
What is a webinar and how does it go

In the twenty-first century, computer and information technologies are able to fully organize the work of large enterprises and provide people with all the detailed information on topics of interest. With the development of gadgets and cloud services, we are able to undergo training and various kinds of trainings with remote access. Today the so-called webinars have become very popular. After reading the article, you will learn about what a webinar is and why it is so rapidly gaining popularity. Let's get it right.

What is a webinar? The essence of the concept. Key Benefits

Webinar (from English Webinar - network seminar) - an event that involves an online conference of a group of Internet users. The purpose of the online seminar is informative.what is a webinar

In fact, a webinar is the same as a regular conference. The only difference is that the webinar is held online using special cloud software. Users can access the online seminar only through a special link. The creators of the webinar can sell seats or make the event open to everyone. It all depends on the theme and concept of the event.

Holding various kinds of online conferences can have such advantages:

  1. The webinar allows viewers to express their opinions quite actively and offer different ideas. This does not interrupt the speech of the main speaker, because all comments can be left in text form on the conference page. All participants will see them. A high level of interactivity allows you to conduct the most effective online conference.
  2. A webinar that has been created for educational purposes can significantly save the time of participants. You can access the lesson from any Internet access point. No need to spend extra time to get to the venue.
  3. Participants in an online workshop can remain anonymous if they have such a desire.
  4. If a person did not manage to turn on the webinar on time or missed a lesson, you can always get a record of the event and review it at any convenient time.

Key topics

Webinars are rapidly gaining popularity. In theory, they are suitable for discussing absolutely any areas and topics, but in practice online seminars are most often used in the following areas:

  1. Marketing.
  2. Economy.
  3. Staff training.
  4. Programming.
  5. Self-development, enlightenment. Webinars of this kind help people find motivation for subsequent personal growth.
  6. Finance.
  7. Remote education for students and schoolchildren. More and more students will learn about what a webinar is when there is no need to personally attend classes. Also, many modern universities provide online training programs for everyone, regardless of country of residence.

education webinars

How to properly organize webinar recording? Tips & Tricks

Before creating your webinar, you need to choose the most suitable program for this event. On the Internet you can find quite high-quality and fast free platforms. One such program is called Geniroom. This is a relatively new service, but most webinars are held on it. Geniroom is characterized by ease of use. It is possible to conveniently view and participate in the broadcast, even from mobile devices and smartphones. In the free version, the number of users is limited to five people.webinar recording

Where to find an audience

Participants of the future broadcast can be found in social networking groups or on thematic forums.The creators of the webinar should describe in as much detail as possible all aspects of the webinar, indicate the time zone and time, because users can live in different parts of the world. Before creating an information record, you should write briefly about what a webinar is, the features of a specific online seminar.

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