
Retro calculator. How to use wooden accounts?

Wooden bills are a long forgotten item. This computing tool has long been replaced by calculators and computers. Unfortunately, not many modern people understand how useful the ability to use such an instrument can be. We suggest that you try to engage in the development of your thinking and understand how to use wooden accounts.

The advent of a computing tool

The history of items for calculation began precisely with accounts. This tool has been popular all over the world. Accountants, traders, and everyone who dealt with finance made extensive use of it. The first name of a wooden computing tool was "abacus." It was translated as “counting board”. For many nations, accounts had their own form and were made from various materials.

how to use wooden accounts

In Russia, for a long period, the score was made using seeds, which were laid out in peculiar heaps. Subsequently, the accounts acquired a boardwalk. It is assumed that the boardwalk residents of Russia borrowed from Western merchants importing textiles and other types of goods. The new computing devices were a wooden frame with ropes that were fixed horizontally to each other in it. On these strings were strung bones from cherry berries or plum fruits.

The evolution of the account did not greatly change their appearance, but rather affected the practicality and service life. Old accounts were popular in the USSR and were used in all places that were in any way connected with finances or simply mathematical calculations. The dimensions of these tools were quite large (length - 40 cm; width - 26 cm; height - 3 cm), and they certainly could not be hidden in a pocket. Nevertheless, almost every Soviet person knew how to count on accounts.

Last conversion score and determination of their components

The bills were a wooden frame, inside of which 12 metal knitting needles were fastened. Wooden knuckles were strung on each of them. In total there were 114 of them. In some models, the knuckles were made of plastic, but wooden devices were still more popular.

how to count on accounts

Knuckles were strung on each spoke of 10 pieces, and only one spoke was an exception. Only 4 were strung on the fourth. This spoke was highlighted for two cases: first, for operations using quarters; secondly, it served as a visual reference point in order to determine the value of one of the series. The rows that were from the fourth were integers from units to millions. Left rows are tenths, hundredths and thousandths. But it is worth noting that account modifications could have a different number of knitting needles. Nevertheless, guided by general criteria, you can understand the meaning of how to use wooden accounts of any kind.

Calculus in the old fashion

So, it's time to figure out how to use wooden accounts and what actions you can perform with them. Accounts can do the calculation in four ways: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Those few who are familiar with the “wooden calculator” can only know the first two ways. Only experienced craftsmen know how to multiply by accounts and divide by them. These methods require certain skills, especially for dividing numbers.

old scores

Unfortunately, instructions on how to use wooden bills are not provided with the tool. Most people prefer to perform tasks with multiplication and division in a column, considering this method more practical.But the most important thing that is necessary for understanding is a good memory and the ability to add and subtract numbers in the mind.

The principle of using an account

In order to understand the principle of using a retro calculator, you need to deal with each row separately. The location of the score should be as follows: the fourth row, which has a minimum number of knuckles, should be located below.

Addition is performed as follows: a set of numbers starts from the first row from 1 to 10. The numbers 10, 20, and so on go up one spoke. When moving the knuckles from right to left, the required number is dialed. Filling one row on the spoke, you need to use numbers that are of greater importance. So, one knuckle of the upper row replaces 10 knuckles of the lower. Addition of numbers is carried out by adding knuckles in the corresponding rows. The final result is calculated by adding all the values, starting from the top filled row.

To subtract numbers, you need to do the same as adding, only in the reverse order - from right to left. About how to count on the accounts, you can find a lot of information. Division is not a very common way, but multiplication is worth paying attention to.

Unlike addition and subtraction, there are many different ways to multiply. Multiplication of unit numbers is done by adding one number as many times as it needs to be increased. For example, if you need to increase the number 2 3 times, then the number 2 is added three times. If you need to multiply a number by 5, for this you need to transfer all the knuckles to the top row, while multiplying by 10. After that, the resulting number is divided by 2 in the mind.

In order to multiply a number by 6, follow the same steps as when multiplying by 5, and add to the result the number that was originally increased. Multiplication by 7 is performed by increasing the number by 10 times, after which its first value is subtracted three times from the result.

In order to multiply numbers like 11, 12, 13, and so on, you need to factor the factor into components, that is, 10 and 1, 2, 3 ... After that, the number is multiplied by each factor separately, and the results are added up.

In conclusion, I would like to add that calculating with a retro calculator is a very interesting and interesting thing. This lesson will be useful for those who need to improve their logical thinking, train their memory and develop mindfulness.

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Reason for complaint
Tatyana Iosifovna
So much for mental arithmetic !!!!!! Everyone forgot that before even at school, and in primary school, they taught to count on accounts. They even sold small, compact ones to bring to school ...
I use a reto-calculator as a shit for legs or arms
Andrew Nikita
firstly: not a calculator, but a calculator.
Secondly: not Mosozhor, but a massager


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