
Passport Series. Series and number of the passport. Passport Series by Region

Every person in any state has a national passport. Some also have a foreign document of a certain type, which is established by state migration authorities.

Since the passport form is subject to strict accounting, numbers are stamped on it, perforation is applied, and on the page with personal data there is also a hologram with the letters of the Russian Federation and the state emblem for protection against fakes.

Those who receive a passport for the first time (upon reaching the age of 14) should know what all degrees of protection on a passport mean, since it is the most important document from the moment it is received. Protection is carried out in several ways, for example, such as a series of passports by region or check digits in certain lines, which will be discussed later.

By law, the passport must be stored from damage and loss. A citizen bears administrative responsibility for its improper use, which may result in the payment of a fine.

Passport Replacement

In the event that a citizen needs to replace a passport in connection with any circumstances, he must provide documents to the migration service as soon as possible. According to the law, the appeal must take place no later than within a month from the date of occurrence of such conditions for the replacement of a passport.

The administrative code provided for a violation of these terms in article 19.15 with a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the replacement of the passport is carried out upon reaching a certain age, in case of damage or loss, when changing the last name, first name or patronymic, gender or in case of inaccuracies in the passport entries.

passport series rf example

Unlike a pension insurance certificate or TIN, when individual digital designations remain the same when they are replaced, the passport series and its number are changed in the new document.

Second page

The designation of the passport form consists of 10 characters, which are located in blocks - 4 (series) and 6 (number) numbers. These numbers in full are never repeated, except for the designation of the series and year of issue.

The passport series, that is, the initial four digits, the first two are the OKATO code of the issuing region.

passport Series

series and passport number

In the first block, the second two digits are the year when the passport was issued. Sometimes this designation and the actual year of issue do not match. This does not mean that the passport is invalid, just the line of designations with the necessary numbers has ended, and the State Signature has changed the series by one digit.

The passport number is not associated with anything, each issued document is numbered in order.

Control line

In addition to the fact that there is a series and a passport number, the document also contains (on the third page) two lines below, under the photograph. This designation does not have a readable chip, as many people think, but contains duplicate passport information.

The letter P means that this passport is machine readable, the next letter - N - type of document (national). The following characters in the string are RUS. Accordingly, in addition to the fact that the series and passport number indicate the region of issue and affiliation with the Russian Federation, this information is additionally written in a duplicated line.

The following letters are personal data (full name) of the passport holder, written in Latin letters, using transliteration. Between the components and to the end of the top line, the sign “<<” is written, which replaces a space in the document.

The second line begins with a series of passports, but only the first three digits, and then the document number and the check digit. For example, if the series and number 3213 is 279750, then the line will indicate: 3212797506, where 6 is the control value.

The following is an indication of citizenship (RUS) and date of birth (year / month / day). Before the signs “<<” the check digit and gender of the passport holder (M - male, F - female) are registered. For example: RUS8011299F.

After the space is followed by a final group of numbers, starting with the last digit, which ends with a series of passports. The date of issue in the international format and the unit code are also indicated.

Two check digits complete the duplicated information. Example: 3130614420055 <80.

It should be noted that the control figures do not carry any secret information. They only mean the fidelity of scanning data such as personal data of the owner, number and series of the passport of the Russian Federation. Example of duplicate control strings:

passport series by region

Personal code

On the second page you can see that above the line where the passport holder signs, the line "Personal Code" is printed. What does it mean?

In 1997, a draft federal law was developed on the assignment of a personal code to each Russian citizen. At the moment, the essence of the register is not yet fully developed, so the line for entering the code exists, and the codes have not yet been assigned.

Font and printing method

A series of passports of Russia, as well as a number, until 2008 were printed in a printing house on all pages of the passport in the same way. After 2008, the method of printing remained unchanged on the second and third pages, and laser perforation was used on the remaining pages.

Russian passport series

The font that prints the digital designation of the passport is unique. It is not used in any document. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of fakes. Although some people are able to pick up a similar font and use it for personal gain.

By the way, forgery of a passport is prosecuted by law, which is noted in article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Residence permit and passport

The code and series of the passport of a foreign citizen who enters the territory of the Russian Federation for citizenship looks a little different. The example shows that the digital designation is not located on the right, but on the left of the first (conditionally) page, and on the next - before writing the last name.

passport code and series

On a foreign passport, the series is also registered differently from how the series of the passport of the Russian Federation is indicated. Example: 51 # 1402606.

All information is necessarily duplicated not only in the control line, but also after each word. Thus, the surname, name, patronymic, place of birth and other information are indicated both in Russian letters and transliteration.

Control line

A foreign passport and a residence permit of a foreign citizen also have a control line. Writing information is slightly different from the form for presenting information in the Russian national passport. For example, in addition to the date of issue of the document, the expiration date in the international format is indicated.

Moscow passport series

Another difference from the Russian document is that a series of passports by issuing regions is not prescribed.

Moscow passport

Since Moscow and the region represent a rather large territory, several codes are used that indicate a series of passports. From the above table you can see that Moscow, being a city of federal significance, has a code of 45, and the Moscow region and the Baikonur complex - 46.

Accordingly, the number and series of the Moscow passport can look like: 4506 354657, where 45 is the region code (Moscow), 06 is the year of issue (2006), 354657 is the serial number of the form.

Identity document resident of the Moscow region, may look like this: 4608 023476, where 46 is the region code (Moscow region), 08 is the year of issue.

St. Petersburg

In the same way, the city of federal significance St. Petersburg can be designated. A series of passports in the city itself is registered using the numbers 40, and in the Leningrad Region - 41.

With the help of this separation, it is much easier to understand exactly where the identification document was issued - in the region or in the city, since the territorial size of these settlements is quite large.

Passports of residents of Crimea

In connection with the latest events in Ukraine, residents are currently issued new identity documents.At the same time, the passport series is indicated, as commented by some lucky passport holders, under number 22. Such a code does not appear in the list of series by region of Russia, so there will be no coincidence or misunderstanding.

The old passports of Crimeans are still valid and remain with the owners, since all documents at the place of residence are issued on the "old" passport.

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Kak proverit godnost pasporta?
Na Jakob sayte mozhno nayti nepravilnue nomera I kodu pasportov?
22 is the code in the passport series issued in the Nizhny Novgorod region, why isn’t it listed ???


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