
Natural complex and its components. A variety of natural complexes of Russia

All nature around us consists of parts or, as they are called in another way, components. These include: topography, climate, animals, soil, plants and water. Interacting, they make up natural complexes.

one system

the natural complex is

The natural complex is a place similar in origin, development history and modern composition. It has a single geological foundation, similar surface and groundwater, land cover, animals and microorganisms.

Natural complexes developed quite a long time ago, but at first they went through a long development path, becoming regular. They are very closely related to each other, and changes in one component directly affect the other part. This can serve as a confirmation of the existence of a single system.

The founder

natural complex

In Russia, L.S. Berg. He determined the complexes by similar features, for example, by the same nature of the relief. Examples of such complexes are forests, deserts or steppes. The scientist noted that the natural complex is very similar to a living organism, which consists of parts and affects them.


If we compare the sizes of natural complexes, we can see that they are significantly different from each other. For example, the entire geographical shell of the Earth is also a natural complex, the same as its more limited representatives - continents and oceans. Even glades and ponds are considered a natural complex. In the modern world, the geographical envelope is the main object of study of physical geography.

The smaller the natural complex, the more uniform its properties. But this does not mean that in large-scale natural complexes, natural conditions are heterogeneous.

Natural ingredients

In general, the Earth is a combination of zonal and non-zonal natural complexes. Non-zonal zones in combination with the relief act as the base, while the zonal ones seem to lie on top of them. Combining and complementing each other, they form a landscape.

  1. Zone complexes. Due to the spherical shape of the Earth, it is heated unevenly by the Sun, as a result of which this factor is formed. It depends mainly on geographic latitude (the amount of heat decreases with distance from the equator to the poles). Thus, geographical zones appear, which are especially pronounced in the lowlands. But in rough terrain (oceans, mountains), differences are noted depending on the height and depth. As an example of zonal natural complexes, you can take the steppes, tundra, taiga.
  2. Non-zone. The same factor depends on the processes that occur in the bowels of the Earth, which affects the surface topography. Due to this, areas appeared that are called physical-geographical countries (Ural Mountains, Cordillera, etc.).


variety of natural complexes of Russia

The landscape tends to change over time, which is greatly influenced by the activities of people. Now created specifically by man, the so-called anthropogenic landscapes are already beginning to appear. By their purpose, they are industrial, agricultural, urban and so on. And depending on the measure of human influence on them, they are divided into:

  • slightly modified;
  • Modified
  • highly modified;
  • improved.

Man and natural complexes

This situation has developed to such an extent that human activity is almost a fundamental factor in nature formation.This can not be avoided, but it should be remembered that the components of the natural complex must be consistent with changes in the landscape. In this case, there will be no risk to upset the natural balance.

Almost every natural complex of the Earth is now changed by man, albeit to a different degree. Some of them are completely created. For example, plantations located near a natural reservoir, an island of vegetation in the desert, a reservoir. It also affects the diversity of natural complexes.

The degree of interaction of the components is primarily affected by solar energy. Thanks to information about the energy potential of the natural complex, one can judge the productivity of its resources and their renewability. This allows a person to control the use of resources in the economy.

Russia is the largest country by area. Its territory of 17.1 million square kilometers is located on the continent of Eurasia.

The country’s territory is long from west to east, which is why a wide variety of time zones can be traced. Natural complexes of Russia are quite diverse. For each of them there are characteristic features: temperature, precipitation, etc. The nature of the natural zone is also influenced by other factors - for example, its location in relation to the ocean. So the variety of natural complexes in Russia cannot but surprise.

Arctic climate.

natural complexes of Russia

This climatic zone is characterized by the presence of arctic deserts and tundra. This area is slightly heated by the sun, which is why there are rather harsh conditions and a poor animal and plant world. Polar nights are a feature of Arctic deserts.

The climate is very cold - the temperature in winter can drop to 60 degrees. And it lasts almost the whole year, because the winter here lasts as long as 10 months. As a result, there is simply no time left for spring and autumn, which is why there are only two seasons here: winter and summer. And the latter can hardly be called such, because the temperature during this period rarely rises above 5 degrees.

But if this natural zone is surrounded by water (for example, islands of the Arctic Ocean), then the conditions change slightly. In winter, it is a little warmer here, because the water accumulates heat in itself, and then gives it to the air.

Subarctic climate

components of the natural complex

In this climate zone, it is slightly warmer, although all winter also prevails over summer. In the warm season, the temperature here is about 12 degrees. Precipitation is more frequent than in Arctic belt but in the end they get fewer.

A feature of this territory is passing Arctic cyclones, because of which it is mostly cloudy and strong winds blow.

Temperate climate

variety of natural complexes

It is this zone that occupies the territory more than other natural complexes of Russia. In general, it is characterized by clearly different four seasons of the year, different in temperature. But the temperate climate is usually divided into 4 varieties:

  1. Moderately continental. It is quite hot in summer (average temperature about 30 degrees), and frosty in winter. The amount of precipitation depends on the proximity to the Atlantic. Humidification throughout is also different.
  2. Continental. It is formed under the influence of Western air masses. The southern part of the territory is covered by colder ones, and the tropical part to the northern part. That is why in the north there is about 3 times more rainfall than in the south.
  3. Sharp continental. A feature of this climate zone is cloudiness and a small amount of precipitation, most of which falls in the warm season. Due to the small number of clouds, the earth quickly heats up and also cools quickly, which makes a big difference between winter and summer. Due to the small layer of precipitation, the soil freezes very much, which is why permafrost is observed here.
  4. Monsoon climate.In winter, atmospheric pressure rises here, and cold, dry air goes to the ocean. In the summer, the mainland heats up well and air from the ocean returns, which is why strong winds blow here, and sometimes typhoons even arise. Precipitation more often and more in the summer.

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