal customers: "How to use without a card?" there will be a simple and concise “no way”: the system needs to borrow funds from somewhere.

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Can I register?

We continue to answer the question of what PayPal is and how to use it. We will get acquainted with the registration procedure in the system.

paypal how to use without a card

It all starts with the choice of region and account status. A personal account is one that an individual will use, a corporate one is intended for companies, online stores and other legal entities. The system prompts you to enter basic information about yourself, such as date and place of birth, email address (to which the account will be linked), current home address. Then PayPal wonders how you are going to pay for purchases: here you select the type of your bank card (MasterCard, Visa, and so on) and enter information about it. A couple of years ago, very few knew how to use PayPal in Russia, but now that the system is officially legalized, ruble cards can also be linked to it, then all bills will be billed in Russian rubles. The company works with more than one hundred currencies of the world, the exchange of which is carried out within its system, so that if you wish, you can also switch to payment in dollars, euros or other currency convenient for you.

The next stage of registration is card confirmation.To check the information about your account, PayPal will deduct from it an amount that is a multiple of one US dollar, and the account statement as a comment on the transaction will contain a special four-digit code, which is a confirmation. As soon as you enter it into PayPal, the debited dollar is returned to your account, and you become a full user of the electronic money system. Keep in mind: the username that you entered in PayPal must match the name of the owner of the bank account to which you want to attach, otherwise all payments will be rejected.

And to withdraw money?

PayPal “eats” money on bank cards, but the account can also be replenished with cash. But what to do with the withdrawal of funds? Is there any way to pick them up from the system?

The official recognition of PayPal as a non-banking organization gave the company the opportunity to work with the Russian ruble, both accepting it as a payment currency and giving it to customers who were able to better understand what PayPal is and how to use it. A PayPal account, as mentioned above, can combine several cards. To withdraw funds to one of them, it is enough to select the card of the bank you need in the corresponding window “Withdraw funds”, enter its details and, after waiting a few days, until the multi-stage confirmation process is completed, collect your funds. Everything ingenious is simple.

how to use paypal payment system

You can still get your money in currency exchangers, but then you will face a commission of 15% of the withdrawn amount. In addition, you can use online exchangers of PayPal money for the same WebMoney, but in this case, commissions can not be avoided either.

Unfortunately, while there is a withdrawal limit in the system: no more than six hundred thousand at a time can be withdrawn.

And they will not throw me?

The system guarantees the security of its payments, everything is checked several times. If funds were withdrawn from your account without your knowledge, PayPal will immediately block your card, figure out what the problem is, and return the money. If the transaction was completed by you, and the service was never provided, then the administration of the system already assumes obligations to resolve the conflict situation.

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“Return of goods” is a new service launched by PayPal. How to use and why? If you received goods of inadequate quality, you need to activate this service on the system’s website, fill out a return request, and when the goods go back to the seller, PayPal will cover all expenses for this “trip”. The only limitation is the cost of delivery should not exceed one and a half thousand rubles.

What about bonuses?

Of course, PayPal has its own bonuses. Some stores, the same "Ozon.ru" for example, from time to time make discounts when paying through this system. Partner sites can return some of the funds spent on the purchase of goods or services back to the card or offer you participation in various prize draws. In principle, everything is just like with a regular bank card, which also includes a certain package of “amenities” from partners.


So what is PayPal and how to use it? Firstly, it should be remembered that this payment system is tied to a bank card, so it’s almost impossible to “drop” it - the funds will almost certainly be returned to the client, and the violator of the rules will be punished (moreover, such fraud is also punishable by law in Russia). Secondly, one of the advantages of PayPal is the ability to withdraw money to any card without commissions, although not very quickly, but the reason for this slow pace is the desire to protect users from unauthorized payments as much as possible. And the third bonus is the opportunity to get a number of discounts when paying for goods and services on partner sites. A trifle, but nice.

In the twenty-first century, it's time to forget what paper money is. The future is for non-cash. And with PayPal it got even closer.

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